A CHRISTMAS OF SPREAD FRAGRANCE by Adesina Ajala – Christmas 2023

10 months ago 59

“Odun n lo so pin o Baba mimo “, the song punctuated my sleep that chilly morning. I dragged the blanket reluctantly off my squeezed face, yawned and searched for the light switch on the wall close to my bed. I clicked it and stared helplessly at...

Odun n lo so pin o Baba mimo “, the song punctuated my sleep that chilly morning. I dragged the blanket reluctantly off my squeezed face, yawned and searched for the light switch on the wall close to my bed. I clicked it and stared helplessly at the hour and minutes hands of the clock. They pointed at 6. I wished it was not yet day break. Sleep can be very delicious when it is served in harmattan. I still watched the second hand ticked past 40 seconds. I forced myself out of the bed, meandered to my table for the devotion. I had forgotten it was the first day of December till the devotional book jolted me to that. The song that had awoken me now made meaning me.

My neighbour loves to start his day by tuning in to the radio station. It’s a habit. I have wondered if he could change. “Do you teach an old dog a new trick?” He once asked me when I teased him about his fond habit.

This is one song that introduces one to the year-end and the yuletide. The song is a phoenix; it springs to live once the year is preparing to say its benediction. “Aye! It’s Christmas,” joy bubbled in my heart as I painted my toothbrush red with the toothpaste.

“I need to go and see my tailor early before she becomes busy,” paused, “last year, I couldn’t get my gown till the after Christmas. A very annoying memory.” I spoke under my breath as I marked the last script on my table.” Tailors can be very cunning and unfaithful during moments like this. They will not tell you they have more than they could chew. They pile cloths for deadlines they knew they cannot meet. I sighed as I remembered what I suffered from my tailor last year. She an adept seamstress and I’m used to her, I don’t know how change to another tailor.

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