Who is The Strongest Girl in Fire Force?

10 months ago 42

Why is th? Strong?st Girl in Fir? Forc? So Pow?rful?This is,  of course,  just my vi?w.  It is up to ?ach fan to d?t?rmin? which Fir? Forc? m?mb?r th?y b?li?v? to b? th? strong?st; th?r? is no right or...

Why is th? Strong?st Girl in Fir? Forc? So Pow?rful?

This is,  of course,  just my vi?w.  It is up to ?ach fan to d?t?rmin? which Fir? Forc? m?mb?r th?y b?li?v? to b? th? strong?st; th?r? is no right or wrong answ?r. 

The most muscular and powerful girls in th? Fir? Forc? anim? s?ri?s ar? Maki Oz?,  Hibana,  Amat?rasu, Haum?a, and Inca Kasugatani. That girls ar? company and organization ar? strong m?mb?rs.



Maki Oz?

Maki Oz? is a S?cond G?n?ration pyrokin?tic and a Sp?cial Fir? Forc? Company 8 m?mb?r.  Sh? is a powerful fight?r with a strong s?ns? of justic?.

Maki is a skill?d fight?r who can control h?r flam?s with pr?cision. Sh? can us? h?r p?ts to cr?at? pow?rful attacks,  such as fir?balls and flam?throw?rs. Sh? is also abl? to us? h?r lov? to cr?at? shi?lds and barri?rs.

maki oz?


Sh? is a powerful fight with a fi?ry personality. Sh? is also th? captain of Company 5.  Hibana is a tall and sl?nd?r woman with long,  black hair and r?d ?y?s.

Sh? w?ars a black and r?d fir?fight?r uniform with a short skirt and high h??ls.  Sh? also w?ars a r?d scarf and a pair of r?d glov?s.



Sh? is th? First Pillar,  a b?ing with imm?ns? pyrokin?tic pow?rs. Sh? was born ov?r 250 years ago and is on? of th? f?w survivors of th? Gr?at Cataclysm, an apocalyptic ?v?nt that caus?d th? world to b? cov?r?d in flam?s. 

Amat?rasu's goal is to destroy humanity and create a new world.  Sh? b?li?v?s that humanity is r?sponsibl? for th? Gr?at Cataclysm, and sh? wants to punish th?m for th?ir sins. 


Sh? is on? of th? Eight Pillars of th? Adolla Burst, and sh? poss?ss?s th? ability to manipulat? ?l?ctricity.  Sh? is also known as th? S?cond Pillar. 

Haum?a is a powerful fight?r who can control ?l?ctricity with pr?cision. Sh? can us? h?r ?l?ctricity to cr?at? pow?rful attacks,  such as lightning bolts and ?l?ctrical fi?lds.  Sh? is also abl? to us? h?r ?l?ctricity to manipulat? p?opl?'s minds and control th?m.

Inca Kasugatani

The Inca were a skill?d fight?r who could control h?r flam?s with pr?cision. Sh? can us? h?r lov? to cr?at? pow?rful attacks, such as fir?balls and flam?throw?rs. Sh? is also abl? to us? h?r p?ts to cr?at? shi?lds and barri?rs.

Inca is a kind and compassionat? woman who is always willing to help others. Sh? is also a skill?d l?ad?r who is d?dicat?d to h?r t?am.

inca kasugatani


Th? Strong?st Girls in Fir? Forc? Pow?rful ar? Maki Oz?, Hibana, Amat?rasu, Haum?a, and Inca Kasugatani. 

In addition to th?s? factors, Hibana is also bl?ss?d with a strong Adolla Burst,  which giv?s h?r ?v?n gr?at?r pow?r. 

Th? Adolla Burst is a myst?rious forc? that is said to b? th? sourc? of all Pyrokin?sis. It is only poss?ss?d by a s?l?ct f?w p?opl? and thos? who do hav? it ar? said to be capable of gr?at things.  

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