10 months ago 30

His teeth are radiant white. Our baby boy’s muzzle is brownish-gray. His coat so feathery soft. Jameson is a handsome Weimeraner which...

His teeth are radiant white. Our baby boy’s muzzle is brownish-gray. His coat so feathery soft. Jameson is a handsome Weimeraner which are known as the "Grey Ghost" of the dog world. Originally, Weimeraners were for royalty and aristocrats in Europe.

His nose is cold but he has an amazing LOVING, warm and kind heart. He can even bounce a ball off his nose. He can play for hours chasing the ball, stick, or just with his toys.

On the street everyone loves him and we constantly hear, “He is such a beautiful dog,” “What a gorgeous dog you have,” and “Your dog is so cute.” '' immediately, the person asks “Can I pet him?” “How old is he” they often ask. He’s almost two…they usually reply “awww he is so beautiful and really still just a puppy”. Jameson……Absolutely he is the best dog ever!!

He stays by our side when we are sick to comfort us and take care of us. When Uncle Luther had surgery, Jameson would come over and stand in front of me to use him to help pull myself up. He is so very smart! He shows us tons of unconditional love. His excitement and love always makes us feel better when we have had a bad day or experiencing the blues. Jameson….yes he is the best dog ever!

When we talk to him he looks at us, tilts his head and acts as though he would love to talk to us and answer. Boy, how we wish he could only talk…even though sometimes we probably would not like what he would say. It would probably be something like this…”Dad, I told you I need to go out” “how many times do I have to tell you?” “Uncle Luther, what do you mean you aren’t ready? Get your butt in gear and come on, I have my coat on and ready to go bye-bye.” Jameson….yes you guessed it. He is the best dog ever!

He absolutely loves car rides. He especially loves to have the sun roof open and put his head out to see the world go by. If it isn’t open, he will hit his head on it and look as to say, “come on, what are you waiting for? Get it open already.” As we drive him through town he is a celebrity. He puts his head out the sunroof, turns left to right as to be waving to the crowds. People stop on the sidewalk or while eating on restaurant patios and point while yelling out to us, “Look at that dog, he’s adorable” or “ahh he is so cute” and "we love your dog." Jameson….yep he’s the best dog ever!

When we walk through the door, he goes totally bezerk with Joy….even if it’s ten times a day! Unconditional love….yup that’s it! Jameson gets it…now if humans could only get it!

He loves orange push-ups and also grilled chicken breasts from Wendy’s. He knows that white bag with the red logo on it. When he sees it he runs and jumps on the sofa and runs back and forth. He gets so excited he just can't control himself. Sometimes we hide it outside the door but he can smell it. He will run back and forth to give hugs and then to the door sniffing out that chicken. He knows it’s out there and can’t wait to get it!

Jameson…you got it! He’s the best dog ever!

Jameson, your unconditional love and beautiful heart has helped brighten so many of our days that you will never ever know. You have brought sunshine to dreary days, a smile when we were sad, comfort us when we were sick, given so much love and happiness that we can never ever repay you baby boy.

Jameson, you are the BEST DOG EVER!

Dogs…in our world but for only a short time, but to them, we are their world. Make it as good for them as they make it for us!

A dog is the only being on earth that loves you more than themself. That is certainly baby boy Jameson!

The writing below is unquestionably Jameson!

“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.

You are his life, his love, his leader.

He will be yours, faithful and true, to the

last beat of his heart.

You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.“


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