a guide to manifesting on your birthday

one year ago 51

Your birthday is an ideal time for manifestation and to dream big. Start with these journal prompts.

Happy Birthday! We’re wishing you a beautiful and healthy new spin around the sun.

Birthdays are an ideal opportunity to set new intentions and dream big. We really believe in the power of manifestation and reflection. Here are 6 journaling prompts our team uses with clients to think about the year ahead.

What are you calling in for your year ahead? Be specific!

What’s one action you can take in the next week towards that?

What do you want to leave behind in last year? (patterns, behaviors, people, places, things)

What’s a wellness goal that is not weight related that you’re going to achieve this year? (for example, signing up for a race, learning crow pose, lowering cholesterol, etc.)

How can you be kinder to and more patient with yourself this year?

Is there anything else you’d like to commit to to start this year off with a bang? (for example, not drinking alcohol, going phone free when you wake up, meditating for 5 minutes daily, walking 20 minutes daily, etc.)

Spend 15-20 minutes journaling on the above, and see what insights, thoughts or ah-ha’s come through for you.

May all your wishes, goals and manifestations come true!

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