My Best Bowling Single Game and Series Evah!!!

10 months ago 61

The bowling is going strong this year.?I’ve got?a fantastic four-ball lineup to choose from that allows me to dial in from my favorite spot with ease.?They go from strong, all the way to the weakest of weak, a plastic...

The bowling is going strong this year.?I’ve got?a fantastic four-ball lineup to choose from that allows me to dial in from my favorite spot with ease.?They go from strong, all the way to the weakest of weak, a plastic ball.?Each of the four is drilled so well, I can’t tell the difference from one to the other except by the feel, or texture.?

Last night, I threw my first 700 series (actual) and a 279 (actual), during which a threw eleven strikes, with a 9/ in the sixth… when I got to thinking about how cool it would be to get my first 300.?I yanked the shot just a little bit, but simmered down immediately after.

Now, if you’re wondering why that wasn’t a 290-something, it’s the placement of the spare.?Strikes count the next two balls, so that strike in the 7th was worth 30-points.?Ten for the strike, plus the next two balls, which were strikes.?If that 9 had been on the very last ball, that’s a 299.?If it had been on the second to last, 289.?Make sense??I know, it’s rather complex and it took me forever to get a grasp on it.

Anyway, in addition to that near-perfect 279, I threw a respectable 191 on the first game as I struggled to find a good line, then a 233 the second game (after I did find the line I could work).?Add them up and that’s a 703 actual, my best series by something like 50 pins (if memory serves).

I had a smile stretched across my face for some time last night.?Pretty cool.?

Now, if you check the categories for this post, you’ll see “recovery” is checked.?Our team name, and nobody has ever caught this in the three decades the team has been around, stands for “Clean & Sober”.?We’re a recovering team.?Currently, I think we’ve got something like eight or nine decades cumulatively.?

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