Sobekneferu, often overshadowed by her more famous successors, left an indelible mark as Egypt's first official female pharaoh. Rising to power during the declining years of the Middle Kingdom, she navigated a complex lineage to rule for a brief...
Sobekneferu, often overshadowed by her more famous successors, left an indelible mark as Egypt's first official female pharaoh. Rising to power during the declining years of the Middle Kingdom, she navigated a complex lineage to rule for a brief yet impactful period of under four years. Her ascent challenged traditional norms, as she claimed the throne through her lineage rather than marriage, defying the notion of ruling as a regent. Despite the brevity of her reign, Sobekneferu undertook ambitious building projects, displaying competence and leadership. She adorned herself in a unique blend of male and female regalia, a departure from the conventional portrayal of female pharaohs.