Number 365

10 months ago 34

Our Delegate to the Virginia Assembly, Alfonso Lopez, stopped by this evening.  His mission was to put up a yard sign on our busy corner (we are squarely in his team so he knows that ask gets a “yes”). ...

Our Delegate to the Virginia Assembly, Alfonso Lopez, stopped by this evening.  His mission was to put up a yard sign on our busy corner (we are squarely in his team so he knows that ask gets a “yes”). 

But while he was here, we took time to chat.  Talked about the upcoming elections.  Talked about the repair to the porch David is working on.  Talked about the family arriving in America soon that needs temporary housing.  What an honor to have direct access to someone who represents us in government.  Not all Americans have that privilege, and I am thankful we do.

As we talked, I remembered that I have never shared an important story that involves Alfonso.  There are many reasons it has not been written about – time to sit down and compose being a factor.  But the main reason is this:  talking about yourself is difficult.  It can come across as boasting, which is a trait that I do not admire. 

But then I thought, by NOT sharing this story, I am not giving Alfonso the gratitude and respect that he deserves for honoring me in such a special and significant way.  And by not sharing it, I miss an opportunity to spread some kindness ripples. 

So – here’s the story…

On February 12, 2023 we hosted the 2nd birthday party for the Little Yellow Free Pantry.  I invited the community, and my sister even flew in from Omaha to be a part of the celebration.  We had hoped for a sunny, chilly day full of laughter and cupcakes and cookies.  Instead, what we got was a very cold, rainy day – but still full of laughter and cupcakes and cookies.

It rained super hard.  We had a canopy set up and guests huddled under it around the fire pit.  Kids created crafts (with glitter, lots of glitter!!) on the covered back porch.  We drank hot cocoa and hot tea.  One of David’s jobs was to periodically poke the underside of the canopy with a broom handle to move the puddles that had formed onto the ground.  Once the puddle he was getting rid of splashed right into the firepit – smoke and ashes flew everywhere.  Cue the laughter…

One pantry guest who is without housing came by to get food and we invited him into the celebration.  He sat right down and chatted with the other everyone.  It was a cold day, but fun.

Late in the afternoon, State Representative Alfonso Lopez showed up.  And he brought with him a large blue folder, inside of which was a formal print of House Joint Resolution 365 – commending me, Susan Thompson-Gaines, for my work as a Kindness Activist.  Makes me tear up even thinking about it.

I don’t do this work for accolades.  I don’t do it to be recognized or applauded. 

I do kindness work because it makes my heart happy, and it makes the world a kinder place.  And really, don’t we all want happy hearts and a kind place to live?

Alfonso read the resolution aloud, and a kind neighbor videoed some of it and shared it with me, which I will share in the link here.

Alfonso Lopez Reading House Joint Resolution No. 365

Thank you Alfonso.  I am humbled and I am honored.  Maybe someday I will have an actual Kindness Activist OFFICE instead of working off the very full dining room table at home.  When that happens I can frame and hang this beautiful piece of parchment and hang it on the wall.

Until then, I will keep up the kindness.  Even on days when it is hard, and there feels like too much to juggle.  I would like to think that me finding this passion and diving into it so deeply would make my parents proud.  Wish they could see this Joint Resolution…  My dad would’ve photocopied this puppy 2 dozen times and handed out copies to all of his buddies (he might’ve even faxed it to a few of them…), and my mom most certainly would’ve cried when she saw it.

Go out there and be kind, friends.  It doesn’t cost you anything.  And it can honestly make a dent in changing the world.



P.S. – I just noticed tonight that it is House Joint Resolution Number 365.  I think that means 365 days in a year.  As in, be kind 365.


#KindnessActivist   #JustBeKind   #BeKind365


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