Veganism And The Latest In Misused Studies You Can Expect To Be Incorrectly Parroted For Years To Come

10 months ago 60

I read an interesting article that quoted a study that took 22 identical twin pairs and put them on two different diets for eight weeks, then drew conclusions that the vegan/vegetarian diet was better for human health than an...

I read an interesting article that quoted a study that took 22 identical twin pairs and put them on two different diets for eight weeks, then drew conclusions that the vegan/vegetarian diet was better for human health than an omnivore diet because good results were seen. It’s true, indeed, but read on because you have to read between the lines to get the half of the story CNN left out.

Now, before we get started, this is from CNN so you should expect to be lied to going in. Or maybe “lied to” is too harsh. Maybe we should simply say, “you should expect that the half of the story that refutes the headline, or premise, will be left out of the story for [insert reason here]”. Lest we forget, this is the same news industrial complex component that stated (with a straight face) Joe Rogan was taking a horse dewormer to combat COVID in the early goings.

Folks, if you can’t report the facts as they are because good news may benefit a person or group of people you don’t want to help with good news, you aren’t a news organization. I don’t care which side you’re on.

Now, let’s get back to the facts that have to be inserted into the story about the aforementioned dietary reportage.

1. You can’t imply long term benefits on a study that only lasts eight weeks. Eight weeks is too short to draw long-term conclusions from. Everyone starts out gangbusters on a vegan or vegetarian diet, as long as they’re consuming hyper-processed vitamin supplements to balance out the nutrients they’re missing out on because of that diet. Eventually, that gray, pasty vegan skin befalls adherents of that diet without hyper-fanatically-processed supplements.

2. The test group was too small, even if the news seemed encouraging for an eight-week period.

3. The true test is, by the authors’ own admission, the vegan diet isn’t real-world sustainable because it’s too restrictive (I’m sure the vegetarian diet holds more promise). Only the truly religious amongst adherents would stick to it for any length of time.?

4. The Three Bs of the human diet: barbecue, bacon and burgers, baby. Enough said, I rest my case there.

I expect nothing less than the rhetoric continuing to ratchet up around this topic.?I almost wrote “debate”, but it really isn’t one.

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