Aliou Cisse sends a strong warning to 2023 AFCON contenders – “We are not afraid, we are going to this CAN with a lot, a lot, a lot of ambition”

10 months ago 49

But humility does not mean that we do not have confidence in ourselves. He said, “Dion Lopy could have been there, today he is not there. I don’t know which African team is going to have confidence in...

But humility does not mean that we do not have confidence in ourselves.

He said, “Dion Lopy could have been there, today he is not there.

I don’t know which African team is going to have confidence in themselves,” said the former skipper.


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On his reserves, “Reservists.

We have a list of 55 players.

We have until the first match to change.

So we have a margin”, said Cisse when quizzed about the chances of those who couldn’t make it to the final 27-man list.


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