Great News on the Books Front

12 months ago 53

More AIC Bookstore Publications Now Live This has been a wonderful week for progress in getting the AIC Bookstore updated for the 2024 Editions. The whole collection in the New Testament Series ( Gospel of Matthew,Gospel of Mark, Gospel...

More AIC Bookstore Publications Now Live

This has been a wonderful week for progress in getting the AIC Bookstore updated for the 2024 Editions. The whole collection in the New Testament Series ( Gospel of Matthew,Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John, The Acts of the Apostles and Revelation) and the whole collection in the Old Testament Series (Prayer Book Psalter: History, Text & Commentary; The Prayer Book Psalter: Picture Book Edition; and The Writing Prophets of the Old Testament) are now live at our KDP Publishing site. Also updated this week is the seasonal book for Christmas; all three books in the General Studies series (Layman’s Lexicon; Beliefs of the Anglican Church; and Christian Spirituality); Hear Us, O Lord: Daily Prayers for the Laity; Occasional Services for Anglican Worship; Fr. Ron’s Kitchen Companion; and the St. Chrysostom Hymnal. KDP asked for two minor changes to the covers for Prayers in the Christian Tradition and the Easter seasonal volume. I have sent the changes to them and expect to hear back from them in a day or two. The two missing books are the service book edition of the B.C.P., which I have postponed any changes until after January 1st, and the Angels volume, which is now in the hands our proofreader.

Disturbing Trends

I’ve noted in my travels continued examples of the wandering away from Christian traditions. Just this morning I passed a sign on a local church which made no mention of “worship” but instead offers opportunities to “grow” and “share.” I plan to work this into new episodes in our series, The War on Christianity, starting in mid-January.

The Penitential Season of Advent

In the early Church, Advent was known as Little Lent. It is a time to reflect upon the promised coming of our Saviour and the making ourselves ready through penitence. I hope and pray that this year we can return to the full range of musical offerings, especially those at Cambridge and at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. There are few sounds that bring as much pleasure as choral singing of Once in Royal David’s City. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, my wife and I were delighted to have been able to attend a one-man show on A Christmas Carol presented by a great-great-grandson of the author.

Thank You

As always, I thank those of you who follow the AIC on the Web. Glory be to God for all things! Amen!


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