Spirit Report: Meeting a Spirit in Plant Form

a month ago 31

      Listen to just Neils segment of the Schapera Show above     You can listen to the entire Schapera Show broadcast of Friday 01-10-2025 here Hi there. […] The post Spirit Report: Meeting a Spirit in Plant Form appeared first on Crystal Healing Techniques.




Listen to just Neils segment of the Schapera Show above



You can listen to the entire Schapera Show broadcast of Friday 01-10-2025 here

Hi there. Welcome back. You’re listening to The Schapera Show and I’m Neil, very pleased to be sharing with you my shamanic Journeys to the Spirit realm and reporting back on the guidance I receive directly from the Spirits.

So the purpose of this Journey is to travel to the Lower world and ask the Spirits, request the Spirits, that I meet a Spirit in plant form. I go in through the usual portal in the Middle world, go through it going down, traveling down my beam which leads me to the Lower world, going down and down until I see a very green dense jungle-like area of trees below me and I land on a little clearing by a river.

And I say to the Spirits, I put my intention out, that I’ve come to the Lower world to request that I meet a Spirit in plant form. And straight away I’m told that although in my anticipation I was thinking about seeing a Spirit in a large form like a tree, that I actually must be attentive to be looking down because plant Spirits may just as well be very small like little flowers, like little leaves growing along the ground which I hadn’t anticipated.

And I look down and I see what looks like a very delicate vine with dainty little purple flowers and I have the understanding that I should follow this vine which leads me into the jungle-like area of trees. And I soon realize that this little thin tendril with flowers is actually just the end of a part of the vine and is leaving me to an enormously thick vine that is either wrapping itself up around a tree or in fact is forming a tree by itself.

And the vine, the plant Spirit says to me straight away that what the plants want to show me is how plants have played a huge part in helping people expand their consciousness. And it gives me the example of plants used in the South American jungles like ayahuasca which has helped people become aware that there are forms of consciousness way beyond what most people experience in our everyday consciousness.

And the plant Spirit says it’s a deliberate gift of the plants to help human evolution.

And the plant says that it goes without saying that humans could not survive without plants, it’s obvious, but over and above that plants have endeavored to help humans with our consciousness by providing plant medicines like ayahuasca, like peyote, like mushrooms.

Even these plants which actually are fungi, the plant says that for the purposes of the point of the importance of us improving or evolving our consciousness we should include what we otherwise called fungi.

And the plant Spirit says that plants can’t be frustrated, it’s not an emotion that plants have, but if plants could be frustrated they would be so frustrated at the dumb-wittedness of humans and the failure of humans to grasp the significance of expanded states of consciousness.

And they say that plants are actually desperate that we expand our consciousness and that we should realize that there is not just a Spiritual layer to life, but that life fundamentally is Spiritual, and it’s absolutely essential to our human evolution.

We should expand our consciousness and in doing that we would expand our sense of morality and ethics and good behavior and learn how to function in groups and societies and how to function on our so interconnected planet where we are much more able to do harm.

And the vine says of course plants are not crucial for the survival of humans, just humans, they are crucial for the survival of all life on the planet. And they say it’s so strange that with the exception of maybe some indigenous cultures we don’t regard plants as sacred and we don’t regard the environment as sacred.

And the Spirit plant says that although this information is giving to me as though it’s coming from an individual plant it’s actually communicating to me on behalf of the entire community of plants, the entire network of plants.

And it says it’s so peculiar that we don’t appreciate the sacredness of plants and that we don’t think of plants as consciousness, as conscious.

They say that this is such a disappointment that in many indigenous cultures, shamanic cultures, there is an absolute understanding that plants are conscious. And the plant emphasises that it’s not just sort of a theoretical belief that plants are conscious, it’s an absolute understanding, it’s an experiential understanding that plants are conscious. And that we should respect plants, and again not because they need our respect, the vine says it needs nothing from us, except of course that we should evolve.

But they want us to evolve our consciousness and our Spirituality and our goodness. This is being emphasised that we be good and that we respect plants. And this Spirit plant says that where we are not respecting plants, that actually reflects very badly on the state of our evolution.

And then the plant starts guiding me up this vine, which as I say is like in a tree form. There’s too much density of bush and leaves for me to go up by myself, but the plant guides me up.

And as we go up, the plant says another really important thing is that we don’t have strongly enough in our vocabulary and our awareness, the word harmony, and that the sacredness of existence also means harmony.

And we don’t even think about harmony. And I say, but what about when one sees plants being eaten by animals and animals eating other animals and all that what seems to us like suffering? Where’s the harmony in that?

And the plant Spirit says yes, it’s very difficult for humans to understand that. But the point there is that we are trying to see things as humans. We are seeing things through a human consciousness and that if we evolve to more of a, call it a cosmic consciousness for want of a better word, we would have the better understanding of what looks to us like suffering, that can in fact be seen in another way.

And soon after this, the Spirit says it’s time for me to return.

One of my Spirits who is wonderful at being able to move between both the Upper World and the Lower World flies to me and takes me on its back, and says it’s time to return to the Middle World.

I shout back to the vine Spirit thank you, I’ll come again, and it says we look forward to that, and I know it’s pleased that I visited.

It says don’t forget to enhance your consciousness, don’t forget to enhance your consciousness.

We travel up and my Spirit takes me back to the beam and stays with me as I travel up and then leaves just before I go through the portal returning to the Middle world.

And I return back to the Middle world very, very thankful for this incredible insight that the plant so generously gave me. And I say, thank you Spirits.

And we’re going to return now to the Schapera Show, where Vivien will talk about crystals.
Thank you. Thank you.


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