Over the past couple of years, following the merger with Funimation, Crunchyroll have significantly stepped up their game in terms of theatrical releases. Recent releases such as Suzume, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, One Piece Film Red and Demon...
Over the past couple of years, following the merger with Funimation, Crunchyroll have significantly stepped up their game in terms of theatrical releases. Recent releases such as Suzume, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, One Piece Film Red and Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba have been big hits on the big screen. In 2024 Crunchyroll is starting as they mean to go on with their first cinema release of the new year.
The company has announced that they have acquired the North American rights to the new film Great Pretender Razbliuto. The film is the first feature-length outing in the Great Pretender franchise, which debuted on Netflix to considerable acclaim back in 2020. Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures Entertainment will bring the film to select cinemas in the United States for a special two-day event.
The Great Pretender follows Makoto “Edamame" Edamura, the self-styled "Japan's Greatest Swindler" who teams up with a fellow con-man for a series of cons, while avoiding the police and more dangerous criminals. Razbliuto is a standalone adventure that follows the character of Dorothy, the self-proclaimed genius con artist who exclusively targets other con artists. It follows her as she cons her way across Asia, all the while facing an unexpected threat.
The series's director Hiro Kaburagi is returning to helm the feature, and he also provides the character designs. Animation is once again produced by WIT Studio (Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga). Hitoshi Ito (Mirai, Star Wars Visions: The Ninth Jedi) is a producer and script supervision is by Ryota Kosawa.
It's not known if or when the film might screen outside the United States.
Great Pretender Razbliuto will screen at participating locations on January 9 and 10, 2024
Participating Cinemas