Visit to Singapore's 1:6 Guru Alex's Place

10 months ago 36

Revisiting an old post from way back Posted: Sunday, May 04, 2008 by a dear friend Shaun I had quite the geek weekend, having attended Free Comic Book Day at G & B Comics on Saturday, followed by a visit...

Revisiting an old post from way back 

Posted: Sunday, May 04, 2008 by a dear friend Shaun

I had quite the geek weekend, having attended Free Comic Book Day at G & B Comics on Saturday, followed by a visit to toy heaven holy city promised land Alex's place on Sunday.

That's no house, it's a toy museum

I first chanced upon Alex's collection via Cliff's post way back in October 2006, and raved about his amazing collection, which led to us striking up an online friendship.

Being quite the toy enthusiast and learning that he lived pretty close by, I asked him (nicely) whether it'd be ok to drop by his place to check out his cool stuff. Best Pal (who collects every toy) and Michelle (who collects 1:6 figs) were keen to come along too, which resulted in our long awaited visit to Alex's place.

The Living Room

The coolest shelves in the hall, IMHO, housed the following figures:

CIA and DEVGRU figures


When we were seated at the dining table and consuming the food our hosts had kindly prepared for us, the hall made me wonder how they even managed to finish their meals with so much plastic goodness to look at. I'd be too distracted, but I'm guessing the novelty wears off after looking at it daily. Still...

The Work Area
Daisy and Alex run their own company that specialises in graphic design. That's plausible, but the fact that they get serious work done in this room is a superhuman feat. Alex mentioned that the toys in the room both inspires and motivates him to work harder so that he can collect more toys. Works for me.

My favourite pieces in the room were the Jin Rohs...

 ...and Terminator figures.

The Master Bedroom
Toys in the master bedroom. Daisy, you rock.

Jared & Jevon's Room

This Toybiz Fantastic Four figs are way old skool

You guys have got to be the luckiest kids I've ever met. Seriously.

Even the lavatories aren't spared. This really is hardcore.

Daisy and Alex's 15 minutes of Fame
More like 1.5 years actually, do ask them more about if you get to catch them. :)

Thanks Daisy and Alex for being such wonderful hosts and having us over. It was jolly good fun.

L - R: Tim, Michelle, Me, Daisy, Alex,Best Pal

I'm understating. This afternoon frickin' rocked! Thank you both so much. :)

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