Man tries to intimidate a bear with his dog and they get chased [VIDEO]

one year ago 80

Man tries to intimidate bear with his dog and they get chased Given how much of the forests in America have been cut and replaced with homes, wildlife has nowhere to go. As a result, people have had an...

Man tries to intimidate bear with his dog and they get chased

Man tries to intimidate bear with his dog and they get chased

Given how much of the forests in America have been cut and replaced with homes, wildlife has nowhere to go. As a result, people have had an increase of wild animals walking through their years. Still, it’s hard to imagine a bear sitting in the front yard. Not only did one man experience this, but also, he decided to sic his dog on the bear. The situation ended badly, as the bear ended up chasing them both.

Currently, there is a bit of a scientific dispute taking place. Recently, the question was posed of why there isn’t a “big dog.” In the case of felines, they have lions and tigers, which are “super cats.” However, when it comes to dogs, there are various breeds of wolves and wild dogs. But there isn’t a “super dog.” So, there are some who are trying to argue that a bear is actually this species of “big” or “super” dog.

Recently, a man was alerted that he had a bear in his front yard. Instead of him trying to get a professional to remove the bear, he took matters into his own hands. While his wife filmed him, the man walked with his dog to try to scare the bear. Instead, the bear went off on them, and ended up chasing after the man and the dog.


Man tries to intimidate bear with his dog and they get chased

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