Hooray for Good day

10 months ago 35

Being a mum is not always all doom and gloom as we all know. Some days make us feel all giddy inside and others make us feel like tearing out our hair but let’s talk about the good times....

Being a mum is not always all doom and gloom as we all know. Some days make us feel all giddy inside and others make us feel like tearing out our hair but let’s talk about the good times.

With summer just around the corner and with the promise of sun and warmth this week the start to the Easter holidays has been an ok experience. If like me your stuck in daily routines, tantrums, school clothes, homework and housework the start of the holidays can be daunting. No school run yippee but hungry, agitated little humans being home all day, all week really can leave a ‘take me now’ feeling. I turn to Gin…..no I don’t really, although it’s very tempting!!!

Mummy time

My girls have diagnosed and undiagnosed ADHD and Autism, there’s no two ways about it. Some symptoms of ADHD that we see in our daughter are:

They are unable to sit stillProblems with concentrationUnable to wait their timeAct without thinking can be forgetful or have problems with memoryLittle or no sense of danger – will run into traffic even at age 11 years

Some Autistic signs the girls have

Abnormal facial expressions – eye rolling, facial ticsAvoidance of eye contactInappropriate social interaction – problems with social communicationSocial withdrawal – difficulties interacting with peers Learning disability or difficulty Lack of understanding social cues and situations such as sarcasm

They are both sticklers for routine and can make merry hell if it’s disrupted, this includes having school holidays. They struggle to make and keep friends, so and so said this, no one likes me, no one wants to play, okay darling then find something else to to do!! And they stare blankly back at you….with lockdown we haven’t been able to arrange and rain check any catch ups and meet ups – brilliant nothing like going through the Maelstrom of emotions when plans change or evolve.

But….the start to this holiday has been great, sunshine equals garden time, if I’m outside so are they, I school runs or meetings so I’ve had time to cook from scratch… I’m on slimming world and by default so are the rest of the family and with home cooking I’ve started to notice that one of our girls isn’t as hyper in the evenings….at least until bedtime. Every thing I make they eat, a few moans here and there but I’m sticking it out.

The sun has been out and it’s been warm so no I mean really is there nothing else to my life than this and I mean this is every day, can anyone relate? This is a conversation we have every day with our fail….

‘ mum shall I wear my shorts or my trousers?’ – I don’t know you choose- ‘but Mum is it hot or cold?’- it’s cold put your trousers on – ‘but what if I get hot mum?’- then put your shorts on ( at this point I am gritting teeth) – ‘but then I might get cold!!!’ – oh for gods sake put your shorts and trousers on then if your hot take the trousers off if your hot put them on- but mummmmmmm‘

Anyway sun is out, it’s warm, no school run, cooking and baking, no appointments, no unscheduled meet ups it’s brilliant there is no expectation, no fear of fallout or meltdowns. Obviously there is the odd blip here and there, they wouldn’t be who they are without them but when you as a parent don’t put to much pressure on yourself I think there’s an opportunity to relax and recharge. As parents and as carers we take to much onto ourselves, if lockdown has taught me anything it’s that I’m mad….Not really it’s taught us as a family that slowing things down, taking time out and on occasion having no expectations leads to all manner of new experiences. Seeing the smile on their faces even amidst the Frustration, pain and giving them a day of where something is expected of them makes it all worth while…well nearly

Xx Leanne xx

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