Using Chlorine In Water Raises Risk of Cancer

10 months ago 44

According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, “Cancer risk among people using chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.”“We are learning the hard way that all the time...

According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, “Cancer risk among people using chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.”“We are learning the hard way that all the time we thought we were preventing epidemics of one disease, we were creating another. Two decades after the start of chlorinating our drinking water the epidemic of heart trouble and cancer began.”Dr. Joseph M. PriceBreast cancer, which now affects one in every eight women in North America, has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the breast tissue. A study carried out in Hartford, Conneticut, the first of it’s kind in North America found that “women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer.”One of the most shocking components to all of these studies is that up to two thirds of our harmful exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering.A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water. The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water. Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our bloodstream.When we drink contaminated water, the toxins are partially filtered out by our kidneys and digestive system. Chlorine vapors are known to be a strong irritant to the sensitive tissue and bronchial passages inside our lungs. It was used as a chemical weapon in World War II. The inhalation of chlorine is a suspected cause of asthma and bronchitis, especially in children, which has increased 300% in the last two decades. #chlorinatedwater

Assessment of the Carcinogenic Potential of Chlorinated Water: Experimental Studies of Chlorine, Chloramine, and Trihalomethanes

Chlorination, Chlorination By-products, and Cancer:A Meta-analysis

Cancer Death Rates Are Tied To the Chlorine in Our Water

Using Chlorine In Water Raises Risk of Cancer

Colorectal cancers and chlorinated water


Joseph G. Hattersley


Barrie Carlsen

Let’s explore this. When chlorinated water is run through a hose or carried in a pail followed by milk as in a dairy, what happens? “Very tenacious, yellowish deposits chemically similar to arterial plaque” form; with unchlorinated water this does not happen.

CBS’ “Sixty Minutes” show July 11, 1992, displayed two laboratory rats, both of them eating standard rat chow and drinking chlorinated water. One rat had clear arteries. The other was also drinking pasteurized, homogenized milk. When the animals were sacrificed and cut open,the arteries of its milk-drinking companions were clogged. A scientist in a white coat winked at the camera and said, “He [the rat he was holding] is the only one doing research on that.” The researcher didn’t say why, but the powerful dairy and chemical lobbies come to mind.

Dairy buckets and hoses, and rats’ arteries resist the arterial-wall damage known as atherosclerosis. But what can chlorinated water and milk, particularly homogenized milk, do to the far more susceptible arteries of humans? The arteries of young chickens are about as susceptible to such damage as people’s arteries. Therefore, as a first approximation, J.M. Price, MD gave cockerels (roosters less than a year old) only chlorinated water. They rapidly developed arterial plaques; and the stronger the concentration of chlorine, the faster, and worse the damage. Other cockerels given unchlorinated water developed no such damage.

The residents of the small town of Roseto, Pennsylvania, had no heart attacks despite a diet rich in saturated animal fats and milk–until they moved away from Roseto’s mountain spring water and drank chlorinated water. After that, consuming the same diet, they had heart attacks.The Roseto example is dramatic enough, but the needed detailed comparisons and follow-up are not likely to be done.

What is going on here? Highly reactive chlorine is one of the industrial waste products profitably disposed of into us Americans like garbage cans, then on into the environment. Chlorine oxidizes lipid (fatty) contaminants in the water. It thus creates free radicals (highly reactive sub-atomic particles lacking an electron) and oxysterols (formed when lipid molecules combine with oxygen molecules)……..

THE NEGATIVE HEALTH EFFECTS OF CHLORINE by Joseph G. Hattersley – October 1999

by Joseph G. Hattersley  

This paper was published in Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 2000;15;2:89-95.     Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, Editor.

Possible damage to people’s arteries
Chemical background
Other risks of chlorinated water
Relation to melanoma and cancers
Other harm from chlorination
Deaths caused by consumption of treated water
Substitute water treatments
Other water pollution problems
Purification of drinking water
ADDENDUM: Hormesis


            Federal regulations require chlorine treatment of the water supplied to urban/suburban areas of America and much of Canada from surface sources such as lakes, reservoirs and rivers. That constitutes about 75 percent of water that Americans consume. Water from underground sources generally is not chlorinated unless it is supplemented by surface water. My hometown, Lacey, Washington, and some surrounding communities that are supplied water by Lacey, are fortunate to be among that group; I’d like to see that continue.

            Chlorination is inferior water treatment on at least two counts. (1) Although it has greatly lowered infectious waterborne diseases in the U.S. and Canada, chlorination fails against a variety of water problems including parasites and can seriously harm people who use the water. (2) Its cost is unnecessarily high. As of 1996, Andover, Massachusetts’ new ozone treatment costs $83 per million gallons of purified water, only two-thirds as much as the old treatment process. The town saves $64,000 annually in chemicals costs alone,[1] and uses less electricity. See later.

Possible damage to people’s arteries……..

Chlorine, Cancer, And Heart Disease – Global Healing Center …

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

Adding chlorine to drinking water is a practice that began in the late 1800s, and by 1904 this was the standard in water treatment. For the most part, this process is still implemented today. Unfortunately, chlorine isn’t used because it’s the safest or most effective means of disinfection — it’s just the cheapest. In spite of all our technological advances, we essentially still pour bleach in our water before we drink it. The long-term effects of chlorinated drinking water have just recently being recognized. Past research has indicated it may be a contributor to cancer; however, there is no conclusive data to replicate these findings. [1]

History of Chlorine Danger

Dr. Joseph Price wrote a highly controversial book in the late sixties titled Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine and concluded that …………..

Alzheimer Disease and the chlorine connection. From the science it is clear that when combined together with aluminum that chlorine has a direct link with Alzheimer’s disease.

Did you know that Aluminum is added to our drinking water. Click on the link below this photo to get more information

Aluminum Chloride – Diseases | CTD

The link between Aluminum, Fluoride and Alzheimer’s disease

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