The post Meditation for the Feast of the Nativity appeared first on Anglican Mainstream. Mon Dec 25 am: 80 pm: 146, 147 2 Sam 7:-18-29 Gal 3:1-14 Luke 1:57-66 FEAST OF THE NATIVITY MEDITATION: We have spent Advent preparing...
The post Meditation for the Feast of the Nativity appeared first on Anglican Mainstream.
Dec 25 |
am: 80 pm: 146, 147 |
2 Sam 7:-18-29 | Gal 3:1-14 | Luke 1:57-66 |
MEDITATION: We have spent Advent preparing for this day – and the future hope that Christ’s presence means. The words of Luke these last few days should resonate profoundly within us as the themes he offers are so being shown mercy, the fulfillment of promises by our God, the power of forgiveness, and, of a call to justice and peace. God comes this Christmas eve, to reveal that He is indeed on our side, that He conquers oppression, and that what He calls us to a new way namely, to follow the teachings of a child, born of Mary who grew up to proclaim the Gospel with his lips and his life.
The “why” of Christmas is, simply, love incarnate, kenotic love, amazing love! This love is more than Eros (that which is an attraction), more than just affection (phileo), but pure, uncompromising love. The Feast of the Nativity takes God’s self-giving to a totally new level. In Jesus we recognize that self-giving is the very nature of God. No more partial insights, no more trying to comprehend how God lives and loves as Jesus is “the very imprint of God’s being.”
PRAYER: Jesus, the Light of the World, as we celebrate your birth may we begin to see the world in the light of the understanding you give us. As you chose the lowly, the outcasts, and the poor to receive the greatest news the world had ever known, so may we worship you in meekness of heart. May we also remember our brothers and sisters less fortunate than ourselves in this season of giving! Amen.
Spiritual Discipline /Activity – The original Christmas story is about the ultimate gift given for the purpose of changing the world. Take time today to change a persons world. Talk, listen (and maybe even sing Christmas carols) with those who would be blessed by a person changing their world.
Ancient Words/Present Grace:
“Blessed be that Child, Who gladdened Bethlehem today! Blessed be the Babe Who made manhood young again today! Blessed be the Fruit, Who lowered Himself to our famished state! Blessed be the Good One, Who suddenly enriched our necessitousness and supplied our needs! Blessed He whose tender mercies made Him condescend to visit our infirmities!” – – St. Ephraim the Syrian
Blessing of the Gifts Around the Tree – Dec 24 & 25
Blessed be God in all his Glory All reply: Now and for ever.
One of those present reads a text of sacred Scripture, from Titus 3:4-7
But when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared,
not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy,
he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the holy Spirit,
whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior,
so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life.
The Word of the Lord
Let Us Pray:
Holy Lord, we come with joy to celebrate the birth of your Son,
who rescued us from the darkness of sin by making the cross a tree of life and light.
May the gifts under this tree, arrayed in splendor, remind us of the life-giving event of Christ’s birth that we may always rejoice in the new life that shines in our hearts.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Blessing the Christmas Creche
Tonight we recall that Mary and Joseph have finally reached the destination. The animals gathered round, the angels hovered above heralding the joyous event. Now on this night we again enthrone the Christ Child in the place we have prepared for Him.
Great and good God we stand before you in wonder and awe.
Leader: We thank you for the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Response: May this crčche remind us that Jesus is with us always.
Leader: May all parents share the deep and pure love that Mary and Joseph felt for their child. Response: May this holy family inspire all families.
Leader: May all children know the joy of the shepherds, and the song of the angels. Response: Gloria in Excelsis Deo
May we all praise the name of Jesus forever and ever. Amen
The post Meditation for the Feast of the Nativity appeared first on Anglican Mainstream.