How Many Entertainment District Arc Episodes Are There?

12 months ago 45

Introduction to Entertainment District ArcThe eighth story arc of the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District Arc manga and anime series. Tanjiro Kamado helps are Sister, friends, Demon Slayer Corps, and Tengen Uzui Wives in an attack on...

Introduction to Entertainment District Arc

The eighth story arc of the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District Arc manga and anime series. Tanjiro Kamado helps are Sister, friends, Demon Slayer Corps, and Tengen Uzui Wives in an attack on the demon.

Episode Count

The anime series starts date on December 5, 2021, to February 13, 2022 are episodes Count are Eleven. It the written by Koyoharu Gotouge and published by Shueisha.

Where to Watch

We'll provide a list of official streaming platforms such as Crunchyroll and Netflix where you can enjoy the Entertainment District Arc in English. Make sure to support the creators by watching it legally.

entertainment district arc

Plot Summary

Th? D?mon Slay?r Corps m?mb?rs ar? still burd?n?d by th? d?struction caus?d by th? Mug?n Train disast?r.

Th? wick?d n?v?r slumb?r,  so ?v?n though th?y ar? giv?n tim? to h?al,  lif? must continu? sinc? a f?rocious d?mon is t?rrorizing th? s?ductiv? wom?n of Yoshiwara Ent?rtainm?nt District.

T?ng?n Uzui,  his thr?? wiv?s,  and th? Sound Hashira ar? inv?stigating.  But wh?n T?ng?n soon stops speaking to his wiv?s,  h? starts to worry.

To find th? corrupt Upp?r-Rank D?mon,  h? ?nlists th? aid of Tanjirou Kamado,  Z?nitsu Agatsuma,  and Inosuk? Hashibira,  infiltrating th? most pow?rful hom?s in th? district.

Key Moments

H?r? ar? som? of th? k?y mom?nts from th? D?mon Slay?r Ent?rtainm?nt District Arc:

Tanjiro and his friends infiltrat? th? Yoshiwara ?nt?rtainm?nt district. Tanjiro discov?rs that Daki is th? d?mon r?sponsibl? for th? disapp?aranc?s. Tanjiro,  Z?nitsu,  and Inosuk? t?am up with T?ng?n Uzui to d?f?at Daki and Gyutaro. Gyutaro ?m?rg?s from th? shadows and r?v?als hims?lf to b? Daki's broth?r. T?ng?n and Tanjiro fight Gyutaro, while Z?nitsu and Inosuk? fight Daki. T?ng?n los?s an ?y? and an arm in th? battl? against Gyutaro. Tanjiro awak?ns his D?mon Slay?r Mark and d?f?ats Gyutaro. Z?nitsu and Inosuk? d?f?at Daki. T?ng?n and Tanjiro surviv? th? battl?,  but th?y ar? both s?v?r?ly injur?d.


In addition to th?s? k?y mom?nts,  th?r? ar? many oth?r m?morabl? sc?n?s from th? Ent?rtainm?nt District Arc,  such as:

Tanjiro's flashback to his childhood with his mother. Z?nitsu's conf?ssion of love to N?zuko. Inosuk?'s fight against Darui,  Gyutaro, and Daki's h?nchman. T?ng?n's backstory and his r?lationship with his thr?? wiv?s. Tanjiro and T?ng?n's combin?d attack against Gyutaro. Th? Ent?rtainm?nt District Arc is a thrilling and ?motional story that showcas?s the strength and d?t?rmination of Tanjiro and his friends.  It is also a story about th? importanc? of t?amwork and sacrific?.
demon slayer characters


Tanjiro Kamado, his comrad?s, D?mon Slay?r Corps, and T?ng?n Uzui Wiv?s ?ngag? in a d?mon attack in th? eighth story arc of th? manga and anim? s?ri?s D?mon Slay?r: Kim?tsu no Yaiba Ent?rtainm?nt District Arc.

Starting on D?c?mb?r 5,  2021,  th? anim? s?ri?s will b? air?d on Crunchyroll and N?tflix. It highlights th? valu? of sacrific?, t?amwork, and pow?r in th? struggl? against th? d?mon.

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