Jungle Scout vs ASINspector – Amazon Product Research Tool Battle

one year ago 96

The Best Amazon Research Product When an Amazon merchant prepares to conduct market research, Jungle Scout vs ASINspector is an important consideration. In the past, the majority of merchants spent a lot of time and money manually collecting data....

The Best Amazon Research Product

When an Amazon merchant prepares to conduct market research, Jungle Scout vs ASINspector is an important consideration. In the past, the majority of merchants spent a lot of time and money manually collecting data. There are now tools available capable of performing the majority of the work for the merchant. The merchant then analyzes the results to determine the best possible campaigns and strategies for their Amazon business.

Two of the best tools currently available are Jungle Scout and AsinSpector. Both tools have built a reputation for improving the productivity and sales of Amazon merchants. The best option for merchants is to learn what each tool offers to ensure the correct choice is made. Both options enable the merchant to cut costs and choose the best products to sell.

Jungle Scout Features

Jungle Scout Product Database: The tool enables merchants to filter products according to ratings, price, demand and estimated sales. Merchants can set criteria for specific products to search through thousands of different options. The powerful tool will save merchants valuable time.

Jungle Scout Supplier database

Product Tracker: The tool allows merchants to track and make comparisons for product metrics. Once located, the product can be added to the product tracker. Merchants can determine what the competition is doing, bestseller ranking, sales and pricing. Merchants can track a maximum of 150 products with a basic subscription.

Niche Hunter: The tool enables merchants to identify niches. Merchants can learn about niches, find opportunities, analyze demand, competition and competitor listings. Merchants can choose the main topic to find a niche such as sporting goods.

Keyword Scout: Keyword Scout provides millions of data points so merchants can determine what Amazon consumers are looking for. Accurate data enables merchants to increase visibility by using the right keywords. The result is the ability to build an informed keyword list. The tool offers merchants in the European Union or the United States marketplaces keyword data going back two years to minimize potential errors. The tool reveals which keywords bring in the most traffic.

Jungle Scout Launch: The tool was created for automated follow-up email campaigns. Merchants can effectively use the tool for targeting consumers using promotions ideal for their products. The feature is excellent for increasing awareness or launching a specific product. An email campaign can be automated for all of the Amazon marketplaces.

Launch Jungle Scout Amazon FBA

Jungle Scout Academy: The academy is similar to a library. The academy offers merchants small tutorial videos providing information about selling on Amazon. The training covers all of the basics regarding how to sell on Amazon.

Sales Analytics: Merchants can use this tool for tracking both costs and profits. The tool enables merchants to understand financial metrics necessary to grasp the performance of their Amazon businesses. The insights offered to enable the merchant to decrease costs while increasing profits.

Read Project FBAs complete Jungle Scout review to find out more or Jump straight to our Exclusive Jungle Scout Discount offer.

Jungle Scout Pricing

Update August 2020:

Jungle Scout Pricing

Jungle Scout pricing has been updated

Extension is now a feature & included in all plans! No more Tiers! No more additional fees based on order count!

Basic costs $39 per month and includes full Extension access & product research essentials but limits monthly searches on some features like Keyword Scout.

Suite is $69 per month and gives full access to all Jungle Scout research tools plus advanced seller features

Professional costs $129 per month and is the best option for experienced sellers in need of additional users on their account and more historical data


• Product research is fast and easy. Amazon merchants will be able to run businesses much smoother and more effectively.

• Jungle Scout is not only a powerful tool, but it is also extremely easy to use.

• The effective and clear interface allows Amazon merchants to save valuable time. Interpreting metrics is very straightforward.

• Tutorials are provided to teach merchants how to use all of the tools provided.


• The data provided may not be completely accurate because the basis of the estimates is sales rankings. Due to constantly occurring changes, the estimates are not always trustworthy.

• Some of the products are not included. Merchants may have to perform manual research. A good example is a merchant selling books will have a difficult time finding any information on Jungle Scout.

• The data offered by the web app and the extension do not always match. Jungle Scout is currently researching this issue.

ASINnspector Features

Keywords: The Keywords tool enables merchants to find product information. Numerous keywords should be used because the information for each word varies. This enables the merchant to find whatever they are searching for.

ASINspector Features

Delete Choice: When a merchant has numerous unacceptable searches for various products, they can click on the X button to easily delete everything. The only information left is relevant to the products being sold.

Window Option: The PRO version enables merchants to focus on searching for important information.

Filter: The PRO version offers Amazon merchants the ability to filter results. Once the merchant determines their expected income, products can be filtered through ASINspector to help reach a predetermined goal.

Google Trends: The reason Google has become so powerful is eCommerce. This is because users can determine exactly what is taking place in the market. Google Trends enables merchants to adjust their product pricing and strategies according to what is currently happening in the market.

Random Keyword: One of the key purposes of the vendor is expanding product niches and choices for Amazon searches. Random Keyword is displayed in the corner of the screen as a light bulb for this purpose.

Favorite: When a merchant has searched for the same product on numerous occasions, the Favorite tool will save the data. This eliminates the need to keep looking back or waste time reviewing the exact same product.

ASINspector Pricing

ASINspector pricing

ASINspector Standard: This plan was designed for self-starters. The cost is a one-time payment of $97. The plan includes access to:

• Calculator for net payouts
• The ability to search numerous stores such as Target and Walmart for Amazon products
• A listing of products purchased frequently,
• The ability to load both multiple or next Amazon search pages
• Exporting to Excel
• Beginning a new search
• Getting product prices from between five and ten different stores
• Customer service through Amazon
• Keyword trends including the associated keywords

ASINspector PRO+: This plan was designed for smart sellers. The cost is a one-time payment of $127 plus $10 per month for an unlimited subscription. The plan includes access to:

• Merchants gain the ability to spy on competitors
• Ratings and review tracking
• Merchants can access the inventory for every Amazon seller
• Merchants can obtain 1000’s of records within minutes
• Product profit calculator
• Unlimited searches
• All products the merchant is interested in selling can be verified
• Seller ranking and category
• New product features for brainstorming and discovering
• Growing trends can be identified in seconds as opposed to days
• Advanced filters enable merchants to filter 1000s of results almost instantly
• Favorite products and searches can be saved
• Verification of niches or product ideas
• Products often purchased together can be located easily
• UPC barcode scanner for mobile apps
• Unlimited data
• Finding sponsored ad data quickly
• Profitable products are identified quickly with keyword-driven searches
• Daily sales estimates
• All variations of product listings can be viewed quickly
• Double money-back guarantee
• Monthly sales estimates
• Conducting reverse searches for nearly all third-party stores
• Exporting bulk data to excel including XLS and CSV
• Immediate sales estimates
• UPC barcode scanner for phone
• Net payout calculator
• Ability to locate a profitable product to sell
• Bulk UPC uploads through the Done For You tool
• All of the standard ASINspector features


• Sales plans are re-adjustable. Merchants are always current for revenue and sales information in addition to any relevant changes. The success rate of a product can be used as a basis for making adjustments to the merchant’s original plan.

• All downloadable data is provided so merchants can access the information as soon as they have connected to the web. Data can be easily accessed anywhere, with searched saved for easy future reference.

• The chrome extension allows merchants to begin immediately. There are no lengthy software downloads or long subscription processes.

• The customizable columns enable the merchant to determine the rules, information and columns desired.

• ASINspector is very easy to understand and use. Only minutes are necessary for merchants to perform research.

• ASINspector was developed to be straightforward, simple and save merchants valuable time.


• There are no child variation details available with the standard version. The merchant is unable to analyze product pages individually.

• ASINspector is expensive. The license fee for the standard version is $97. The cost for the PRO version is $147. The merchant must also pay an additional $10 per month to use the PRO version.

• There are no new tabs available in the new window. This means the merchant is unable to open separate windows to search for numerous products at the same time.

Jungle Scout vs Asinspector

Jungle Scout vs Asinspector Conclusion

When considering Jungle Scout vs Asinspector, the benefits and disadvantages of both products must be taken into account. Jungle Scout offers a friendlier and simpler interface. All of the data is simply overlaid over the browser. Every time the merchant conducts a search with ASINspector, a new tab must be opened. Merchants are often left with a lot of open tabs. When usability is considered, Jungle Scout has an advantage because access can be gained through a web application.

Merchants using the tools less frequently are most likely better off with ASINspector. Jungle Scout is recommended for merchants using the tools at least a couple of times each month. ASINspector provides more features for handling product variations and sponsored products. Although Jungle Scout does not offer as many features, most users find them preferable to ASINspector. Merchants choosing ASINspector can use the software anywhere internet access is available since the application is mobile-based.

Both offer merchants excellent research tools to help determine the best seller rank, offer estimates for the price used by competitors, calculate the merchant’s average ranking and estimate competitor’s pricing and product offerings on a monthly basis.

The post Jungle Scout vs ASINspector – Amazon Product Research Tool Battle appeared first on Project FBA.

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