Everything is illuminated

10 months ago 29

Research in 2023 yielded insights on drinking, sleep, guns, longevity, and whether the good old days really were.

The work of research and discovery at the University crowds the calendar month to month, rewarding and propelling the pursuit of knowledge. Here we highlight findings from 2023 that tell us more about the forces that shape our society, our relationships, and our physical and mental health.

The promising weirdness of biological age

It sounds fixed but it’s not, say researchers who studied three triggers of severe physiological stress: pregnancy, COVID, surgery.

Not getting enough sleep? That’s only half the battle.

Americans have become increasingly aware of the fact that they just don’t get enough sleep. But that’s not the whole story. Duration is important but so is regularity.

More evidence moderate drinking is good for your heart. Also: a reason.

A study led by investigators from Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital offers an explanation for why light to moderate alcohol consumption may reduce your risk of heart disease.

The rise of ‘incels’

A paper by Harvard psychology postdoc Miriam Lindner explores the rise of male “incels,” short for involuntary celibates, and their susceptibility to extremist ideologies and behaviors.

Too busy for daily exercise? Study finds same benefits for ‘weekend warriors.’

“Our findings suggest that interventions to increase physical activity, even when concentrated within a day or two each week, may improve cardiovascular outcomes.”

‘Moral breakdown is a fake problem’ 

Kids these days. Where did all the good guys go? We never used to lock the doors! For years, Adam M. Mastroianni bristled at pronouncements of declining human decency. In a paper, he channels that frustration into a rebuff.

When mixed-race couples talk about race

Even pillow talk apparently has its boundaries. Research suggests that when it comes to race, the duration of a relationship affects how comfortable Black women are with having these conversations with white male partners.

Research shows that working out gets T cells moving

A study suggests that the beneficial effects of exercise may be driven, at least partly, by the immune system.

Longevity analysis identifies 8 key social factors

Researchers took a comprehensive inventory of older adults’ social attributes and distilled the data into a short survey that can predict longevity.

Lasting wounds for families when a child is shot

Harvard researchers conducted what they say may be the most rigorous study to date of the devastating ripple effects of both non-fatal and fatal firearm injuries among youth and their families in the United States.


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