Meet our featured animal, the Tasmanian devil! Here are five facts about Tasmanian devils: Tasmanian devils inhabit the island state of Tasmania, although they once lived throughout Australia. The Tasmanian devil is the size of a small dog. Tasmanian...
Meet our featured animal, the Tasmanian devil!
Here are five facts about Tasmanian devils:
Tasmanian devils inhabit the island state of Tasmania, although they once lived throughout Australia. The Tasmanian devil is the size of a small dog. Tasmanian devils are not picky eaters. They eat carrion (dead animals), including rotten flesh, fur, and bones! Female Tasmanian devils give birth to up to 50 babies (joeys). Tasmanian devils are considered endangered. Threats include being hit by cars and Devil Facial Tumour Disease.The post Featured Animal: Tasmanian Devil appeared first on Animal Fact Guide.