Nicklas Hållén (Karlstad University, Sweden) and Charles Kebaya (Machakos Univeristy, Kenya) have co-edited a section of the next issue of English Studies in Africa. The section is about “the street as archive” in contemporary popular culture and literature from...
Nicklas Hållén (Karlstad University, Sweden) and Charles Kebaya (Machakos Univeristy, Kenya) have co-edited a section of the next issue of English Studies in Africa. The section is about “the street as archive” in contemporary popular culture and literature from Nairobi. It consists of the following articles:
The Boda Boda (R)age: Economies of Affection in the Motorbike Taxis of Kenya – Joyce Nyairo
Nairobi Street-Aesthetics: Distance and Proximity in the Aesthetics of Everyday Life in the Green City – Nicklas Hållén (open access)
Journeying through Nairobi: Mapping the City through Prize-Winning Stories – Doseline Kiguru
Street Art and the Reconfiguration of Civic Advocacy in Nairobi City – Charles Kebaya
Check it out!