10 months ago 33

I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah at a book tour event hosted by the Black British Book Festival, where I volunteered. I enjoyed her session with the kids and loved the interactive and practical approach she adopted in...

I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah at a book tour event hosted by the Black British Book Festival, where I volunteered. I enjoyed her session with the kids and loved the interactive and practical approach she adopted in interacting with the kids. I immediately knew that I had to invite her to share her incredible journey with us.

I hope this interview inspires you to SHINE! Enjoy!

1) THE AFRO READER: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background? How did you get started on your writing journey? At what point did you realise writing was for you? Why Children and Young Adults?

SARAH: Im a Nigerian, East ender at heart, who lives in South London. An English Teacher, whose passion for writing began when I became an aunt and wanted to buy some books for my nephews for Christmas and struggled to find any with a black protagonist. My writing is influenced by the experience I have had with the amazing children Ive been privileged to encounter over the years and I aim to write books that help children understand challenging circumstances, empower them with self-belief, while reflecting our multicultural society in a positive and inspiring manner.

2) Your book, SHINE was recently part of the Black British Book Festival Tour What inspired you to write this particular story? Is there a personal connection or a specific message you wanted to convey to young readers?

I wrote Shine for my nephews and nieces. I wanted to write a book with a message I needed when I was a child: Be proud of everything that makes you who you are and always let your light shine. Once I knew what the message I wanted to convey was, everything else fell into place.

3) Tell us about your book BREEZE, what birthed the story? How has the response to BREEZE been so far?

Breeze is dedicated to all the students I have worked with over the last 10 years. As an English Teacher, Ive taught a range of incredible literature to my students, but there has been a real lack of diversity in the texts in the curriculum. Thankfully, things are improving. I wrote Breeze to reflect the community I grew up in and the experiences of being a teenager in London. Many books that include black characters in secondary schools are based in America and deal with themes of hardship and oppression. The narrative of Breeze is fun and positive. Breeze is the hero! This is an image that I didnt see of a black girl growing up.

4) Could you share your publishing experience with us? What were some of the challenges and rewards?

I couldnt get a publishing deal after writing Breeze and Shine, so I self-published both books. I did a lot of self-promotion such as assemblies and workshops in schools, which was so rewarding and exciting to see how much children enjoyed the story. The feedback from teachers has been incredible and over 40 primary schools across the country have Shine in their classrooms or libraries. Thats an amazing feeling. However, I was in an unfair self-publishing deal, which meant that despite my successes and the sales I made, I didnt make any profit and actually lost money. Im thankful that Shine has gained a publishing deal with Scholastic and I am hopeful that Breeze will follow suit.

5) Writing rituals can be essential for authors. Do you have any specific routines or habits that help you get into the writing zone when working on childrens stories?

I wish I could say I did, but writing has always been spontaneous to me. I could get an idea when Im on the train or out with friends. I always note things down and these notes become paragraphs, these paragraphs become pages until a first draft of a book is formed.

6) Childrens literature is a unique genre that requires a special approach. What techniques do you use to engage and captivate young readers in your storytelling? Also, seeing as you have a book for Young Adults, what differences did you note with writing the two genres.

I like to use rhyme in my childrens books as I feel like it makes reading them more memorable and fun like a song. For my YA book, I based it on scenarios I believe are relatable to teenagers and used a lot of humour as well.

7) SHINE seems to have vibrant and colorful illustrations. How did you collaborate with the illustrator to bring your story to life visually? What role do illustrations play in childrens books?

The communication between my illustrator and I was really important. I explained exactly what I wanted. From the mothers headscarf to a girl in a hijab representation was really important to me. Fortunately, Nadia Fisher shares the same passions about representation as I do, so not only did she encapsulate all of my thoughts, but she added her own style and shine to the book. Im really pleased with how beautiful the book is.

8)Youve had a diverse range of roles in education, from volunteering in primary schools to teaching English in secondary schools. How have these experiences influenced your writing and storytelling style?

Young people have so much character! They are hilarious, resilient, intelligent and although I strive to inspire them daily, they have been an inspiration to me, too. Breeze is set in a secondary school and is influenced by the incredible young people I have worked with. I had a lot of fun writing it and bringing both my own experiences alongside the experiences of my students in the characters and plot of the book.

9)What strategies or approaches do you use in your teaching and mentoring roles that you believe also apply to creating engaging and impactful childrens literature?

I encourage my students to read as I believe the best writers are readers. I also promote creativity as much as I can in the classroom.Teaching English allows students to explore multiple interpretations and ideas and express themselves in a way that not all subjects are able to do. Developing their creativity is key in building their writing skills.

10)Are there any specific cultural elements from your Nigerian heritage that you incorporate into your stories to introduce young readers to different cultural perspectives and traditions?

Breeze is a Nigerian girl and there are parts of the story that reflect my own experiences growing up in London whilst being raised in a Nigerian home. There are also characters in the story from other cultures to reflect the diverse community I grew up in.

11) Can you share any future projects or books youre working on? Are there more adventures or stories in the pipeline for your readers to look forward to?

At the moment, I have lots of ideas that are very sporadically noted in my notepad. They will become books one day, but I have no idea when! Im just going with the writing flow and seeing where it takes me. However, I wrote another childrens book a few years ago that also gained a publishing deal with Scholastic and that will be released next summer.

12) What advice do you have for aspiring childrens authors who are just starting their writing journey? Are there any valuable lessons youve learned that youd like to pass on?

Write your ideas down. Dont worry about it being perfect or making complete sense-just write it down! Enjoy the process of creating and the editing can come afterwards.

I would also recommend that children read books within the genre that they want to write in. This will help them learn about the conventions of the genre and how to craft their own work.

13) The AfroReader focuses on promoting African literature. How do you see your work contributing to this literary landscape, and what impact do you hope to have on young African readers?

My work celebrates black protagonist and cultures. They are books that black children can look at and see themselves in a manner that is positive, inspiring and most importantly, accurate. I believe this is very important and empowering for young African readers.

14) Finally, could you share a favorite passage or moment from SHINE and BREEZE that you think encapsulates the essence of the story or the message you want young readers to take away?

My favourite moment in Shine is when his father uses the metaphor of the moon and the stars to explain how although they are different, they both shine beautifully. This analogy aims to teach the reader that we are all different and rather than being unkind to people who are not the same as us, we should celebrate our differences and how we all shine in our own ways.

My favourite moment in Breeze when she goes to her first house party with the most popular boy in the school. She had never been invited to a party by anyone at school and its funny how she doesnt know how to act. She soon realises that being cool isnt all it seems. This part of the story aims to teach teenagers that being cool is just being yourself.

Sarah Asuquo has dedicated her entire career to contributing to improving the lives of young people. Her roles have included a volunteer mentor in primary schools within Lambeth and Hackney, a Teaching Assistant and since 2013, an English Teacher in secondary schools within South London. She has also completed a Masters in Education at UCL in order to develop her understanding of students educational experiences and how they can be better supported through policy and pedagogy.
Born and raised in the vibrant East End of London and in a Nigerian household, Sarah thrives on culture and diversity. Her writing venture is influenced by her experiences with the children she has encountered, and she aims to write books that help children understand challenging circumstances and reflect the multicultural society of today in an accurate, relatable, inspiring and positive manner.

Source: Amazon Books

The post CONVERSATIONS WITH SARAH ASUQUO appeared first on The Afro Reader.

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