Indy Pet Food Pantry

one year ago 51

Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside hosts a pet food pantry for Marion County Residents. WHEN: First Saturday of each month, 10 am to 4 pmLOCATION: 1505 N. Sherman Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46201QUESTIONS: 317 - 221 - 1314FIDO opens up...

Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside hosts a pet food pantry for Marion County Residents.

WHEN: First Saturday of each month, 10 am to 4 pm

LOCATION: 1505 N. Sherman Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46201

QUESTIONS: 317 - 221 - 1314

FIDO opens up their warehouse on the first Saturday of each month to provide over 11,000 pounds of dog and cat food to nearly 400 low-income households and 100 community cat caretakers. We also provide flea treatment, dewormer, straw bedding, cat shelters, and dog and cat treats for a nominal fee. Spay/neuter is required to receive pet food pantry assistance, and the pantry provides a convenient venue for scheduling this free service.

Qualification Requirements:

Marion County residency

Financial Need (except for community cat caretakers)

Pets receiving food are spayed or neutered (if not, you must be willing to get your pets spayed or neutered with FIDO’s assistance)

You agree to not add more pets to your household while you are a pet food pantry client

What to Bring with You

Photo identification

Proof of financial need (food stamp card, disability card, pay stub, etc)

Proof of spay/neuter for your pets


FIDO Pet Food Pantry

FIDO volunteers fill orders

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