KADOKAWA has revealed on December 13 JST (“Twins Day” in Japan) that the anime adaptation of the Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai light novels will begin airing in July 2024. A trailer, key visual, and main cast details were...
KADOKAWA has revealed on December 13 JST (“Twins Day” in Japan) that the anime adaptation of the Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai light novels will begin airing in July 2024. A trailer, key visual, and main cast details were also released.
Moeha Mochimoto and Maaya Uchida are voicing Rumi Jinguuji and Naori Jinguuji, the titular twins of the story, respectively. Shougo Sakata is providing the voice for protagonist Jun Shirosaki.
In addition to the main cast, it was announced that Roll2 is the animation production company for the series. Roll2 typically handles subcontracted work (it was recently credited for production assistance in the third episode of The Apothecary Diaries), and its Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai credit is part of a growing trend of “support studios” being tasked with series production duties.
The Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai light novel series, authored by Shihon Takamura and illustrated by ALmic, involves a love triangle between Jun and the Jinguuji twins who live next door to him. The first volume of the Dengeki Bunko romantic comedy series was published in 2021, and there are five volumes as of March 2023. The light novels have inspired a manga adaptation drawn by OKARI.
Source: Press release