Premium Posts 2016 Edition is Available Now

one year ago 77

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing in 2016 I�m giving birth to a monster. The brand new volume of Premium Posts is completed, signed, sealed, delivered and ready for you to download. It is a vast 381-page dossier of...

Premium Posts 2016 Edition

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing in 2016

I�m giving birth to a monster.

The brand new volume of Premium Posts is completed, signed, sealed, delivered and ready for you to download.

It is a vast 381-page dossier of the latest affiliate marketing tips, tricks and strategies.

I�m willing to bank my balls on this:

You will not find a more comprehensive dissection of the affiliate industry as it stands in 2016; and how to make money from it.

Buy it now

Topics inside include:

The Cloaking Economy: Let�s Talk Reality

Why most advice handed out to affiliates is complete and utter bullshit. This is affiliate marketing�s dirty little secret. If you don�t understand the cloaking economy, nobody can help you.

A Breakdown of Popular Verticals and Traffic Types in 2016

Every popular traffic type and vertical assessed and rated for the year ahead. What are the best opportunities for affiliates in 2016? What verticals and traffic sources are endangered?

Tips to Conquer Native Advertising in 2016

The industry is pissing its pants with excitement at the prospect of �going native�. This post explains what you need to know about native advertising. It�s packed with tips for getting profitable, creative �hacks�, and insights in to all of the top Native platforms.

Tips to Conquer Pop Advertising in 2016

Are you trying and failing to get profitable on pop traffic sources? Here we look at the quirks of each major traffic source, strategies for conquering them, and thoughts on dealing with lead quality issues.

The Blitzkrieg Approach to Finding Big Money Campaigns

How to make money from affiliate marketing without knowing a damn thing about affiliate marketing � with a little help from low bids, redirect networks, and some reverse engineering.

Stock Creatives: How to Assemble a Library of Moneymaking Assets

How much time do you waste building landing pages and banners that disappear in to a folder marked �To Sort� never to be seen or heard from again? This philosophy will change how you think about your business �assets�.

How to Get Maximum Value From Paid Traffic with Flow Management

You pay for traffic, so why are you wasting it? Flow Management is the principle of squeaking every last dollar from every single campaign you launch. This post explains why you need to look beyond basic optimisation to get ahead.

Landing Page 101: The White Hat, Grey Hat, Black Hat, Ass Hat

A dumping ground of landing page �hacks� that have added extra ROI to my campaigns over the years. These tricks range from the white hat to the ass hat. Their mastery is the essence of what it means to be an affiliate marketer. Read this with a bar of soap at hand.

The Publisher Perspective: Building Assets and Monetising Any Niche

My thoughts on life after affiliate marketing, how to build assets and monetise any niche, publisher placement tips that will increase revenue on any site you own, the explosion of native arbitrage and why our skill set is perfectly set to make a lot of money if we make a few smart investments.

The Gamification of Affiliate Marketing: Tips For Staying Motivated

How to break the cycle of euphoric highs and crashing lows. This post turns your long-term income targets in to a daily game with clear direction, visible progress and well-defined rewards.

Affiliate Team Building: Hiring, Firing and The Foundations of Success

How can I build an affiliate marketing team without having to teach some sucker everything I know? This post shows how you can create a functional team by breaking the affiliate skillset in to various easily learnable steps.

Advanced Competitive Strategy in Affiliate Marketing

A monster post � my final affiliate marketing post � takes a sweeping view of the industry and how you can plot a path through it. We analyse the various philosophies that can lead to success, their traits, their challenges, and what you can do to build a long-term affiliate business.

Finch�s Updated List of Affiliate Marketing Resources For 2016

Well, it was already a beast. My Ultimate List of Affiliate Marketing Resources is now updated with a bunch of new networks, traffic sources and various tools I�ve picked up over the last couple of years. This list alone will keep you busy for weeks.

That�s 381 pages, 64,599 words of the most up-to-date, cutting edge affiliate marketing insights anybody is going to publish anytime soon.

Trust me.

Buy it now

Sponsored by Adsimilis


Premium Posts Volume 2016 is once again sponsored by Adsimilis, one of the world�s leading CPA networks.

They have been sponsoring these releases for many years, for which I am very grateful.

Some of the first breaks I had in this industry were thanks to recommendations and exclusive offers provided by Adsims.

They are a fantastic network, and if you get the chance to work with them, you should take it.

Note: They are strict on approving new sign-ups. If you can prove that you�re not a total bumberclart, feel free to email me for a referral.

Thanks For Reading

As I alluded to recently, today�s post marks the end of this blog.

The volume I�m releasing was originally scheduled for last December.

Time constraints have forced delay after delay after delay.

It takes an immense investment of coffee beans to write the material that I like to write, to a standard that I am willing to publish, and to a standard that an audience as cynical as this one demands.

I�m proud of the end result, but the experience has confirmed that I�ve reached the end of writing about affiliate marketing.

My priorities have shifted.

There are only so many hours in the day.

Thank you to everybody who has bothered to read my shit over the last seven years.

It has been� a filthy pleasure.


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