Jony Ive hires ex-Apple design lead for OpenAI project

one year ago 32

Departing Apple iPhone design head Tang Tan is to work for Jony Ive on designing new AI hardware devices for OpenAI.Jony IveIt was announced that Tang Tan would be leaving Apple in February 2024, but his duties have already...

Departing Apple iPhone design head Tang Tan is to work for Jony Ive on designing new AI hardware devices for OpenAI.

Jony Ive
Jony Ive

It was announced that Tang Tan would be leaving Apple in February 2024, but his duties have already been divided up and he is now reportedly joining Jony Ive's LoveFrom firm. He is to work specifically on LoveFrom's collaboration with OpenAI for a new AI hardware project.

According to Bloomberg, the veteran Apple designer will lead the project's hardware engineering. The publication says that projects currently being considered include devices for the home, though neither OpenAI nor LoveFrom would comment.

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