For Actors: Cognitive Distortions

10 months ago 30

 I work with a lot of actors, and I have found that these cognitive distortions can come up for many of us. They can take us down a rabbit hole and cause a lot of unnecessary pain. It can...


I work with a lot of actors, and I have found that these cognitive distortions can come up for many of us.

They can take us down a rabbit hole and cause a lot of unnecessary pain. It can be helpful to become aware of them, and to find ways to get back in touch with a healthier mindset. These thoughts can be isolating, so it can be really valuable to reach out to someone we trust and ask for their opinion or persepctive on the situation.

Journaling can be valuable, but its important to write down the true feelings underneath our dark mental outlook. Do we feel scared, do we feel sad or alone? Again, we can find that we need to connect with someone we trust and reach out to. Sometimes we don't know what we are feeling and it can be helpful to take the time to identify what is going on. 



Are you obsessing? Are you locked into thinking about an issue, a problem, or even about you, your perceived shortcomings or failings? You can make a conscious attempt to change your thoughts and your focus when the obsessive thoughts come back. Also, breathe. Remember to take deep breaths into your belly. 

Look at your strengths. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and it can cause unneeded pain to obsess about our perceived weaknesses. Instead, balance the picture so it is more realistic - write down and acknowledge your positive qualities. Remember how hard you work and how far you have come. 

Remember that you can not read other people's minds. Try not to decide that others are thinking negative thoughts about you. You do not know this for sure. They are most likely more self involved and not thinking about you.

Also: The future is not here yet. It literally does not exist. If we catastrophize, we obsess about the worst possible outcome in our future. This would be upsetting to any of us, so don't do it. Stay in reality, stay in the present. Deal with what is in front of you. John Cusack once said that he asked his mother what he could do about all the problems in the world, saying he felt overwhelmed. She told him to focus on what is in front of him. Focusing on and getting involved with what is in front of us can be grounding and get us back in reality. 

What do you need to calm yourself down when you get stuck in a negative mental loop? Write down some ideas. Maybe a relaxation would help. Maybe looking at what you can do in this very moment. Also being nurturing or caring to yourself, since negative thinking can be a form if abuse toward ourselves. 




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