Anthropology Blog Resurvey Project #3: The Blogroll (plus)

one year ago 80

As promised, here’s a list of the anthropology and archaeology blogs that are still active from Jason Antrosio’s archive from 2017. I found one site that’s actually not active, so that brings us down to 76 blogs that are...

As promised, here’s a list of the anthropology and archaeology blogs that are still active from Jason Antrosio’s archive from 2017. I found one site that’s actually not active, so that brings us down to 76 blogs that are still running. But Lorena Gibson just posted a new piece on Anthropod, so that brings us right back up to our total of 77! Yay! In the first section of this post I’ll list all the sites from Jason’s list that are still active. Then at the bottom I’ll add some new sites, other sites, and places where people are writing/posting now. If you have or know about other sites/blogs that are not on here please post them in the comments below.

Before going forward, there are a couple things I noticed. The first, brought up by Lorenz in a recent comment on another post, is that many of us out there are definitely seeing and feeling the impacts of the loss of community that has come with the whole Twitter juggernaut and other issues such as the rise of paywalls (as Sarah Kendzior put it: Paywalls are a threat esp when disinformation is free). But again, a lot of folks are still out there writing. And this brings me to the second point: On his site, David Davies wrote something that really resonated and stood out to me: “Very few of the hundreds of hits on this site ever leave comments. Blogging is enjoyable, but feedback makes it even more interesting. I’d love to hear more from folks and perhaps even get a few conversations going.”

Blogging and writing are more fun when we get feedback and comments. This work also matters, in a broader sense, especially in our increasingly polarized and pay-walled world. We need spaces where we can share ideas (and not lose everything when some CEO decides to trash certain platforms), and we also need platforms where we can share, distribute, and archive perspectives coming from anthropology. Especially with all the paywalls out there. Rather than all that scrolling on those platforms that monetize our every click and ultimately control the content we post, maybe now is a good time to get back to blogging, posting, linking, and sharing our ideas…like things used to work in the earlier days of this internet thing. All the better if we shift back (or forward) to platforms that allow us to have greater control of the content we produce and the platforms we use.

Ok, here we go:


Aidnography. From the About page: “My name is Tobias Denskus and I am an Associate Professor in Development Studies in the School of Arts and Communication at Malmö University in Sweden. I am co-coordinating our MA in Communication for Development, an online blended learning program that for more than 20 years has brought together hundreds of students from all over the world in our Glocal Classroom.”

All Tomorrow’s Cultures. A site run by Samuel G. Collins: “I’m a professor of anthropology at a mid-sized, state university in Maryland, USA. You can see my homepage here.”

Allegra Lab. From the About page: “Allegra began in 2013 as a small group of renegade anthropologists creating a voice for themselves in the margins of the neoliberal academy. Today, it has become a  veritable movement emboldening a large number of anthropologists and other academics to enliven the “dead space” between standard academic publication and fast moving public debates. Allegra maintains that this space is where intellectual innovation happens at its best. No great thinkers ever emerged from the quarantined space of academic disciplines where the polished aesthetic of writing for one’s colleagues (and national frameworks to evaluate excellency) takes priority over the viscerality of the issue at hand. Instead, from Rigoberta Menchù to Marx, bell hooks to Arendt, Fanon to Foucault and many others, intellectuals targeted their thinking directly at the conflicts and injustices they saw around them.”

Alma Gottlieb. From the bio page: “I’m a cultural anthropologist, researcher, author, and teacher impassioned by understanding all things human. As a scholar, I aim to use my research to promote tolerance and reduce injustice by analyzing relations among systems of power, thought, and experience in my publications; as a teacher, I aim to use scholarly research to promote tolerance and reduce injustice by training students to be both skilled seekers and critical analysts of information. I specialize in migration/diaspora; religion/ritual; the family/child-rearing; gender/sexuality; and issues of representation/ethnographic writing. My major research has taken me to West Africa and the contemporary African diaspora in Europe and the U.S.”

Animal Archaeology. From the about page: “Hi, my name is Dr. Alex Fitzpatrick. I’m a zooarchaeologist and interdisciplinary researcher in heritage & museum studies. I received my BA in Classical Archaeology, Anthropology, and Special Honours from CUNY Hunter College in 2015. In 2016, I received my MSc in Archaeological Sciences from the University of Bradford. My dissertation was titled Fishing, Diet, and Environment in the Iron Age of the Northern Isles. I remained at the University of Bradford until 2021, where I received my PhD in Archaeology. My dissertation was titled Ritual and Funerary Rites in Later Prehistoric Scotland: An Analysis of Faunal Assemblages from the Covesea Caves.”

Anthrodendum. You’re looking at it. But not for long. Insert sad face here.

Anthropod. From the about page: “Welcome! anthropod is a blog written by Lorena Gibson, an anthropologist and musician based in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. Her research interests include education, culture and development, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), social justice, gender relations, music, and hope. Lorena is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Cultural Anthropology Programme at Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington.”

Anthropolitan. About page: “Welcome to Anthropolitan – UCL Anthropology’s student-run blog. We publish blog posts, articles, stories, poems, reviews and interviews relating to anthropology in all its diversity.”

Anthropology of Everyday Life. From the About page: “Meredith holds a Ph.D. in biological anthropology from the University of California, Davis. She is trained as a primatologist and has spent much time in the field observing and documenting the behavior of our closest non-human relatives. Her research is cross-disciplinary and makes use of historical, anthropological, and biological methodologies to answer some of the biggest questions facing society today.” From the About page: “’s mission is to promote and facilitate discussion, review research, extend stewardship of resources, and disseminate knowledge. To serve the public interest, we seek the widest possible engagement with all segments of society, including professionals, students, and anyone who is interested in advancing knowledge and enhancing awareness of anthropology.”

Anthropo.scene. From the About page: “Jeremy Schmidt is Associate Professor of Geography at Durham University. In 2015, he received the SSHRC Impact Award for his work on water governance, ethics, and policy. He was previously a post-doctoral fellow in social anthropology at Dalhousie University and Harvard University. His PhD (Geography) was conferred by Western University, where he held a Trudeau Scholarship.”

Antropología Industrial. From the About page: “Este sitio trata de la utilización del análisis antropológico y etnográfico como técnica de conocimiento y gestión empresarial, asociada a una concepción estratégica, complementaria y simbiótica con el marketing.” [This site deals with the use of anthropological and ethnographic analysis as a knowledge and business management technique, associated with a strategic, complementary and symbiotic conception with marketing].

Antropologia: Una perspective multiple. Gabriela Vargas-Cetina’s site: “La antropología es una disciplina académica, a la mitad entre la ciencia y el arte, que se ocupa de todo lo relacionado con los grupos de personas, con nuestras formas de vivir y de ver el mundo, así como con nuestras formas de organizarnos, comunicarnos, concebirnos a nosotros mismos y concebir al universo y nuestro lugar en él.” [Anthropology is an academic discipline, halfway between science and art, that deals with everything related to groups of people, our ways of living and seeing the world, as well as our ways of organizing ourselves, communicating, conceive ourselves, and conceive the universe and our place in it].

El Antropólogo Perplejo. J.A. Mansilla’s site: “Interesado en las interrelaciones entre clases y movimientos sociales, en la construcción institucional y mediática de retóricas y discursos legitimadores de procesos de reforma urbana, en la influencia de las prácticas turísticas en el tejido social de las ciudades y en la recuperación de la cultura popular como forma de reivindicación de las formas culturales propias de las clases subalternas.” [Interested in the interrelationships between classes and social movements, in the institutional and media construction of rhetoric and discourses that legitimize urban reform processes, in the influence of tourist practices on the social fabric of cities and in the recovery of popular culture as form of vindication of the cultural forms of the subaltern classes].

Archaeology Review. About page: “Carl Feagans is a professional archaeologist that earned a master’s degree in anthropology with a focus on archaeology at the University of Texas at Arlington. Among his academic interests are the religious and cult beliefs of prehistoric peoples, particularly in the Near East around the Pre-Pottery Neolithic. His current interests historic archaeology, particularly related to clandestine distilleries (moonshine stills!). He currently works for the United States Forest Service and records 19th and 20th century home sites that have a rural, agrarian focus.”

ArchaeoThoughts. Andre Costopoulos from the University of Alberta. I don’t see an about page, so here’s an excerpt from the most recent post: “The two hour opener of Season 11 heavily features the discovery of coins, both Roman and Medieval, on Lot 5, near and around the circular depression. As always, we can ask ourselves how surprising and how significant these finds are, and what they might mean. Do the coins indicate treasure?.”

Arctic Anthropology. About page: “Several Arctic anthropologists, mostly based in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland, have decided that now is the right time to create a platform that allows us to communicate our ideas beyond some office table or informal chats. We have a shared enthusiasm for our discipline and an interest in the North as a space for living and doing research among its inhabitants. Our research and theoretical interests are diverse, but united by the conviction that we can contribute to general debates in our discipline ‘from the North’, i.e. by combining evidence from our fieldwork with theoretical interests. We hope that numerous comments and contributions on our topics here enrich all of our work, and in an ideal world maybe we can create new interest networks and contacts among colleagues to work jointly on promoting the study of Arctic residents in the discipline of social anthropology, and also in its relevance for improving the lives of those living in the North.”

Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa (ASSA). Association site with regular updates and posts. From the about page: “ASAA/NZ is a vibrant community of anthropologists who are from, work in, or are interested in issues related to Aotearoa/New Zealand and the wider Asia-Pacific region. The photos on this site, which have been taken by or of our members (see below), illustrate the diversity of regions in which we do fieldwork.”

Patrick Clarkin. About: “I am a biological anthropologist and associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. My research integrates the impact of social and evolutionary forces on growth, nutrition, and health. In particular, I have focused on the long-term impact of war,  refugee experiences, and poverty on growth and health of Southeast Asians (Hmong, Lao, Khmer).”

Brave New Words. About page: “Dr Piers Kelly is a linguistic anthropologist at The University of England, Armidale, affiliated with the Centre for Australian Studies at the University of Cologne.” Also from the about page: “Communication is a foundational process underpinning all human activity. I am interested in one intriguing aspect of this bigger story: how the scope ordinary language is creatively extended through strategic interventions. This is why my research is concerned with topics such as graphic codes, language engineering and crosscultural literacy, and why I find the holism of linguistic anthropology to be an especially useful tool of enquiry.”

CaMP Anthropology. About: “Welcome to the CaMP Anthropology blog! This blog will feature posts, discussions, and links at the intersections of communication, media, and performance. Based in Rice University’s Anthropology Department, we welcome submissions exploring recently published books and dissertations in these emerging fields.”

Citizen Sociolinguistics. About: “I am Betsy Rymes, Professor of Educational Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania, where I teach about language and society and how they relate to educational projects, including schools and classrooms. My hopes and dreams for this blog:  That it becomes a place for sharing everyday encounters with language and engaging in dialog about different ways of speaking and attitudes about them–that is, a place for Citizen Sociolinguistics.”

Colleen Morgan. Colleen’s site used to be called ‘Middle Savagery,’ now it’s under her name. About: “Dr. Colleen Morgan (ORCID 0000-0001-6907-5535) is the Senior Lecturer in Digital Archaeology and Heritage in the Department of Archaeology at the University of York. She is the Director of the Digital Archaeology and Heritage Lab, the MSc in Digital Archaeology and the MSc in Digital Heritage. She received her PhD from UC Berkeley, was Marie Curie Experienced Researcher for the EUROTAST project from 2013-2015 and a postdoctoral fellow for the Centre for Digital Heritage from 2015-2017. She has an established international reputation as a leading scholar in critical digital archaeology and heritage. Her research contributions fall in three main areas: 1) bringing digital archaeology into conversation with current theory drawn from feminist, queer, posthuman, and anarchist approaches 2) multisensorial interventions and digital embodiment, with a focus on avatars of past people created from bioarchaeological data 3) issues surrounding craft, enskillment and pedagogy in analog and digital methods in field archaeology, including photography, videography, and drawing.”

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. Journal website that features regular posts with interviews. About: “Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry is an international, interdisciplinary forum publishing work at the intersections of medicine, the social sciences, and the humanities with a specific focus on human experiences of mind, mental distress, and mental health. Founded in 1977, the journal promotes more inclusive understandings of mental distress and illness, particularly by focusing on the role of culture and social context while also illuminating the lived experiences of clinicians, as well as users of mental health care and their families. For this journal, mental health “care” includes biomedical as well as alternative approaches, including (but not limited to): traditional healing, alternative medicine, mutual support, psychedelic treatment, and more.”

CultureBy.  Grant McCracken’s site. About: “Trained as an anthropologist (Ph.D. University of Chicago), Grant has studied American culture for 25 years. He has worked for many organizations including Timberland, New York Historical Society, IKEA, Google, Ford Foundation, Kanye West, Netflix, Sony, Coca Cola, Sam Adams, Boston Book Festival, Delta, Oprah, Reddit, PBS, State Farm, NBC, Diageo, IBM, Nike, and the Obama White House. He was the founder and Director of the Institute of Contemporary Culture at the Royal Ontario Museum, where he did the first museum exhibit on youth cultures. He has taught at the University of Cambridge, MIT, and the Harvard Business School.”

Decolonize All The Things (DATT). About: “Dr. Shay-Akil McLean, MA, MA, Ph.D. (Twitter & IG: @Hood_Biologist) is a Queer Trans man racialized as Black, on stolen Indigenous land, an educator, organizer, writer & public intellectual. Dr. Shay-Akil McLean is a Du Boisian & Darwinian Eco-Evolutionary Geneticist & Comparative Historical Sociologist, who develops leading expert commentary on biology, race/ism, health, science, technology & society. He is also the founder of the free political education website & the free scientific ethics website”

Donna Lanclos. About: “I am an anthropologist and a folklorist and have been unapologetic about those two things for quite a while, now.  I found myself working in academic libraries starting in 2009, and since then have been thinking, writing, and talking a lot about the nature of information, digital and physical places, and higher education generally.  I see my work as relevant not just to libraries or universities, but to conversations about how we as a society make sure that people have opportunities to learn how to think critically, to practice those skills, and to find their voices.”

Engagement Blog. About: “Engagement is the official blog of the Anthropology and Environment Society (AES), a section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). It features first-hand accounts by anthropologists and other social scientists who bring an anthropological approach to understanding the pressing environmental issues of our time. The blog takes an expansive view of “engagement,” advancing discourse on topics including theory, ethnographic writing, activism, and collaboration. Engaging diverse publics, it aims to bring the latest scholarly research to audiences that might not otherwise read or access scholarly literature, including undergraduates, applied professionals, advocates, policy-makers, or others. Engagement seeks to create a space where scholars can publish provocative, serious, and experimental work without being burdened by jargon, conventional form and genre, or the excessive citation requirements of scientific journals.”

EPIC. About: “EPIC People are researchers, creators, innovators, and leaders doing ethnography for impact in business and organizations. EPIC is a nonprofit membership organization, global community, and annual conference that supports the professional development, learning, and leadership of people who practice and promote ethnography.”

Ethnographer/Ecographer. About: “A Practicing Anthropologist. My consulting and project work is motivated by socialist feminism and the strong belief that anthropology provides equitable methods for real world problems, that scholars’ interests and skills should benefit our research partners, and that anthropology is a community-oriented service that can make a difference.”

Everyday Anthropology. Formerly ‘Pedal-Powered Anthropology.’ Run by Joe LyonWurm and Angela Achorn. About Joe: “Joe is the founder of Everyday Anthropology. With a background in four fields anthropology, their primary focus was in biological anthropology and they have done field work in Kenya as well as morphological studies of modern primates as a model to understand variation in the human fossil record. Since then, cultural and linguistic anthropology has taken more of the center stage. Joe has filmed numerous documentaries, most notably Pedal for Pongo, and most recently completed a book on 19th century cast iron cookware.” About Angela: “Angie graduated from Rhode Island College in 2016 with a BA in Anthropology and a minor in Environmental Studies. She earned her MA in Anthropology from Texas A&M University in 2018, and her PhD in 2022. For her dissertation, she examined the function of meat sharing within a population of savanna-dwelling chimpanzees in Senegal.”

The Familiar Strange (TFS). About: “We want to familiarise you with the strange, after estranging you with the familiar. This is an anthropology social engagement project. Anthropology need not be so weird and difficult to comprehend. We pursue uncommon knowledge about what it means to be humans enmeshed in culture. At present, anthropological thinking mainly occurs within ‘field sites’ and the ivory tower, and there are plenty of misconceptions about what anthropologists even do. We wish to engage anthropologists (and other social and interdisciplinary scientists) in edgier, relevant and more accessible forms of communication. Whether this is considered public, engaged, popular or activist anthropology, The Familiar Strange project just wants to open up your thinking.”

Cultural Anthropology Fieldsites and Theorizing the Contemporary. About: “The Society for Cultural Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association, constitutes a continuing effort to think expansively about the anthropological endeavor. Founded in the 1980s to highlight a concern for culture and to foster interdisciplinary connections, the Society is dedicated to interrogating and challenging the boundaries of the discipline. We welcome new points of view and approaches to a world forever in a state of becoming.”

Gillian Tett on Financial Times. About: “Gillian Tett is a columnist and member of the editorial board for the Financial Times. She writes a weekly column on Friday, covering a range of economic, financial, political and social issues. She also serves as Provost of King’s College, Cambridge. Previously, she chaired the FT editorial board, ran Moral Money, the FT’s sustainability newsletter which she co-founded, and wrote two columns a week. Gillian’s earlier roles included US managing editor for the FT; assistant editor; capital markets editor; deputy editor of the Lex column; Tokyo bureau chief; reporter in Russia and Brussels.”

Focaal Blog. About: “The Blog seeks to serve as an intellectually vibrant, socially astute, and genuinely cosmopolitan platform for the discussion of anthropological research. In particular it seeks to strengthen a historical, relational, and world-anthropology of the big issues that confront humanity—in all of its situated differences and amid all of the interconnected inequalities and unevenness. FocaalBlog is now on Facebook! Follow the new page here.”

Food Anthropology. About: “The Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN), formerly known as the Council on Nutritional Anthropology (CNA), was organized in 1974 in response to the increased interest in the interface between social sciences and human nutrition.”

The Geek Anthropologist.  About: “The Geek Anthropologist is a blog where geek culture and all things geek are analysed through the perspective of socio-cultural anthropology. We write about the intersections between social science, cultural analysis and practice of anthropology with geek culture, whether they be embodied, literary, cinematic or cybernetic.  In short, we’re interested in any culturally informed analysis of geek culture or things that geeks love.” Who are these Geeks? Check here.

Anthropogenesis. About: “At the time when both the old Out-of-Africa paradigm in human origins research and the Clovis-I paradigm in the study of the origin of American Indians (Native Americans, Amerindians) have failed to account for the rapidly growing body of data, this blog provides a unique and previously unrecognized solution to the puzzle of human origins and dispersals. Drawing on linguistics, kinship studies, ethnology, genetics, paleobiology and archaeology, it brings American Indian populations into the focus on modern human origins research, documents back-migrations of American Indians to the Old World and explores the possibility of modern human origins not in Africa but in America.”

Glossographia. About: “Welcome to Glossographia, a blog dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of language from a social scientific perspective. I am Stephen Chrisomalis, a linguistic anthropologist and cognitive anthropologist working at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.  The opinions and thoughts on this blog are mine alone, and should not be taken as representative of those of my employer. I write about the intersection of linguistics, archaeology, anthropology, cognitive science, and evolution, with particular foci on epigraphy, literacy studies, writing systems, numeration, and the history of science and mathematics, among other things.  From time to time I also post about social issues in academia, particularly those relating to graduate education.  While my focus will be academic, I’m aiming to present material that will be accessible and interesting to non-specialists and specialists alike.”

Greg Laden’s Blog. About: “I am trained as an anthropologist, with a combined degree in archaeology and biological anthropology from a small east coast school. In the US, I’ve done fieldwork or consulting in New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Arizona, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Oversees, I did work in Zaire and South Africa. I lived with the Efe Pygmies and Lese Horticulturalists of Zaire (now Congo), worked in the Semliki Valley (near the Rwenzori), and did extensive survey some excavation (including at Kroomdrai) and other work in South Africa, for a total of about four or five years. My main contributions that you would have come across anywhere have to do with the split between humans and chimps (as a result of a shift in diet) and the origin of the genus Homo (related to the invention of cooking). These days, I teach now and then, I write a lot, and I occasionally advise candidates on policy.”

Guava Anthropology. About: “GUAVA anthropology covers things that are Grotesque, Unabashed, Apostate, Virid, and Auspicious about anthropology! GUAVA anthropology was founded in November 2009. It is a collective blog featuring Taiwan’s young anthropologists. More than 50 writers of the writers have taught at universities and academic institutions. They explore daily life and cultural conditions from an anthropological perspective.”

HawgBlawg. About: “Professor of Anthropology, University of Arkansas. Author of Memories of Revolt: The 1936-39 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past. Co-editor of Palestine, Israel and the Politics of Popular Culture and of Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity.”

The Human Evolution Blog. About: “Dr. Nathan H. Lents is a Professor of Molecular Biology at John Jay College of The City University of New York and author of “Not So Different: Finding Human Nature in Animals,” available in May 2016.”

ISS Archaeology. About: “Our project, initiated in 2015, is the first archaeological study of a space habitat — in this case, the International Space Station (ISS). We seek to understand evolving cultural, social, and material structures in the ISS’s unique context. Continuously occupied since 2 November 2000, this site is extraordinarily significant for the development of technology and science. It also serves as evidence for human adaptation to a completely new environment. The ISS project has involved five space agencies, 25 nations, countless private contractors, and at least 270 visitors from 19 countries (among them scientists, military officers, and even a few tourists). It is arguably the most complex and expensive building project ever undertaken by humans.”

John Hawks Weblog. One of the originals and still going strong! About: “I study human evolution and genetics. I’ve done research examining almost every part of our evolutionary story, from the very origin of the human lineage more than six million years ago up to the present day. My work on recent evolutionary changes has strong connections to global health, especially adaptations to agricultural and sedentary lifestyles and new diseases. For the past decade, I have been engaged with paleontological fieldwork in South Africa. I’ve been honored to work with the great team of researchers at the Rising Star cave system, where we discovered Homo naledi in 2013.”

Keywords. This site is run by fellow dendrite Kerim Friedman. Check out his last post here on Anthrodendum, which mentions Keywords and also has an archive of some of his favorite posts over the years. About: “P. Kerim Friedman (???) is a professor in the Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures at National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) in Taiwan. His research explores language revitalization efforts among Indigenous Taiwanese, looking at the relationship between language ideology, indigeneity, and political economy.”

Language Log. About: “Language Log was started in the summer of 2003 by Mark Liberman and Geoffrey Pullum. For nearly five years, it ran on the same elderly linux box, with the same 2003-era blogging software, sitting in a dusty corner of a group office at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania.”

Lawn Chair Anthropology. Zachary Cofran’s site. About: “I’m a biological anthropologist studying human evolution, growth, and development.  I received my PhD in Anthropology from the University of Michigan, and am now an associate professor in the Anthropology Department at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY.  Views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own*, and in no way associated with my current department or institution.”

Leiden Anthropology Blog. About: “The Leiden Anthropology Blog is written by scholars at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden University. They blog about their research, and teaching in the Bachelor and Master program, and share anthropological perspectives on a wide range of social issues.”

Society for Linguistic Anthropology. Blog for the SLA. About: “The Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) is a section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). To join the SLA, please register via the AAA website. Membership entitles you to a complementary subscription to the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. In addition to this website and blog, we also maintain several e-mail lists, organize academic meetings and awards for outstanding work in the discipline. See here for a list of officers and the by-laws of the SLA. If you’d like to contact the SLA, please use our contact form.”

Medizineethnologie. About: “Dieses Blog soll eine stärkere Sichtbarkeit für aktuelle Debatten und Forschungen in der Medizinethnologie schaffen – sowohl für Studierende und WissenschaftlerInnen aus dem akademischen Bereich, als auch für medizinethnologisch Interessierte aus der weiteren Öffentlichkeit (Medizin, Psychiatrie, Medien, Gesundheitsarbeit).” [This blog is run by the Work Group Medical Anthropology in the German Anthropological Association. It publishes texts (both in English and German) on the anthropology of transnational health interventions; migration, mobility and health; and the encounters between different medical and health-related ideas and practices in an interconnected world. More information about the text categories on this blog and the guidelines for submission can be found here: author guidelines. Specific guidelines in regard to the #WitnessingCorona series can be found here.]

Most Holy Death. From the ‘Who is La Santa Muerte?” page: “Read about who Santa Muerte is below, about her devotees, their traditions, stories and beliefs through the articles on this website, thanks to the fieldwork, research and writing of Oxford University trained anthropologist of religion Dr. Kate Kingsbury, Research Associate at University of British Columbia, the research and writing of historian Dr. R. Andrew Chesnut, Bishop Walter Sullivan Chair in Catholic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of this book on Santa Muerte, in collaboration with David Metcalfe, as we present a multi-faceted exploration of the sanctification of death in the popular faith traditions of the Americas.”

MSU Campus Archaeology Program. Blog run by the campus archaeology program. About: “MSU Campus Archaeology is a program that works to mitigate and protect the archaeological resources on Michigan State University’s beautiful and historic campus. The premier Land-Grant College, Michigan State University (MSU) has a cultural heritage that exists not only in our rich traditions and academic values, but also underneath our feet, below the ground that we walk on every day.”

Museum Fatigue. David Davies’s site. From the about page: “Somewhere outside professionally published work and research and teaching I wanted a place to write and share some of my observations and interpretations of things that I observe in the world around me—a place to collect, comment and store things. Also a place to sometimes ‘get things out’ in an informal way. Just in case someone else finds something of interest or has an idea to share, I thought it would be fun to also make it public. I have been considering a blog for years, but never seemed to get around to setting one up. This spring, just before setting off on my annual trip to China, I decided to give it a go. When it came to naming a blog, I reflected on the curious feeling of excitement, awe, and frustration that I feel when I encounter new things. Social life entices me, but it is aggravating when when meaningful interpretation is elusive. Then, the memory of the trip to the video store came to mind. I’m hoping this blog might be part of the cure for museum fatigue.”

The Naked Anthropologist. Laura Agustín’s site. About: “Laura writes as a lifelong migrant and identifies with no nationality. Visiting Professor in Gender and Migration in Switzerland in 2010, she has danced with hustlers in Miami and strippers in San Francisco, learned safe-sex techniques from brothel workers in the Dominican Republic, roomed with an escort and her family in Melbourne and visited bar girls and jailed migrants in Bangkok.”

Notes from the Ethnoground. About: “As an ethnobotanist and photographer who has worked for over thirty years in the Amazon, I often travel in what Wade Davis calls “the ethnosphere.” I use this log for reflecting on journeys and explorations both outward and inward, recent and past.”

Pedes in Terra. About: “Pedro Maya Álvarez es antropólogo, empresario y consultor especializado en la gestión de proyectos de educación digital. Actualmente es Socio Fundador y Director Técnico de Divulgación Dinámica S. L. Ha desarrollado numerosos trabajos de colaboración empresas e instituciones en el marco de los programas e iniciativas europeas.” [Pedro Maya Álvarez is an anthropologist, businessman and consultant specialized in managing digital education projects. He is currently Founding Partner and Technical Director of Divulgación Dinámica S. L. He has developed numerous collaborative projects with companies and institutions within the framework of European programs and initiatives.]

Peregrination. Holly Waters’s site. About: “This blog is comprised of my thoughts and commentary regarding the interpretive traditions and ritual practices of the sacred ammonite fossils called Shaligram. Since 2012, I have been working with and learning from the wonderful Hindu, Buddhist, and Bonpo Shaligram practitioners of India, Nepal, and among the South Asian Diaspora in the US and the UK. While I continue my ethnographic fieldwork on the topic of Shaligrams, I invite any and all interested in the subject of Shaligrams to read, discuss, and participate here. I certainly do not claim to know everything but I am happy to share what I have learned so far!”

Perspectives in Anthropology. About: “Perspectives in Anthropology, is an online publication that launched in 2014. The series specializes in articles on Social, Cultural, Medical, Urban and Visual Anthropology which are available online as open-access and free-to-read. Some of the publications in the series are evaluated by an open-source, peer-review process.”

Philbu’s Blog. About: “This is Philipp Budka, a sociocultural anthropologist from Vienna, blogging about infrastructures, technologies & media, and his fieldwork and teaching experiences.”

Powered by Osteons. Kristina Killgrove’s site. From the About page: “I am trained as a classical bioarchaeologist, and therefore am one of the few scholars who has started to answer questions about the ancient Romans using their skeletons. My research has focused primarily on immigration to Rome, urban collapse at Gabii during the Imperial period (1st-4th centuries AD), and the lives of people killed by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. This work blends anthropological theory, biochemical analysis, and classical archaeology to find out more about people rarely represented in the historical record of the Roman world: immigrants, women, children, and slaves.”

Practicing Anthropology. Site for the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA). About: “The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) was founded as a section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in 1983 to represent practicing anthropology. Many NAPA members are established or are planning careers as practicing professionals linked into government, business, and other networks outside of the academy. Many in NAPA leadership work outside of academic settings.”

Raving Anthropology. Hilary Agro’s site. About: “Hi, I’m Hilary. I live in Toronto and I’m an anthropology PhD student at the University of British Columbia. My Master’s research, which was the inception for this blog, was on the subject of drug use, harm reduction and electronic dance music culture in Toronto. My PhD research is on drug policy, activism and the harms of drug prohibition, so I’ll be writing about that as well as rave and festival culture now. I have a lot of strong feelings about stuff and like to swear a lot when I write, and this is where I’m free to do that. Take that, performative academic professionalism.”

Sapiens. From the About page: “SAPIENS is a digital magazine about everything human, told through the stories of anthropologists. In January 2016, we launched SAPIENS with the aim of bringing together the voices of scholars who are eager to share the findings, ideas, and perspectives of anthropology with a broad global readership. As people who study other people, anthropologists look to the past, present, and future to assemble vital observations on what it means to be human. This work matters. Yet all too often their research remains inaccessible to public audiences. Our purpose is to amplify anthropological insights to make a difference in how people see themselves and those around them. We hope to make people more curious about—and empathetic toward—their fellow humans.”

The Archaeological Eye. Sara Perry’s site. About: “I am Senior Research Fellow at MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), and formerly its Director of Research & Engagement overseeing MOLA’s 100+ post-excavation specialists, engagement practitioners and research associates (2019-2023). Alongside MOLA, I work as an international consultant with clients and partners seeking to develop their public and research practice in archaeology and heritage to achieve transformative outcomes for people and planet. I am also Honorary Professor at the University of York, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and I sit on the Research Committees of both the Egypt Exploration Society and the Museum of London.”

Shreds and Patches. Jason Baird Jackson’s site. About: “Curious about the “Shreds and Patches” name? This post explains it. I am an ethnographer and ethnologist whose work is centered in the fields of folklore studies and cultural anthropology. I have collaborated with Native American communities in Oklahoma since 1993, when I began a lifelong personal and research relationship with the Euchee/Yuchi people. My experiences in the company of Euchee people in turn brought me into relationship with other Native communities in central and eastern Oklahoma. My studies concern, most centrally, the nature of customary arts, practices and beliefs and the role that these play in social life. In addition to the ethnography and ethnology of Eastern North America, I also pursue projects exploring emerging issues (often quite contested) in the areas of intellectual property, cultural property, and heritage policy. Lastly, most of my career has been spent working as a curator in museum contexts and I remain deeply engaged with research in, and teaching about, museums, especially museums of art and ethnography.”

Society for Visual Anthropology. News and updates from the SVA. About: “The Society for Visual Anthropology (SVA) is a section of the American Anthropological Association. We promote the study of visual representation and media. Both research methods and teaching strategies fall within the scope of the society. SVA members are involved in all aspects of production, dissemination, and analysis of visual forms. Works in film, video, photography, and computer-based multimedia explore signification, perception, and communication-in-context, as well as a multitude of other anthropological and ethnographic themes.”

Somatosphere. About: “Somatosphere is a collaborative website covering the intersections of medical anthropology, medical sociology, history of science and medicine, science and technology studies, and cultural psychiatry. Founded in 2008 by a small group of medical anthropologists, Somatosphere has grown to become a key online forum for debate and discussion in medical anthropology, as well as in the humanities and the social sciences of health and medicine more broadly. With well over 1,000 posts, an editorial board of rising and established scholars, over 500 total contributors, an average of between 20,000 and 30,000 unique site visits per month, and a robust social media presence, Somatosphere has a wide reach among social scientists and various non-specialist publics.”

Standplaats Wereld. About: “Standplaats Wereld is the weblog of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, VU Amsterdam. The authors write in their personal capacity. Standplaats Wereld is a platform for informative, stimulating, and surprising reflections with an anthropological touch. Anthropologists are interested in people living in a contemporary global society. They try to understand this from the viewpoint of the people themselves, but also from the comparative perspective that is part of the anthropological lens. Anthropological curiosity is nowadays focused on how people in the Global South and North are dealing with modernization and globalization. Anthropologists combine the unique with the universal; the viewpoint of the individual human being with a global perspective. This weblog is an invitation to enter the anthropological home base: Standplaats Wereld.”

Teaching Anthropology. About: “Teaching Anthropology (TA) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the teaching of anthropology. It is a journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, and promotes dialogue and reflection on anthropological pedagogies in schools, colleges, universities and beyond. We welcome content from cognate disciplines that explore the teaching of culture and difference, as well as ethnographic and alternative research methods. Collecting together a diverse range of submissions, TA provide an archaeological repository of how teaching has evolved in anthropology. It is intended to be a practical resource to inspire and stimulate current pedagogical practice. Teaching sharpens our research questions and pushes forward disciplinary knowledge, opening possibilities for personal and professional transformation.”

This Anthro Life. About: “Life is complicated, but we love simple answers. AI and robotics are changing the nature of work. Emojis change the way we write. Fossil Fuels were once the engine of progress, now we’re in a race to change how we power the planet. We’re constantly trying to save ourselves…from ourselves. This Anthro Life brings you smart conversations with humanity’s top makers and minds to make sense of it all. We dig into truth and hope in our creative potential through design, culture, and technology. Change your perspective. Crafted + Hosted by Dr. Adam Gamwell. From Missing Link Studios in Boston, MA.”

Trinketization. About: “John Hutnyk writes on culture, cities, diaspora, history, film, prisons, colonialism, education, Marxism. For 30 years he has worked in the area of Asian cultural studies, Asian history, diaspora and media, and is currently Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam.”

Una Anthropológa en la Luna. About: “Noemí. Educadora social y antropóloga social y cultural” [Social educator and social and cultural anthropologist.].

Visual Anthropology of Japan. About the author: “Steven C. Fedorowicz is a cultural anthropologist, visual anthropologist, Associate Professor of Anthropology and reluctant blogger.” About the blog: “This blog is for educational purposes only; as such it is a capitalist-free zone. The views, images and opinions expressed here are those of the author only, unless otherwise noted. The author does not necessarily share or endorse any of the views or contents of linked sites. All responsibility for “Visual Anthropology of Japan” lies with the author and not any institution he may be affiliated with. Peace.”

Wenner Gren. News and updates from the WG. About: “The Wenner-Gren Foundation is a private operating foundation dedicated to providing leadership in support of anthropology and anthropologists worldwide.”

Wide Urban World. Michael E. Smith’s site. About the site: “Wide Urban World is a blog about cities as viewed from a broad historical and comparative perspective. As Winston Churchill said, ‘The farther back we look, the farther ahead we can see.’ About M.E. Smith: ” am an archaeologist who works on Aztec sites and Teotihuacan.I do comparative and transdisciplinary research on cities, and also households, empires, and city-states. I view my discipline, archaeology, as a Comparative Historical Social Science.”

Zachary Blair. About: “Zachary Blair is an anthropologist, researcher, writer,  community organizer, academic, and mass violence victims advocate. He received his PhD in anthropology with a concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies from the University of Illinois at Chicago in December 2018. He has worked as a researcher, curriculum developer, university administrator, editor, visiting professor, and public health specialist. He also co-founded the nonprofit VictimsFirst, which helps victims directly and guides communities in their response to mass violence, including mass shootings.”


Keith Hart, who created the site ‘The Memory Bank’ and founded projects such as the Open Anthropology Cooperative, is now on substack here. Here’s a recent series of posts about Keith’s journey as an anthropologist and ‘trying to make a meaningful connection.’

Sara Kendzior is now on substack here. About: “I am the bestselling author of THE VIEW FROM FLYOVER COUNTRY (2018), HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT (2020), and THEY KNEW (2022). My next book, THE LAST AMERICAN ROAD TRIP, will come out in 2025. From 2018 until 2013, I was the co-host of Gaslit Nation, a weekly podcast which covers corruption in the United States and the rise of authoritarianism around the world. I live in St. Louis, Missouri.”

Platypus. Blog for CASTAC. About: “Platypus, the newly renamed CASTAC Blog, is a web log for discussion and exchange on anthropological studies of science and technology as social phenomena. It was originally launched in 2012 by Jenny Cool, Patricia G. Lange, and Jordan Kraemer, who are members of the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing. Platypus aims to promote dialogue on theories, tools, and social interactions that explore questions at the intersection of anthropology and science and technology studies. We seek to build a thriving discourse among a community of scholars concerned about the implications of techno-science, technologized products, and worldviews for human beings and other forms of life. Our approach is interdisciplinary and inclusive. We encourage both regular and occasional contributions from students, faculty, and researchers within and beyond academia.”

The Exchange. New site via the Society for Economic Anthropology. From the opening post: “Welcome to The Exchange, the short-form, Open Access subsidiary of the SEA’s journal, Economic Anthropology. Short-form means less than about 2000 words. Open Access means you don’t have to leap over paywalls to read what we post here. Subsidiary technically refers to being supplementary to and supposedly less important than something (in this case THE JOURNAL), but we will be disputing the ‘less important’ part in the strongest possible terms at our next shareholder’s meeting.”

*I’ll try to keep updating this part until the lights on this site (so to speak) are finally shut off. Please use the comments below to share sites and tell us where and what YOU are writing.


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