Following on from the success of our recent film The Mouse for Voicing CSA, we were keen to find another opportunity to create a film that gave us a similar warm feeling of having done ‘a good thing’ in...
Following on from the success of our recent film The Mouse for Voicing CSA, we were keen to find another opportunity to create a film that gave us a similar warm feeling of having done ‘a good thing’ in this crazy, crazy world. When Producer Joe Whelski got in touch from the excellent charity DAVSS (Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Service), which supports victims of Domestic Abuse, we thought we might have found the right project. When he mentioned that he was going to get the 7th incarnation of Dr Who (and Radagast the Brown) Sylvester McCoy to voice the film, we knew for sure.
The film DAVSS wanted was about stalking, with the aim of convincing the audience that they should report any behaviour that scares or intimidates them, rather than waiting or worrying that it wasn’t ‘serious enough’.
Our initial research focused mostly on the feeling of being followed, or watched – a feeling all of the women in the studio could relate to well. We looked at the idea of monsters, what makes a monster, and how people think of monsters. We looked at image and reality, at light and dark, at fear and hope – and finally, we had an idea for a film.
A woman, walking home one night, slowly becomes aware that she is not alone.
If you were being followed by a Monster…
There’s someone, or something, behind her. Following her.
…You wouldn’t wait to do something…
She starts to run, unsure of what direction to go. She looks behind her, trying to make out a shape in the darkness.
So why wait to report something that’s just as dangerous?
She stops, abruptly.
There’s something in front of her. Something big.
It’s a monster.
No wait, it’s just a statue.
But behind the statue…
…Like a stalker.
Is a man. He approaches, his arms outstretched in a placating gesture. But the woman knows him, and she’s backing away. She looks scared.
Stalkers steal lives and they take lives.
He walks towards her, ignoring her fear, ignoring the silent shaking of her head.
Stalking is a crime.
His anger engulfs him as he walks towards her.
Report it.
She turns away, pulls a phone from her pocket. As she begins to talk to someone, she walks away from him, increasing the distance between them and decreasing the hold he has over her.
You can watch the complete charity animation here.
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