Top 10 Tiktokers in Ghana and their monthly earnings

11 months ago 25

Ghana has s??n a ris? in th? popularity of TikTok, and many tal?nt?d individuals hav? ?m?rg?d as th? top TikTok?rs in th? country. In this articl?, w? will ?xplor? th? top 10 TikTok?rs in Ghana and d?lv? into th?ir...

Ghana has s??n a ris? in th? popularity of TikTok, and many tal?nt?d individuals hav? ?m?rg?d as th? top TikTok?rs in th? country.

In this articl?, w? will ?xplor? th? top 10 TikTok?rs in Ghana and d?lv? into th?ir ?arnings p?r month.

From danc? chall?ng?s to com?dic skits, th?s? influ?nc?rs hav? captur?d th? att?ntion of thousands, if not millions, of follow?rs and ar? r?aping th? financial b?n?fits of th?ir succ?ss on th? platform.

H?r? ar? th? nam?s of th? top 10 TikTok?rs in Ghana:

1. Jacklin? M?nsah

jackline mensahjackline mensah

Jacklin? M?nsahIs an incr?dibly tal?nt?d TikTok?r who has gain?d a massiv? following for h?r ?nt?rtaining and ?n?rg?tic comic danc? vid?os.

H?r cr?ativity and catchy chor?ography hav? ?arn?d h?r a spot at th? top of th? TikTok charts in Ghana.

jackline mensahjackline mensah

With h?r growing popularity, Jacklin? M?nsah is not only gaining fam? but also making a significant amount of mon?y through brand collaborations and sponsorships.

jackline mensahjackline mensah (photo credit google)

H?r monthly ?arnings ar? ?stimat?d to b? in th? thousands, making h?r on? of th? high?st-?arning TikTok?rs in Ghana.

K??p an ?y? out for Jacklin? M?nsah as sh? continu?s to dominat? th? TikTok sc?n? with h?r inf?ctious danc? mov?s and vibrant p?rsonality.

2. Hajia Bintu

hajia bintuhajia bintu

Is a social m?dia s?nsation known for h?r curvac?ous figur? and captivating danc? mov?s.

H?r vid?os on TikTok hav? gain?d millions of vi?ws, and sh? has manag?d to amass a larg? following of fans who can’t g?t ?nough of h?r ?nt?rtaining cont?nt.

hajia bintuhajia bintu

Hajia Bintu’s popularity has l?d to num?rous brand collaborations and sponsorships, furth?r boosting h?r fam? and fortun?.

Hajia bintuHajia bintu (photo credit instagram)

With h?r big backsid? and larg? hips, sh? continu?s to captivat? audi?nc?s and solidify h?r position as on? of th? most popular TikTok?rs in Ghana.

3. Asant?waa


Asant?waa, anoth?r TikTok s?nsation, has also found imm?ns? succ?ss and w?alth through h?r captivating danc? mov?s.

H?r ?n?rg?tic and flawl?ss p?rformanc?s hav? garn?r?d millions of vi?ws, prop?lling h?r to stardom.


Asant?waa’s uniqu? ability to conn?ct with h?r audi?nc? has r?sult?d in a d?dicat?d fan bas? that ?ag?rly anticipat?s h?r ?v?ry vid?o.


This loyal following has caught th? att?ntion of various brands and sponsors, l?ading to lucrativ? collaborations that hav? only add?d to h?r alr?ady impr?ssiv? fortun?.

With h?r incr?dibl? tal?nt and magn?tic p?rsonality, Asant?waa continu?s to dominat? th? social m?dia sc?n? and solidify h?r status as on? of Ghana’s top TikTok?rs.

4. Stargyal (afronitaaa)


Stargyal, also known as Afronitaaa, is a tal?nt?d and captivating danc?r who has captur?d th? h?arts of many with h?r m?sm?rizing mov?s.

H?r ?n?rgy and passion shin? through in ?v?ry p?rformanc?, l?aving h?r audi?nc? in aw?.


Stargyal’s uniqu? styl? and inf?ctious ?nthusiasm hav? gain?d h?r a larg? following on social m?dia platforms, wh?r? sh? shar?s h?r incr?dibl? danc? routin?s with th? world.

AfronitaaAfronitaa (photo credit Ghanadwom)

H?r tal?nt has not gon? unnotic?d, as sh? has caught th? att?ntion of brands and sponsors who r?cogniz? h?r star pow?r.

With ?ach collaboration, Stargyal’s popularity grows, solidifying h?r status as on? of th? most promising danc?rs in th? industry.

5. Officialstart?r

Official Start?r has found a p?rf?ct dir?ction for his Tiktok journ?y that has gott?n ?v?ryon? loving him and wanting mor?.


Known for as th? man that danc?s with mark?t wom?n, th? danc?r has diff?r?ntly rul?d Tiktok this past y?ar with his charming vid?os with mark?t wom?n.


H? is mostly shirtl?ss as h? int?ract?d with som? mark?t us?rs whos? count?nanc?s app?ar?d to tickl? his fancy.


H? has manag?d to garn?r ov?r 500k follow?rs on TikTok and is still growing.

6. Demand and Supply

Ghanaian content creators Clement Kumi and Justice Bempong, known as Demand and Supply , have also found success on TikTok with their unique and humorous videos.

The duo specializes in creating skits and parodies that reflect the everyday lives of Ghanaians.

demand and supplydemand and supply

Their relatable content has struck a chord with viewers, and they have amassed a loyal following of over 1 million followers.

demand and supplydemand and supply

With their growing popularity, Demand and Supply have not only become influential figures on TikTok but have also attracted the attention of brands and advertisers who are eager to collaborate with them.

demand and supplydemand and supply

As they continue to produce entertaining and engaging content, it’s clear that Demand and Supply have a bright future ahead in the world of social media.

7.  Erkua Official

Erkuah Official, as known on TikTok, is on? of th? most follow?d apps this y?ar, with ov?r 4 million follow?rs.


With l?ss known about h?r, Erkuah manag?d to attain fam? in Nig?ria and Ghana as h?r cont?nt k?pt going viral on social m?dia platforms.

Erkua OfficialErkua Official

8. Nancy G

nancy Gnancy G

Nancy Yamoah Gyimaa, popularly known as Nancy G, is on? of th? most follow?d TikTok c?l?briti?s in Ghana. Sh? has ov?r 576, 000 TikTok follow?rs and ov?r 9. 8 million vid?o lik?s.

Nancy GNancy G

9. Mad? in Ghana

made in ghanamade in ghana

Mad? in Ghana is a Ghanaian comic cr?ator. H? dr?w att?ntion to his craft with how p?rf?ctly h? was abl? to mimic Shatta Wal?.

Th? com?dian with th? r?al nam? Richard Frimpong start?d off on Instagram but d?cid?d to distribut? his cont?nt on oth?r platforms lik? TikTok, Twitt?r, and YouTub?.

made in ghanamade in ghana

H? has gain?d a massiv? following and continu?s to ?nt?rtain his fans with hilarious skits.

made in Ghanamade in Ghana (photo credit Ghanaweb)

10. Enduranc?grand


Enduranc? Grand, th? danc?r ros? to fam? by posting danc? fr??styl? vid?os to social m?dia sit?s lik? Tiktok and oth?rs.

Sh? has rul?d tiktok this y?ar with h?r fr??styl?s that astounds h?r follow?rs on tiktok and instagram with high-?n?rgy dancing p?rformanc?s that includ? h?r dancing ?ns?mbl?.


Th? tiktok danc?r is on? of th? most w?ll-known danc?rs at Dwp Acad?my Accra and curr?ntly has 2. 2 million follow?rs on th? app.

Get Familiar With Endurancegrand, Ghana's New Dancing QueenEnduranc?grand (photo credit instagram)

Th?s? tal?nt?d individuals hav? gain?d massiv? popularity on TikTok, and th?ir monthly ?arnings r?fl?ct th?ir succ?ss on th? platform.

From brand collaborations to sponsor?d cont?nt, th?s? TikTok?rs ar? making a substantial incom? from th?ir cr?ativ? cont?nt on TikTok in Ghana.

It’s no wond?r that th?y hav? b?com? som? of th? bigg?st ?arn?rs in th? country.

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