Advanced INROOM ALL DAY class

10 months ago 36

Once a month advanced INROOM class with SAC founder Chum Ehelepola Once a month Chum will offer an all day 9am to 5pm inroom class. This is an advanced class for experienced actors. In this session Chum will work...

Once a month advanced INROOM class with SAC founder Chum Ehelepola

Once a month Chum will offer an all day 9am to 5pm inroom class. This is an advanced class for experienced actors. In this session Chum will work with actors to discover their boundaries and help them navigate blocks and visit new realms. Experienced actors have very little avenues to test their work, especially as some classes can feel less challenging or you have to commit to a term… UNTIL NOW!

In the past and present actors from shows such as Last King of the Cross, North Shore, Home and Away, Family Law, Whose Line is it Anyway and way to many more to mention have graced the boards of this class.

The goal is to find failure, where is the edge of the performance and the actor? If we prescribe and pre determine our choices then we can never truly dare to experiment and see what our body can do when our head doesn’t try to control it with over analysis and “beats to hit”. A professional actors knows all the “beats”, “wants”, “turning points”, “subtext” and all the valuable acting jargon but how does an actor deliver these vital attributes of a scene and still surprise themselves? If you surprise yourself in a performance, then you will surprise your audience.

Chum is a top Australian actor starring in the hit show THE NEWSREADER for ABC and is about to star in AMC’s NAUTILUS. Chum has worked in the US for Disney, AMC, Netflix and more and in Australia he is a staple on television.

This is a select course and is open BY INVITATION AND SELECTION ONLY. If you would like to submit yourself for consideration then please email If you could add your bio and a reel if you have one that would be great. We will watch your work and get in touch.

This INROOM class stands to be one of Australia’s most challenging and insightful classes. A room full of experienced actors all trying to find failure! How much more fun can that be!

To apply please email with a bio and a link to a reel, self tapes or footage

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