In 1975, a remarkable discovery brought to light the hidden legacy of Michelangelo, the revered master of the Italian Renaissance. The revelation centered around a clandestine underground chamber, concealed for... The post Walls Of “Secret” Room Where Michelangelo Was...
Musei del BargelloIn 1975, a remarkable discovery brought to light the hidden legacy of Michelangelo, the revered master of the Italian Renaissance.
The revelation centered around a clandestine underground chamber, concealed for centuries, adorned with sketches crafted by the persecuted artist himself. Now, after almost five decades, this “secret” underground sanctuary is poised to unveil its mysteries to the public for the first time.
Michelangelo, renowned for masterpieces like the iconic David and the awe-inspiring ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, sought refuge in this covert space for approximately two months in 1530. His life was in jeopardy as Pope Clement VII, a member of the powerful Medici family, had issued a death sentence against him.