Walking about

10 months ago 40

“A walk in nature walks the soul back home.” Mary Davis

Every few days the dogs and I go exploring in the forest. We are fortunate to be surrounded by forest in every direction. There are many destination choices and, even after years, we are always discovering new places.

A couple of times a week we walk as part of our regular walking group but sometimes it’s just us.

The other day the crew walked seven kilometres, just ambling along. Going in any direction. We found a long fence-line and a lot of kangaroo trails and then a small river and a steep rock face. Monty wanted to scamper down it so that he could have a swim but the management team said “no…find another way down”. And so he did.

We always find something new and exciting walking through the forest.

Today the weather is very bleak. Showers of horizontal rain and cloud cover. I had packed my wet weather gear. I love the rain. And so do the dogs. But then the sun came out for most of the walk and I was too hot and had to peel off some of the layers.

On this walk we went the long way round to see the eagles nests.

On our way we found a blue gum tree plantation with beautiful curved tracks through it. We followed kangaroo trails all the way through it and looked up and admired the long straight trunks of the eucalypt trees.

Then we climbed through the fence. I had to hold it up for the dogs but Edwina managed to get through on her own…she magically appeared behind me. It’s a mystery how she got through. I examined the fence bot could not see any gaps in it...

We had a look at the eagle’s nest. There were no eagles.

The nests are in good shape and look ready for action. We will be back in about August to see if there are eaglets (see my earlier blog about this).

The eagle’s double decker nest

Then Edwina found a burrow in the side of the hill. Uninhabited, which was just as well as she shoved her head right into it.

Then Fred found a dam and all the dogs had a swim even though it’s only 6° C outside.

It is never too cold to swim for the Border Collies

Then we climbed through another fence. Fences wont stop us when we are having an adventure.

Betsy posing for the camera

Then we found a rocky escarpment and we all climbed up to have a look at the view. Fred pretended that he got stuck halfway, but he really just wanted to rest. When I went back down to help him he just scampered up the rocks. He can be sneaky like that sometimes.

Fred - pretending to be looking at a plane

Then I was sitting on the rocks looking out to the west and I could see the rain coming. It looked like a massive cloud or thick mist heading towards us. I put my beanie back on and we headed into the trees for a bit of cover.

Then we found a tree that had been eaten out by termites and I kicked part of it and it all crumpled everywhere but there were no termites. I think they had moved out ages ago.

Fred (behind) wondering why I am kicking a tree

Then we found some interesting fungi. I was careful not to squash it.

And then I found a great big mound of dirt and wondered if maybe there is a body buried there. I didn’t have my shovel so that’s another mystery.

And then I found a little teacup and I put it on a tree stump just in case anyone needs it in the future.

Then I picked a up a few armfuls of rubbish. I guess those who left it there didn’t see the rubbish bin about 10 metres away.

And then, just as I was examining a big hollow in a tree, I realized we had arrived back at the car. Somehow we did a massive circle and just coincidentally ended up at the car.

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