Tuesday's Catch: 'What are the Twelve Days of Christmas?' And More

10 months ago 47

What are the Twelve Days of Christmas? There is a well-known Christmas song called the Twelve Days of Christmas. Some people think it is steeped in biblical allegories. This is the story.... The real story behind ‘Good King Wenceslas’...

What are the Twelve Days of Christmas?
There is a well-known Christmas song called the Twelve Days of Christmas. Some people think it is steeped in biblical allegories. This is the story....

The real story behind ‘Good King Wenceslas’
Think of it as the English-speaking world’s most popular day-after-Christmas carol.
Today is the Second Day of Christmas and the Feast of Stephen the First Martyr. What Is Multi-Directional Leadership And Why Is It So Important?
Michael Wallenmeyer answers this question and urges pastors and other church leaders to become more multi-directional.

Dear Pastor . . . Let’s Cultivate Honesty in Our Churches—Starting with Us
Sin has tainted each part of life, and Christ has come to redeem and mend each part of life.

10 Ways to Engage People Who Worship Online
How can congregations better engage people who worship online? Jim Keat, Digital Minister at The Riverside Church, offers 10 tips for congregations to strengthen engagement and build relationships with online worshippers.

Reading Scripture Is a Walk in the Park: Bible Reading Plans for 2024
Regular Bible reading forms Christians. Whether we read through the Bible every year or take several to make it through, the difference between being a regular Bible reader and someone who simply wants to be one is having a plan. Knowing what you should read next is better than wondering where to begin and how far to go.

Reading Scripture Rightly
When reading a section of Scripture, we will find that a passage almost always comes across weighted on one side of an issue or another. I mean this: a passage is written intended to drive a certain point home, aimed at a particular audience, for a specific reason by an author who knew what was needed.

How Much RAM Do I Need for Music Production?
Music production is a big part of the music industry and it can be challenging to find out how much RAM you need for your computer if you are new to the process. This article will give you all the information that you need to make an educated decision on how much RAM and what kind of RAM is best for your needs and budget.

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