How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolution To Stop Drinking

10 months ago 75

The champagne flutes may be sparkling, but beneath the festive cloud, a whisper of change might be stirring within you. This year, as resolutions take flight like confetti, the idea of learning how to keep your New Year’s resolution...

The champagne flutes may be sparkling, but beneath the festive cloud, a whisper of change might be stirring within you. This year, as resolutions take flight like confetti, the idea of learning how to keep your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking might hold a unique allure. Whether you’re yearning for a rejuvenating Dry January or envisioning a life untethered from alcohol’s grip, consider this your invitation to embark on a journey full of unexpected gifts and discoveries.

how to keep your new year's resolution to stop drinking header

This isn’t about deprivation or denial. It’s about reclaiming your life, waking up with clarity, and stepping into a vibrant version of yourself. It’s about rediscovering the joy in quiet mornings, the thrill of spontaneous adventures, and the profound connections that form without the need for liquid courage.

You’re not alone in this journey. We’re here to cheer you on, arm you with insights, and illuminate the path forward. Together, we’ll tap into the wisdom of Annie Grace, renowned expert and author of “This Naked Mind,” who’ll unveil the hidden truths about alcohol and empower you to break free from its hold.

Learn How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolution to Stop Drinking

Forget white-knuckled resolutions and restrictive rules. This is about embracing spontaneous sobriety, discovering the joys of a clear mind and a present heart, and crafting a life that truly satisfies. So, raise a glass (of sparkling water, perhaps?) to the dawn of a new year and a new you. We’re here to walk beside you, every step of the way.

Spontaneous Sobriety Says It It Possible

Before we get too deep into the six key strategies for staying alcohol-free, it’s essential to understand that quitting drinking is entirely achievable, even without formal treatment. Spontaneous sobriety, the act of reclaiming your life from alcohol dependence without formalized programs, is a powerful pathway to success, and statistics back it up.

Don’t believe us? It’s true! Over a third of individuals with alcohol dependence find freedom on their own, a rate four to seven times higher than participants in traditional programs. Reliable, consistent data on 12-step program success rates is limited and fraught with issues such as self-reporting, lack of follow-up, and selection bias. So why is this “go-it-alone” approach so effective?

Spontaneous sobriety isn’t about gritting your teeth and pushing through denial. No, it lies in rediscovering your inner strength, rewriting alcohol’s role in your life, and crafting a future that you’ve designed. It’s about realizing you’re not missing out, but gaining a world of clarity, presence, and deep connections that alcohol only promised.

But don’t mistake this for mission you take on solo, sans support. While formal programs may not be your path, you’re not alone. Knowledge and guidance are your allies, and resources like The Live Alcohol Experiment, The PATH by This Naked Mind, and The This Naked Mind Companion App are your compass. These tools, brimming with insights from expert Annie Grace, empower you to understand the psychology behind alcohol, navigate triggers, and build a fulfilling life that thrives without the crutch of a drink.

Now, let’s dig into the six strategies that’ll show you exactly how to keep your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking!

"You think about alcohol as this thing you're losing if you give it up, but it's really everything that you gain from letting it go." keep your new year's resolution to stop drinking

1. From Giving Up To Gaining

How to keep your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking? It all starts with a powerful shift in perspective. Instead of viewing it as a sacrifice, embrace it as a magnificent upgrade. Forget “giving up” – this is about “gaining” a life brimming with an overflowing fountain of hope.

Think of it like trading in an old, worn-out car for a sleek, fuel-efficient model. You wouldn’t focus on the missing dents or faded paint, would you? No, you’d be exhilarated by the smooth ride, the open road, and the newfound freedom. That’s the spirit to bring to your journey!

Remember those Dry January or Sober October experiences? Sure, there might have been initial apprehension. But imagine if you’d approached them not with dread, but with curiosity and anticipation. You could have seen them as adventure trails, leading to a secret stash of benefits waiting to be discovered.

Studies support this too: 92% of abstainers report increased happiness, better sleep, and reduced anxiety. Imagine shedding the weight of hangovers and replacing them with the lightness of early morning clarity. Picture yourself radiating confidence without needing liquid courage. See yourself forming deeper connections, not fueled by alcohol, but by genuine presence.

This isn’t about deprivation or missing out. It’s about acquiring a life that sparkles, a life where your inner light shines brighter than any clinking glass. So, shift your mindset from “giving up” to “gaining.” Embrace the adventure, celebrate the wins, and watch as your life blossoms. Remember, the most powerful tool in your “how to keep your resolution” toolkit is a positive, growth-oriented mindset. It’s the key that unlocks a world of possibilities, waiting for you to explore.

2. Ignite Your Inner Explorer: Curiosity as Your Compass

Forget rigid resolutions and forced affirmations. Unlocking the secret to keeping your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking might lie in a simpler, more powerful tool: curiosity. It’s not about gritting your teeth or battling willpower; it’s about embarking on a vibrant adventure of self-discovery.

Instead of chanting “I won’t drink,” ignite the spark of “what if?” Imagine whispering to yourself: “What might unfold if I explored a different path? Can this life be even richer, more vibrant, without my old frenemy?” Curiosity becomes a gentle nudge, pulling you towards inner landscapes waiting to be explored.

The truth is, many of us cling to alcohol because it’s become so deeply entrenched in our familiar routines, as ordinary to us as brushing our teeth each day. But what if we peeked beneath the surface? What if we asked:

Could there be other ways to celebrate, connect, and unwind? Can I still be the life of the party, still be “me,” without that liquid courage? Might there be a hidden strength, a deeper joy waiting to be unearthed?

Curiosity becomes your bridge, a sturdy rope stretching between the familiar shore and the unknown island. It allows you to hold both realities – the comfort of the known and the thrill of the unexplored – without judgment. This open-mindedness creates fertile ground for exploration. You’ll find yourself naturally drawn to resources, conversations, and experiences that nourish your alcohol-free journey.

But curiosity’s magic goes beyond mere information gathering. It carves out a safe space within you, a quiet observer between your thoughts and emotions. This mindful awareness grants you a superpower: the ability to step back, observe, and choose. No longer a puppet at the mercy of every urge, you become the director of your own play. You savor the triumphs, learn from the stumbles, and navigate challenges with newfound wisdom.

Embrace curiosity – it’s not just a tool, it’s your internal GPS system. It leads you not just through your alcohol-free resolution, but towards a deeper understanding of yourself. So, put down the affirmations, pick up your magnifying glass, and let wonder be your guide. The most incredible adventure of your life awaits, shimmering with possibility, just beyond the veil of curiosity.

3. Ditch the Forbidden Fruit

Imagine taking on a New Year’s resolution to ditch the booze, but instead of feeling deprived, you find yourself unlocking a hidden library of knowledge about your own well-being. That’s the magic of ditching the “forbidden fruit” mentality and climbing the tree of knowledge instead.

Rather than putting up walls against alcohol, let’s shine a light on its effects. How does it impact your energy levels? Your relationships? Your sleep? Or even your career? Explore these questions with curiosity, not judgment. Each answer is a delicious morsel of self-discovery, not a forbidden apple.

Think of it like this: a child told not to touch the candy jar is more likely to crave it. But leave the jar open, and suddenly, the candy loses its mystique. The same goes for alcohol. When you demystify its effects, it loses its forbidden allure.

overcome forbidden fruit syndrome to keep your new year's resolution to stop drinking

But learning shouldn’t be a scary lecture! Ditch the dry statistics and doom-and-gloom. Instead, pick the fruit of information:

Read inspiring stories of others who changed their relationship with alcohol. Dive into podcasts and documentaries about the science behind alcohol’s impact. Join online communities where you can share experiences and learn from others.

Remember, knowledge is power. The more you understand about alcohol, the more empowered you become to make informed choices about your own well-being.

So, this New Year, ditch the forbidden fruit and climb the tree of knowledge and know-how. Savor the knowledge, celebrate your discoveries, and watch as the allure of alcohol fades away, replaced by the joy of a healthier, happier you.

Remember, learning how to keep your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking is all about understanding, not deprivation.

4. Equip Yourself for the Journey: Tools to Navigate Your New Year’s Resolution

Remember that breezy “oh, easy!” feeling when you first thought about giving up alcohol? It’s a common misconception, one that can quickly morph into frustration and self-blame when cravings hit and day-to-day life feels less sparkly without a drink. But hold on! Before you throw in the towel on your New Year’s resolution, let’s reframe your approach.

Instead of a solo climb into the unknown, imagine a guided trek through stunning landscapes (even the rocky ones!). That’s where tools and understanding come in. How to keep your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking isn’t just about willpower – it’s about equipping yourself with the knowledge and support to navigate the emotional and physical shifts your brain experiences when alcohol leaves the scene.

I hope to be totally free from alcohol, and to learn tools which will help me first get to know my authentic self, and second, allow me to change any old ways of thinking/perspectives that are not serving me well.

Think of it like this: alcohol alters your brain chemistry, making it crave more of the good feelings it initially provides. That’s why cravings, anxiety, and even boredom can pop up after quitting. But here’s the good news: you’re not alone. This is where tools and resources become your trailblazers.


A map: Resources like The Live Alcohol Experiment, The PATH by This Naked Mind, or the This Naked Mind Companion App act as your map, revealing the terrain and offering strategies for navigating tricky climbs. A compass: By understanding how alcohol affects your brain and emotions, you’ll develop an internal compass to guide your choices and stay true north on your journey. A support group: Picture a community of fellow adventurers sharing their experiences, cheering you on, and reminding you that you’re not alone on this path.

Remember, difficulty doesn’t equal failure. In fact, it’s a sign you’re on the right track, facing the challenges head-on. So, ditch the “easy” mindset and embrace the “equipped” one. Because the truth is, most people find the initial days of quitting anything but smooth. But with the right tools and support, you can turn those bumps into stepping stones, building resilience and discovering a deeper connection to yourself and your well-being.

So, step onto your path with curiosity, not fear. Lean on the resources available, celebrate the small victories, and remember – you’re not pushing through this alone. 

5. Ditch Maybe, Embrace Powerhouse Decisions

This New Year’s, say goodbye to “maybe” when it comes to your relationship with alcohol. “Maybe I’ll skip a drink tonight” often morphs into “one shot won’t hurt,” and before you know it, your resolve has melted away with the ice cubes. Flip that script! This year, equip yourself with the power of pre-commitment, a secret weapon that’ll turn your “maybe” into a resounding “NO”.

Imagine stepping into a bustling bar, not with hesitation, but with confidence. You’ve already made a firm decision before the first clinking of glasses, a decision forged in the quiet moments before the party. Picture yourself ordering a sparkling water, feeling the fizz of empowerment instead of the burn of regret. Why? Because you declared your intentions to yourself, and to your future self. You valued your New Year’s resolution over the fleeting buzz of a drink.

But how do you make this pre-commitment stick? Here are your powerhouse tools:

Visualization: Before the party lights even glimmer, close your eyes and see yourself thriving. See yourself laughing, conversing, and genuinely enjoying the evening, all without a single sip of alcohol. This mental rehearsal builds neural pathways, making your decision feel etched in stone, not written in sand.
The Buddy System: Find your wingman, your cheerleader, your alcohol-free partner in crime! Having someone in your corner, someone who knows your goal and celebrates your progress, is a game-changer. Their presence is a constant reminder of your commitment, and their support is a warm embrace when cravings whisper temptations.
Plan Your Escape: Don’t leave your exit strategy to chance. Create a plan for the evening, knowing when and how you’ll gracefully bow out if things get overwhelming. Book a ride, have a code word with your buddy, or simply pack your “early bird” excuse – whatever sets your soul at ease.
Embrace Ghosting (Kind of): Listen, sometimes leaving without a fuss is perfectly acceptable. If the vibe shifts and your internal alarm starts blaring, don’t feel obligated to stick around. A silent exit can be a gift to yourself and those around you – no awkward goodbyes, no pressure to stay. Just slip away like a ninja, and celebrate your self-preservation skills later.

Remember, this isn’t about hiding or deprivation.

It’s about claiming your power. By making strong, upfront decisions, you’re not denying yourself fun – you’re choosing a different kind of enjoyment, one fueled by self-respect and the thrill of conquering cravings. Embrace the curious observer role. Watch the energy shift as drinks flow, witness the subtle physical changes, and gather valuable data points for your memory bank. Information is power, ammunition for your future decisions.

So, this New Year’s, ditch the “maybes” and unleash the power of pre-commitment. Visualize your success, choose your allies, plan your escape, and don’t be afraid to ghost when needed. You’ve got this, and with these tools in your arsenal, your New Year’s resolution will be more than just a wish – it’ll be a victory lap.

6. Unleash the Power of Community

Imagine a world where questioning your relationship with alcohol isn’t met with raised eyebrows, but with open arms and understanding. Where your curiosity about a life less fueled by booze isn’t a lonely whisper, but a shared symphony of voices rising in unison. This world, my friend, is already here, and it’s teeming with your tribe.

Forget the tired stereotypes of AA meetings and rehab centers. Today’s movement towards mindful drinking and alcohol-free living is a proud and vocal movement of laughter, support, and shared experiences. It’s a community of millions, young and old, across the globe, united by a single question: “What if?”

What if we could ditch the hangovers and unlock a clear-eyed version of ourselves? What if our relationships blossomed without the lubricating (and sometimes volatile) influence of alcohol? And what if our careers soared, fueled by focus and well-being? These are the questions that bind us together, the whispers that turn into roars of self-discovery.

LAE Testimonial - keep your new year's resolution to stop drinking

This isn’t about judgment or deprivation. It’s about empowerment and exploration. It’s about gathering around a virtual campfire, sharing stories of triumphs and stumbles, and realizing that you’re not alone in this quest. You have a tribe of cheerleaders, confidantes, and fellow adventurers who get it. They’ve seen the same mirages of escape in the bottom of a glass, and they’re here to guide you towards the oasis of a life lived more fully, more authentically, and yes, more fun.

Connecting with your tribe is as easy as stepping into a digital campfire. Imagine thousands of others, each holding their own torches of curiosity about their relationship with alcohol. This is the power of community – a force that can amplify your every step and illuminate the path ahead.


You’re not alone in seeking this light. Over 400,000 fellow adventurers are gearing up for a journey unlike any other: The January 2024 LIVE Alcohol Experiment with This Naked Mind. This isn’t about deprivation or judgment; it’s a 30-day exploration where you’ll:

Effortlessly recondition your brain: Break free from cravings and discover a future where “no thanks” feels natural, not forced. Embrace self-care without rules: Forget rigid regimens. Explore what nourishes your mind, body, and soul, creating a path to well-being that feels authentically you. Get healthier and feel better: Experience the physical and mental benefits of reduced alcohol consumption – clearer skin, sharper focus, and a newfound zest for life. Improve sleep, decrease stress and anxiety: Reclaim your nights and unlock a calmer, more resilient you. Feel happier and more fulfilled: Uncover the depths of your joy and rediscover the simple pleasures that truly matter. Try something new and fun!: Step outside your comfort zone and discover unexpected adventures that await. Discover what role alcohol has in your life: Gain invaluable insights into your relationship with alcohol, paving the way for conscious choices moving forward.
But the magic of this journey lies not just within the individual, but in the community. As part of The January 2024 LIVE Alcohol Experiment, you’ll be enveloped in the most engaged, positive, and encouraging environment on the planet. With unmatched grace and support, you’ll:
Share your experiences and receive validation: No judgment, just open hearts and ears ready to listen and understand. Find guidance and inspiration: Learn from others who have walked similar paths, and witness the illuminating power of community. Celebrate your victories, big and small: Every step forward, no matter how seemingly insignificant, deserves a collective cheer. Stay accountable and motivated: Find the strength to persevere in moments of doubt, knowing you’re surrounded by a team rooting for you.

Let’s Do This Together

Remember, your resolution to explore your relationship with alcohol isn’t a solo climb. It’s a trek through peaks and valleys, hand in hand with your tribe. Lean on their support, bask in their encouragement, and celebrate your victories together. Because in this journey, every step forward is a shared triumph, every challenge overcome a testament to the power of community.

So, take a deep breath, reach out, and join the chorus of voices questioning the status quo. Find your tribe, share your story, and discover the brighter, more empowered you that awaits on the other side of “maybe.”

This New Year’s resolution isn’t just about stopping drinking. It’s about starting a revolution of self-discovery, hand in hand with your tribe. Let’s raise a glass (of sparkling water, of course!) to that!

Keep Your New Year’s Resolution To Stop Drinking

Stopping drinking isn’t about deprivation or denial. It’s about unlocking a brighter and more authentic version of yourself. Go from whispering “no” to shouting it with newfound confidence, replacing hangovers with happiness, and trading anxieties for adventures. Step boldly into a New Year where you define your happiness, not the clinking of glasses.

Remember, how you keep your New Year’s resolution to stop drinking isn’t a one-size-fits-all equation. It’s a personal odyssey, one you navigate with an open mind, a touch of curiosity, and a toolkit overflowing with empowering strategies. Choose your weapons wisely – the tools that resonate with your spirit, be it meditation, journaling, or the unwavering support of your chosen tribe.

Speaking of tribes, remember you’re not traversing this path alone. Thousands, even millions, are walking alongside you, each with their own stories and victories. Find your community, lean on their collective strength, and celebrate each milestone, big or small. These shared experiences are the mortar that strengthens your resolve, the sunshine that melts away doubts.

Don’t fear the occasional misstep. It’s not a fall from grace, but a stepping stone on your journey. The key is to learn, dust yourself off, and continue with unwavering determination. Remember, every “no” uttered with conviction is a brick laid on the foundation of your new life, a life where alcohol no longer casts a shadow.

Embrace the spark of curiosity, let go of the fear, and step into this New Year with open arms. You’ve got this! The path to a brighter, alcohol-free future lies before you. Take that first step, and watch the world unfurl in ways you never imagined.
Happy New Year, and cheers to a future where your happiness flows freely, without a single drop of alcohol.

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