Two Decades of educating Healthcare Professions on ADHD in Adults

a month ago 24

My journey in educating healthcare professionals on adult ADHD began in the early 2,000’s. Shire had launched Adderall XR with an indication in children and adolescents and were conducting clinical trials in adults. Through generous grants from Shire, MedLearning Inc. developed CME education on Adult ADHD working with some of the most renowned researchers and …

My journey in educating healthcare professionals on adult ADHD began in the early 2,000’s. Shire had launched Adderall XR with an indication in children and adolescents and were conducting clinical trials in adults. Through generous grants from Shire, MedLearning Inc. developed CME education on Adult ADHD working with some of the most renowned researchers and clinicians who were at the forefront of establishing ADHD as a valid disorder in adults.

There was ample controversy about ADHD in adults in the early days, complicated by lack of understanding, and zealous media outlets, but emerging data confirmed what many clinicians knew to be true. ADHD is a disorder that creates impairments throughout the lifespan.

As the data was emerging, education on adult ADHD was developed as live symposia, CD-ROM/DVDs, newsletters, monographs, and journal supplements. Looking back at this work, topics covered included:

  • Neurobiology of ADHD in Adults
  • Characteristics and Evaluation of Adult ADHD
  • Management Strategies in Adult ADHD
  • ADHD in Adults: A Genetic Perspective
  • Symptomatology and Manifestations of ADHD in Adults
  • Comorbidities in Adults ADHD
  • Functional and Structural Neuroimaging in Adult ADHD
  • Pharmacotherapy of Adults with ADHD

In addition to these important educational programs, Len Adler, in cooperation with APSARD, authored a CME newsletter series from 2006-2009 on Adult ADHD titled: Adult ADHD: Issues and Answers. This series communicated current and emerging evidence-based data, much of which is still relevant at present day.

It was an exciting time to be involved in medical education on the disorder.

In reviewing the education we developed over the years, I would like to recognize the experts we worked with in creating the evidenced-based educational narrative. Thank you to: Joe Biederman, Steve Faraone, Len Adler, David Goodman, Tom Spencer, Tim Wilens, Tom Brown, Bill Dodson, Tony Rostain, Margaret Weiss, Joel Young, Jeff Newcorn, Mark Stein, Craig Surman, Paul Hammerness, Kevin Antshel, Chris Kratochvil, Mary Solanto, Larry Seidman, Larry Culpepper, Joe Horrigan, George Bush, and others who I apologize if I have left off this list.

Mark B. Williams
MedLearning Inc.

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