And Now for Something Completely Different

10 months ago 42

Politics in Alberta feels like a Monty Python comedy sketch, only not as funny. But that’s not why I’ve used John Cleese’s signature line as the title of today’s blog post. I’ve been thinking a lot about “something completely...

Politics in Alberta feels like a Monty Python comedy sketch, only not as funny. But that’s not why I’ve used John Cleese’s signature line as the title of today’s blog post.

I’ve been thinking a lot about “something completely different” ever since I started French classes last September. It turns out sitting in a classroom with a dozen other people who are desperately trying to understand what the teacher just said is a great way to take your mind off the troubling events swirling around us. At least for a couple of hours.  

So for the month of December we’re taking a break.

That doesn’t mean the Soapbox is closed. We’re always interested in hearing your thoughts on the events of the day and why they’re important. So we’re turning the stage over to you.

Feel free to comment about anything you’d like (within reason). I’m especially interested in what everyone is doing to stay sane in these crazy times.

As I said, what I’m doing is taking French. In our last class we played a game where someone picked a letter of the alphabet and the class had to come up with a verb, a sport/leisure activity, something you could eat, and something you’d find in your house that started with that letter before the klaxon went off. The person with the most points won.

It’s amazing how competitive a bunch of adults trying to learn French can be.

Okay, now it’s your turn. Do you have some thoughts you’d like to share about politics? If not, what are you doing that’s completely different?

The Soapbox is yours.

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