If we wait to be happy or to dance until someone else gives us permission, we will never dance
This is Fruitycake. You may think of me as a trendsetter. Not an Irish setter. A trend setter.
That’s right. I’m my own person. I’m my own dog. And I don’t need permission to be happy.
I don’t need permission to dance if no one else does. I can still do it.
My persons haven’t been the most fun to be around lately. I’m just telling the truth because Brickle says that’s what you should always do.
But if I let others and their moods and their problems take away my happiness, how can I help them? I can’t.
It’s like making sure you take care of yourself before you can take care of others. You have to do that. You have to.
You have to dance and to be happy even if no one else is dancing.
And I can do that. Why? There is more to be happy about than to be sad about. There is more to laugh at in life than to frown at.
If we wait to be happy or to dance until someone else gives us permission, we will never dance.
And a world without dancing and a world without smiling is not a world I’ll be a part of making.
I’ll make the trends. I’ll be the trendsetter. I’ll dance. Even if no one else does.
I have a question for you now. Can I have this dance?
– Fruitycake The Raccoon