April 12, 2024 marks the premiere of the 27th entry in the Detective Conan anime film series, Detective Conan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube (The Million-Dollar Five Guiding Stars). Ahead of that, a new trailer and visual made their way...
April 12, 2024 marks the premiere of the 27th entry in the Detective Conan anime film series, Detective Conan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube (The Million-Dollar Five Guiding Stars). Ahead of that, a new trailer and visual made their way online, revealing that Kaito Kid is after shinsengumi vice commander Hijikata Toshizo’s sword this time.
Full visual:
Before the new movie premieres, a compilation film titled Detective Conan vs. Kaito Kid is scheduled to open in Japan on January 5, 2024.
The 26th entry in the series, Detective Conan: Kurogane no Submarine, made some impressive records in Japan throughout 2023, staying strong alongside other heavy hitters like The Super Mario Bros. Movie.
VIZ Media publishes the original Detective Conan manga (under the name Case Closed) and gave this description for the first volume:
Precocious high school student Jimmy Kudo uses his keen powers of observation and astute intuition to solve mysteries that have left law enforcement officials baffled. Hot on the trail of a suspect, Jimmy is accosted from behind and fed a strange chemical which physically transforms him into a grade schooler! Taking on the pseudonym Conan Edogawa, he attempts to track down the people who did this to him. But until he finds a cure for his bizarre condition, Jimmy continues to help the police solve their toughest cases.