How Do I Stop Procrastinating To Do My Audition?

10 months ago 42

Any actor who has had multiple auditions in a week or faced a lot of pressure to balance work and their acting career can relate. By: TMA Team | September 26, 2023 9:23 AM Do you ever find yourself...

Any actor who has had multiple auditions in a week or faced a lot of pressure to balance work and their acting career can relate.

By: TMA Team | September 26, 2023 9:23 AM

Do you ever find yourself thinking, “Tomorrow will be the day when I will finally take the big step and finally start working on my audition,” but that tomorrow never comes? If yes, then you are not alone. 

Many aspiring actors find themselves struggling with procrastination every day which stifles their creative output. 

But here is some good news for you! We have got you covered with some simple steps that can finally put an end to your habit of delaying working on your auditions. 

Scroll down to explore some of the effective strategies to defeat procrastination and make the most of your time and talent. 


Take a closer look at these 9 effective tips to combat procrastination during your auditions: 

1. Add Audition Preparation To Your Schedule

Another strategy to overcome your procrastination is to develop a structured timetable that includes dedicated practice time for your audition preparation. Allocate specific time slots each day or week and commit to following through with them.

Figure out your daily routine and commitments and create a practice schedule that balances your audition preparation with other commitments while allowing you to have consistent and focused practice for your auditions. 

2. Break Your Tasks Into Smaller Steps

When faced with a large task, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and put it off. Going through scripts and then learning those difficult dialogues might seem a daunting task. 

However, you won't find it as daunting if you break these tasks down into smaller, smarter and achievable targets. 

For example, instead of preparing for the entire audition in a few hours, time bound yourself by giving yourself 30 minutes to prepare for each monologue. 

This is not only manageable but will also give you a sense of accomplishment once you complete each target. So break down your audition preparation into smaller and manageable tasks.

3. Identify Your Peak Productivity Hours

Identify the time of day when you work most efficiently and accomplish your goals. It allows you to schedule your practice sessions during the time when you naturally have the highest level of focus and concentration. 

Some people find morning hours to be productive hours since the mind is fresh and there are less distractions around, therefore, tasks that require immense concentration can be handled during this time. However, if you have college commitments or job duties in the morning, you can plan a night routine to practice.

You can also have more enthusiastic and dynamic rehearsals during your peak productivity hours which enable you to fully engage with your audition practice and bring your best self.

It's important to pay attention to your own energy levels and mental clarity to determine your optimal practice hours.

4. Use The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique could be quite an effective technique for actors. This technique involves working in focused bursts of time, typically 25 minutes, followed by a short break. Set a timer and fully immerse yourself in audition-related tasks during each session. After completing a short break, start another Pomodoro session. Continue this cycle of focused practice followed by short breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique can be an effective way to manage your time, maintain focus, and avoid burnout while practicing for auditions. It encourages regular breaks, which can prevent fatigue and keep you motivated throughout your preparation.

It would be best if you adapt to the Pomodoro technique to suit your audition preparation. Some actors may find that longer practice sessions work better for them, while others may prefer shorter bursts of intense practice. Find the balance that works best for you and helps you stay engaged and productive during your audition preparation.

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5. Use Time Management Tools

If tech-addiction is the reason for your procrastination, you can also take help from a multitude of apps on your devices to help from task and time management applications. These applications will remove distractions from your device. They can also help with task tracking and organizing the tasks. 

Goal setting, constant reminders and deadlines from these apps can instill a sense of urgency to kickstart your audition practice. 

Ticking off these goals from the list made by these apps will make the work enjoyable as it inculcates a sense of accomplishment. 

6. Upgrade Your Workspace

For an actor, workspace is one of the most important factors. An uncomfortable working environment sets off the mood to even do the smallest of tasks. 

It would be best if you spruce up your workspace according to your aesthetics so that you don’t dread practicing for your auditions.

Remember your work environment must always be conducive to productivity! 

7. Give Yourself A Pep Talk

Acting and auditioning can also involve a lot of rejection and criticism. 

Many actors procrastinate because they keep thinking about losing opportunities, rejection, and criticism. However, feeding yourself with negative thoughts can lead actors to doubt their capabilities and confidence.

A pep talk can help calm your nerves and provide reassurance. It allows you to focus on positive aspects and shift your mindset from fear to excitement, enabling you to channel that nervous energy into a powerful performance.

Besides this, it also helps to reignite your passion for acting, helping you stay focused and committed to your craft.

A pep talk can come from anyone, including yourself, your acting coaches, fellow actors, or loved ones. But it can do wonders to uplift your spirits, reinforce positive beliefs, and empower you as an actor.

Read More: This Mindset Shift Will Help You Avoid Actor Burnout

8. Reward Yourself

The audition process can be quite an incredibly intense and emotionally demanding process.  

Therefore, rewarding yourself provides an opportunity to take care of your mental and emotional well-being. When you reward yourself after completing specific practice sessions or achieving certain milestones, you develop a positive bond with the audition preparation process. It also allows you to prevent burnout and maintain your emotional well-being during the preparation process. 

Therefore, you should reward yourself for completing each task or achieving specific milestones during your audition preparation. Celebrate your small progress with activities or treats that you enjoy. This positive reinforcement will keep you motivated.

9. Visualize Success

One of the best strategies to keep yourself engaged and motivated during audition practices is to visualize success. Imagine yourself performing confidently and flawlessly in your audition. Create a mental image of yourself delivering a stellar performance in front of directors and cast.  

Visualizing the positive outcomes and the feeling of accomplishment can motivate you to take action and stay engaged in your preparation.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are a beginner or a professional actor, procrastination while practicing for auditions is a common challenge for all actors out there. It is an uphill battle but you can emerge victorious by identifying your peak hours, breaking down your goals, avoiding distractions, using smart time management techniques, designing a comfortable working space along with a positive mindset, and finally with grit and determination. 

With these steps, overcoming procrastination is definitely attainable. Remember, every step taken towards overcoming procrastination is a step closer to realizing your dreams on the stage or screen. So seize the moment and take action! 

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