How To Know if Someone Needs Rehab For Drugs or Alcohol

one year ago 54

Drug addiction is one of the most common mental health issues, affecting millions of Americans every day. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 million adults have used illicit drugs in the past month...

Drug addiction is one of the most common mental health issues, affecting millions of Americans every day. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 million adults have used illicit drugs in the past month alone. If you suspect someone you know might struggle with substance abuse, it’s important to take action now. Here are some warning signs you may see in loved ones, friends, co-workers, family members, and even yourself:

• Losing interest in hobbies and social relationships

• Feeling isolated from others because of their behavior

• Spending money faster than usual

• Using substances to cope with stressors in life

• Getting into arguments over minor things

• Changing personality traits

Signs of Drug Use & Addiction: How To Tell if Someone Is On Drugs

Substance use and abuse are common across America. This infographic highlights some of the most common types of drugs used by Americans today. It also provides information about how to recognize the signs of drug use and addiction.

Common Signs Of Habitual Substance Use Among Adults

• Feeling anxious, depressed, angry, sad, guilty, or hopeless

• Having trouble sleeping or concentrating

• Making poor decisions or risky choices

• Spending money you don’t have

• Missing work or school due to substance use

Signs & Symptoms of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction affects people in many different ways. Some people become addicted to substances like cocaine, heroin, marijuana, prescription pills, etc., while others are addicted to activities such as gambling, shopping, sex, video games, binge eating, etc.

There are signs and symptoms of drug addiction. If you suspect that someone you know might be abusing drugs or alcohol, it is important to take action immediately. You can help prevent further harm by seeking treatment now.

Signs of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is defined as using drugs repeatedly despite negative consequences. Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive use of substances, loss of control over substance use, and continued use even though it causes problems in life. Many people think of drug abuse as being similar to alcohol abuse; however, there are many different types of drugs that can lead to addiction. Some of the most common addictive drugs include heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, nicotine, prescription painkillers, and benzodiazepines.

The signs of drug abuse vary depending on what type of drug you are abusing. For example, some drugs such as marijuana may cause a person to feel relaxed and mellow while others like opiates may make a person feel numb. Other symptoms of drug abuse include:

• Weight Gain / Weight Loss – People who abuse drugs often experience weight gain because they do not eat properly and tend to overeat or undereat. This can lead to obesity.

• Insomnia – People who abuse drugs may find themselves having trouble sleeping at night due to withdrawal symptoms.

• Changes in Mood – A person addicted to drugs may start acting differently around friends and family members. They may become irritable, angry, sad, or depressed.

• Dry Mouth – Because of the way drugs affect the brain, a person may develop a constant craving for water. As a result, the body produces less saliva, causing the mouth to become dry and sore.

• Red, Bloodshot Eyes – When someone abuses drugs, their pupils dilate and constrict, making it difficult to see clearly. Sometimes the eyes turn red because of the extra blood flow caused by drug abuse.

Physical Signs of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is one of the most destructive addictions in the world today. There are many different types of drugs that can cause problems ranging from mild to severe. Some of the most common drugs include alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, oxycodone, and others.

While some people think that drug use is harmless, there are actually many serious side effects associated with abusing certain substances. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug addiction can lead to numerous health issues including liver disease, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, depression, anxiety disorders, memory loss, and much more.

The following are some of the most common physical signs of drug abuse.

1. Frequent Runny Nose

Frequent runny nose is often caused by nasal congestion due to smoking cigarettes or inhaling secondhand smoke. This symptom can also occur if someone uses snuff, sniffing glue, or even overusing decongestants.

2. Tremors

Tremors are involuntary movements that usually happen while under the influence of stimulant drugs such as amphetamines, caffeine, ecstasy, methamphetamines, and cocaine. They can range from small twitches to full body shakes.

Psychological Signs of Drug Addiction

Some psychological signs of drug abuse are changes in personality traits, paranoid, fearful or obsessive thinking, dismal outlook on or attitude towards live, withdrawing emotionally from loved ones, feelings of apathy or lack interest, lack of motivation and irritability, withdrawal symptoms including extreme lethargy, making people feel unmotivated.

A therapist can help address these problems through individual therapy.

Behavioral Signs of Drug Addiction

Drug use is often associated with being out of control, but it doesn’t always mean that. Many people who use drugs don’t show obvious signs of addiction. However, there are some behavioral signs that indicate whether or not someone is addicted to drugs. If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or others, seek help immediately.

Isolating Oneself

If you see someone isolating themselves, they might be suffering from depression or anxiety. They could also be hiding something. Someone who is addicted to drugs will isolate themselves because they feel ashamed about what they’re doing. You shouldn’t ignore these behaviors. Seek professional treatment immediately.

Neglecting Responsibilities

People who neglect their responsibilities tend to spend money frivolously. This includes spending money on drugs. People who are addicted to drugs will often lie to cover up their actions. They’ll tell you that they aren’t using drugs, even though they know better. Don’t let them fool you. When you catch someone lying, you should take action immediately.

Financial Problems

Addicts often find themselves in financial trouble. They may ask to borrow money just, struggle with homelessness, or have credit issues.

What are the symptoms of alcohol use disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive alcohol consumption. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines alcoholism as “a primary, chronic relapsing brain disease.” In addition to the effects listed above, it causes damage to the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and stomach.

Long-term heavy drinkers often develop cirrhosis of the liver, cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, colon, rectum, liver, breast, prostate gland, bladder, uterus, cervix, ovaries, testicles, and kidney; high blood pressure; diabetes mellitus; and sleep apnea.

Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are characterized by severe impairment in functioning due to drinking. They include Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), Alcohol Dependence (AD), and Abuse. AUD is defined as “a pattern of alcohol consumption leading to clinically significant impairment or distress.” AD is defined as “an inability to control one’s drinking behavior despite repeated attempts over a period of 12 months,” while abuse is defined as “use of alcohol resulting in physical harm, legal problems, social disruption, or loss of job/school opportunities.”

Lack of control over drinking

People suffering from alcohol use disorder experience physical withdrawal symptoms upon ceasing to drink alcohol. Symptoms typically begin within one hour of stopping drinking and continue for several days. They include anxiety, depression, aggression, agitation, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations, insomnia, irritability, memory impairment, mood swings, muscle twitching, nervousness, paranoia, restlessness, shortness of breath, trembling, vomiting, and weight gain. Some symptoms may persist for months or even years after abstinence begins.


Alcohol Withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms occur after the body adjusts to the absence of alcohol. For example, if someone stopped drinking three weeks ago, his/her liver might start producing enzymes needed to break down alcohol again. This process takes about 24 hours. During this time, the person experiencing symptoms may feel anxious, agitated, confused, depressed, nauseated, restless, sleepy, and shaky.

What are the stages of alcohol use disorder?

The DSM-5 describes three stages of AUD: At risk, early onset, and late onset. These stages reflect the severity of AUD symptoms and how long it takes to develop. For example, someone who drinks moderately once or twice per week could still have early onset AUD; however, someone who drinks heavily every day could have late onset AUD.

At Risk Stage

You drink socially, or drink socially to relieve stress, or just because you like the taste. People get classified as at risk because of a genetic disposition, sometimes blacking out, or running into any other similar issues as a result

Early Alcohol Use Disorder

Early Onset Alcoholism: You drink alone, or in secrecy. This is where most people begin drinking. You might start off socializing, but eventually you find yourself drinking alone. You develop a tolerance for alcohol, meaning that you need to consume more and more to achieve the same effect. You start to drink more frequently, and you even begin to drink in secret.

Mid-Stage Alcohol Use Disorder

Midstage Alcoholism: Your alcohol use is out-of-control. You cause problems with daily life.

In this phase, your alcohol use becomes out-of-control. You no longer hide what you’re doing, and you start to cause problems in your personal life. For example, you might lose your job because of excessive absences due to drinking. Or maybe you stop paying bills on time because you’re too busy getting drunk.

Late-Stage Alcohol Use Disorder – End Stage Alcohol Use Disorder

Late Onset Stage: Drinking is now the main thing in your life. You don’t care about anything else.

These are the final stages of alcoholism. In this phase, you spend almost every waking hour thinking about alcohol. You don’t eat properly, you don’t sleep well, and you don’t do anything else besides drink. You’ve lost control over your life, and your health begins to decline. If left untreated, you could die.I overreacting to a substance use problem?

What are signs of Addiction and Alcoholism?

Substance abuse can cause many problems, including health issues, legal troubles, financial woes, relationship problems and even death. If you suspect that one of your loved ones is abusing drugs or alcohol, it’s important to act quickly. Here are some signs that your friend or relative might be having trouble with substances.

1. They don’t seem like themselves anymore.

If your friend or relative used to be fun and outgoing, now he or she seems depressed or angry. You notice changes in behavior, such as mood swings, irritability or aggression. These behaviors could indicate that your friend or relative is suffering from depression or anxiety caused by drug or alcohol abuse.

2. They’ve lost interest in things they once enjoyed.

Your friend or relative used to enjoy playing sports, watching movies or hanging out with friends. Now he or she doesn’t want to do those activities. This could mean that your friend or relative isn?t interested in anything except getting high.

3. They’ve changed physically.

You know how people change when they start drinking too much. Their skin becomes pale or flushed, their eyes become bloodshot, their hair starts falling out and their body weight increases. These physical symptoms could be warning signs of substance help someone understand they need help

How To Help Someone Suffering From Alcoholism or Addiction

Don’t Blame, Argue, or Reproach

When we hear about someone suffering from a mental health issue, we tend to automatically assume that they must have done something wrong. They must have been weak, lazy, or stupid. This type of thinking is harmful because it makes the person responsible for their problems. When we make someone responsible for their problems, we give up control over their life.

Instead, try focusing on what the person needs rather than what they did wrong. For example, if you notice that your friend seems down lately, ask how things are going. You might discover that she feels overwhelmed by work or her relationship. Try to find out why she is feeling depressed and figure out what you can do to help her. By listening and asking questions, you show that you care about her well being and you demonstrate empathy.

Be Prepared to Listen, Ask Questions, and Offer Resources

If you are trying to help someone who struggles with a mental health issue, it is important to remember that they may not always tell you everything. Sometimes, people aren’t ready to talk about their feelings or they just don’t want others to worry about them. So, it’s important to be patient and understanding.

You can help by offering resources such as books, articles, apps, podcasts, blogs, etc., that could help them cope better. Also, consider taking them to therapy sessions or joining groups where they can discuss their feelings. If you suspect that they are having suicidal thoughts, call 911 Expect When a Loved One Receives Addiction Treatment

Longer treatments mean that your beloved one will go through several phases of detoxification, rehab, and counseling. Recovery is a gradual process lasting months or even years. Your loved one should receive continuing support during his or her entire recovery period.

How To Know if Someone Needs Rehab For Drugs or Alcohol

Drug addiction is one of the most destructive diseases in our society today. It affects millions of individuals worldwide, and it destroys lives. Addiction is a chronic disease that requires long term care. If you suspect someone close to you might be struggling with drugs, here are some warning signs to watch out for.

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or someone else, please seek professional help immediately.

• Losing control over eating habits

• Missing work

• Spending money excessively

• Increasingly neglecting responsibilities

• Having trouble completing tasks

You don’t have to suffer alone. Reach out today.

What To Expect When a Loved One Receives Addiction Treatment

Longer treatments mean that your beloved one will go through multiple stages of detoxification, rehab, and counseling. Recovery is a long journey that requires patience and commitment. Your loved one needs to make changes in their life, including how they eat, sleep, exercise, spend money, communicate, and socialize. They must learn to live without drugs or alcohol.

Your loved one should receive ongoing support throughout their entire treatment program. This includes regular checkups with doctors and therapists, family meetings, group therapy sessions, 12-step meetings, and individual counseling. You should attend every meeting and keep up with what’s happening in your loved one’s recovery.

The post How To Know if Someone Needs Rehab For Drugs or Alcohol appeared first on Sea Change Recovery.

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