In celebration of the anticipated broadcast of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Shibuya Incident Arc and to pay homage to this beloved manga and anime series, a special Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe is set to grace multiple locations across Japan for a limited...
In celebration of the anticipated broadcast of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Shibuya Incident Arc and to pay homage to this beloved manga and anime series, a special Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe is set to grace multiple locations across Japan for a limited time, starting on October 19, 2023. This cafe promises an enticing array of ‘cursed’ menu items inspired by the dark fantasy world of the manga.
Jujutsu Kaisen, written by Gege Akutami, has captivated audiences since its serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2018. With a staggering 80 million copies sold, it ranks among the top-selling manga series. The TV anime adaptation by MAPPA aired from October 2020 to March 2021, comprising 24 thrilling episodes. The subsequent animated film, Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie, was released in December 2021 and emerged as the second highest-grossing film of the year in Japan. Its global success followed suit, securing the sixth spot in the all-time highest-grossing anime films, a testament to its international popularity after gems like Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, several Ghibli films, and Your Name.
The much-awaited Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 TV anime series was launched in July 2023, bringing immense joy to eager fans. To mark this significant occasion, the Jujutsu Kaisen cafe will emerge temporarily, not limited to a single location but gracing four venues across three vibrant cities: Tokyo (Harajuku and Shinjuku), Osaka, and Nagoya during the summer season.
The Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe’s menu boasts exclusive character-themed food and drink items, inviting fans to savor delectable offerings inspired by the series. Among the revealed items is the intriguing ‘Sukuna Finger Hot Dog’, drawing inspiration from Sukuna’s cursed finger, creatively fashioned into a hot dog. Additionally, the ‘Prison Realm Tiramisu’, a dessert paying homage to the concept of the Prison Realm within the series, is sure to enthrall guests with its artistic interpretation in the form of a themed tiramisu dessert.
The Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe is set to make its grand debut at select BOX cafe&space venues across Japan. The inaugural appearance will take place at Gems Shibuya, commencing on October 19, 2023, and continuing until January 21, 2024. Following this exciting launch, the cafe will also grace the iconic 109 building in Shibuya, opening its doors to eager fans from November 16, 2023, to January 21, 2024.
Furthermore, Jujutsu Kaisen enthusiasts in Osaka will have the delightful opportunity to experience the cafe at the HEP FIVE shopping mall, where it will be available from October 26, 2023, to January 28, 2024. And for fans in Nagoya, the Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe will set up its culinary haven at the Nagoya Lachic Second Store, welcoming patrons from October 26 to December 17, 2023. A remarkable chance to immerse oneself in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen awaits in these vibrant locations.
As the Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe launch date approaches, more tantalizing food and drink options are expected to be unveiled, promising an immersive and delightful experience for fans of Jujutsu Kaisen. The Jujutsu Kaisen cafe stands as a wonderful opportunity for enthusiasts to step into the captivating world of manga and anime, allowing them to indulge in the saga through delicious creations and exclusive merchandise.
Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe opens in Japan
Jujutsu Kaisen has a rich tradition of themed cafés in Japan, but the upcoming line of themed restaurants is set to elevate the experience to a new level.
This newest Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe is slated to begin taking orders from October 19, 2023. It will be an immersive experience at four carefully selected locations: two in Tokyo, one in Osaka, and another in Nagoya. Each of these locales will be meticulously themed around the ongoing anime’s focal point, the Shibuya Incident Arc.
The debut Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe will naturally find its home in Gems Shibuya, welcoming enthusiasts from October 19, 2023, to January 21, 2024. Following this, the second venue will throw open its doors at the iconic 109 building in Shibuya, captivating fans from November 16 to January 21, 2024. HEP FIVE’s shopping mall will be the stage for the Osaka café, welcoming visitors from October 26, 2023, to January 28, 2024. Lastly, the fourth and final establishment will enchant visitors at the Nagoya Lachic Second Store, receiving orders from October 26 to December 17, 2023.
In a statement shared via PR Times, a spokesperson for the café expressed their enthusiastic anticipation: “In 2023, we introduced a café themed around the second season of the TV anime ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ in August, drawing an array of visitors.”
They further elaborated, “Building on this success, we have chosen to continue this theme in the café, focusing on the ‘Shibuya Incident’ storyline, which unfolds in the vibrant surroundings of Shibuya Station—an area abuzz with Halloween festivities. This tale depicts an unprecedented large-scale clash involving sorcerers, spellcasters, and spirits of the departed.”
What is on the ‘Cursed Menu’ of Jujutsu Kaisen cafe?
The much-anticipated Jujutsu Kaisen café lives up to its reputation by presenting a captivating ‘cursed’ menu inspired by elements from both anime and manga, promising a delightful gastronomic adventure.
At the forefront is the Sukuna Finger Hot Dog, an enticing creation described as a “Hot dog infused with sausage, German potatoes, and cheddar cheese cleverly shaped to resemble Sukuna’s finger.” Complementing this innovative dish are mini mechamaru mashed potatoes, adding to the experience.
Following suit is the Megumi-inspired Ginger Sauce Chicken Fried Rice, showcasing “Black fried rice and grilled chicken enhanced with tamari soy sauce. Topped with your choice of black ginger sauce inspired by shadows, and garnished with chicken.”
A crowd-pleaser, the Nobara Barasushi, offers “Chirashi-sushi meticulously crafted from sweet and sour ginger rice, ingeniously shaped like a straw doll. Paired with young corn and fried pasta nails, topped with a rose topping made from salmon, salad, and lemon dressing.”
Nanami’s contribution, the delectable Caramelized Banana Waffle, features his iconic machete in a creative presentation. Served alongside vanilla ice cream and a mango sauce, this dessert is a sweet tooth’s delight.
Continuing this culinary journey, Gojo’s Prison Realm Tiramisu, a dessert made from “mascarpone cream, cocoa cookie, and blueberries,” promises a delightful conclusion to your meal.
But the culinary delights don’t end there! The menu also features:
Cursed Spirit Sphere Parfait: A parfait boasting matcha ice cream and an assortment of fruits mirroring Geto’s vibrant colors, with chocolate crisps adding an enjoyable texture. Orange Soda: A zesty orange soda infused with the vibrant flavors of orange and rosemary. Apple & Ginger Drink: An inviting hot beverage blending the refreshing notes of apple and the gentle warmth of ginger, adorned with bell roses and cinnamon, inspired by Kugisaki. Condensed Milk Tea: A delightful blend of black tea and condensed milk, available in both regular and strawberry-flavored variations for a delightful twist. Blue Lemonade: A refreshing lemonade featuring the zing of lemon and the aromatic essence of rosemary, inspired by Gojo and presented in a vibrant blue hue. Mango Ade: A sparkling mango soda infused with mango and rosemary, capturing the essence of summertime refreshment.In addition to the delectable food and drinks, patrons can also acquire unique Jujutsu Kaisen merchandise, including keychains, postcards, stickers, mugs, badges, and coasters—all priced affordably under $12. If you find yourself in Japan, seize the opportunity to immerse yourself in the captivating world of Jujutsu Kaisen at this exciting new café. As an added bonus, the current airing of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 of the anime adaptation as a simulcast title on Crunchyroll only adds to the appeal. Enjoy your dining experience!
Here’s the list of Jujutsu Kaisen goods available for sale and their respective prices:
Food Menu:
Sukuna Finger Hot Dog (Yuji Itadori): ¥1,600 yen (~$11) Ginger Sauce Chicken Fried Rice (Megumi Fushiguro): ¥1,600 yen (~$11) Barasushi (Nobara Kugisaki): ¥1,600 yen (~$11) Caramelized Banana Waffle (Kento Nanami): ¥1,500 yen (~$10) Prison Realm Tiramisu (Satoru Gojo): ¥1,500 yen (~$10) Cursed Spirit Sphere Parfait (Suguru Geto): ¥1,500 yen (~$10) Orange Soda (Yuji Itadori): ¥800 yen (~$5) Apple & Ginger Drink (Nobara Kugisaki): ¥900 yen (~$6) Condensed Milk Tea (Kento Nanami): ¥800 yen (~$5) Blue Lemonade (Satoru Gojo): ¥800 yen (~$5) Mango Ade (Suguru Geto): ¥800 yen (~$5)Merchandise:
Pin Badge (6 available): ¥550 yen (~$3) Acrylic Keychain (6 available): ¥700 yen (~$5) Character Mini Acrylic Keychain (8 available): ¥700 yen (~$5) Character Mini Acrylic Stand (8 available): ¥850 yen (~$6) Acrylic Board (6 available): ¥1,750 yen (~$12) 6 Postcard Set: ¥750 yen (~$5) 8 Sticker Set: ¥990 yen (~$6) Mug Cup: ¥1,800 yen (~$12) Big Pin Badge (2 available): ¥700 yen (~$5) Small Dish (2 available): ¥1,200 yen (~$8) Dolomite Coasters (set of 2): ¥1,250 yen (~$8)Indulge in these delightful Jujutsu Kaisen-themed treats and grab your favorite merchandise at the Jujutsu Kaisen Cafe!