Who would think that unpacking boxes of donated food could make a person cry� And yet this evening, it has. I was out of town over the weekend and the Pantry Crew took over pantry duty for me.� They...
Who would think that unpacking boxes of donated food could make a person cry�
And yet this evening, it has.
I was out of town over the weekend and the Pantry Crew took over pantry duty for me.� They are a crack bunch of humans who bring in donations and fill the pantry.� You see, since the LYFP has been in existence for 2 � years now, people have come to rely on it and know that if they need something, it is a resource.� So, when we are not here to take care of it, the Pantry Crew takes over.
As I was waiting for my Lyft to take me to the airport on Thursday, the Amazon driver stopped and dropped off some boxes.� I rushed to put them inside before jumping in my ride.� And the Pantry Crew brought more boxes that arrived while I was gone.� Now that I am back home, I have begun the task of opening boxes and putting the donations onto the storage shelves.
And that�s what brought me to tears�
People are donating in memory of E.A. Raven.
I told the story of this amazing human last week.� She was the �patron saint� of the Little Yellow Free Pantry � a complete stranger who must�ve heard about Kindness Activist by reading about us in the Washington Post or seeing the story about us on �On The Road With Steve Hartman�.� However she heard about our mission, she supported it wholeheartedly and gave very, very generously.� When her sister, another stranger to me, reached out to tell me that she had died, I cried.
And this evening donations coming in bearing her name made me tear up again.
Cheesy mashed potato cups.� Go-Go Squeeze.� Toilet paper.� A summer sausage. Shelf stable meals.� Soup.� Maple Flavored Spam�� And more.
All in memory of E.A. Raven.
May her generosity and commitment to making the world a better place continue to create kindness ripples near and far.�
Thanks, E.A. Raven.� Your work continues.� You are remembered.
(If you would like to donate items to the Little Yellow Free Pantry, the Amazon wish list is here:��Little Yellow Free Pantry Wish List
You can sort the list by priority (high to low) to see what is most needed.�
What is urgent as of November 6 is jars of peanut butter of any brand and type (we are out), cans of vegetables and fruit, cake mixes of any brand and flavor (we are out), and shelf stable meals (like Hormel Compleats or something similar � we go through a lot of those).�