What to Do on the First Few Days of School?

10 months ago 30

Besides introducing yourself (and going over a syllabus if you teach at the secondary level), what else are you going to do on the first few days of school? Look no further! I am the queen at first day(s)...

Besides introducing yourself (and going over a syllabus if you teach at the secondary level), what else are you going to do on the first few days of school? Look no further! I am the queen at first day(s) activities. Feel free to use or edit any ideas you see below.

Finish the Drawing: Musical Chairs Edition



Instructions: Students are tasked with drawing a single line anywhere on their paper with a sharpie. This line can be long, short, wiggly, curly…the possibilities are endless. After the initial line is drawn, play music and instruct students to move/dance around the room. Once the music stops, they have to sit at the nearest drawing and continue adding to the initial line with a pencil. Give your kiddos about 2-3 minutes to add to the drawing. Repeat these steps as many times as you’d like. Have them eventually go back to their original seats to see how their line was transformed.

Most students took their drawings home but these were left behind.

The “Permanent Art” Game


Paper OR WhiteboardsMarker OR Expo MarkersNO ERASERS!

Instructions: This game can be played with markers and paper OR whiteboards and expo markers. If you decide to use whiteboards, be sure kids don’t cheat by wiping their mistakes away with their finger(s). I chose to use whiteboards to save paper (#SaveTheTrees). This game is inspired from a real game, Tattoo Stories. Give your students 3 VERY different prompts with varying difficulties. They have to try their best to create an image that incorporates all 3 prompts. They also only have 3 minutes to do so. If they cannot combine all 3 prompts, I encouraged them to at least combine 2. The trick is that they are not allowed to erase. This forces them to plan out their ideas and make purposeful marks. Yes they will complain about wanting to erase – you have been warned. Students were begging to do more prompts, it is quite an addictive game.

Their prompts for this drawing were: Octopus, melting and floral elements.

Get to Know You (Your Kids) Activity

As a student who grew up with social anxiety, speaking in front of the class was my literal nightmare. But this nightmare became a reality at the beginning of every school year. So I designed this activity, inspired from my child psychology professor, to have kids introduce themselves without having to talk. I suggest doing this activity outside to allow for maximum space.

Instructions: Have students stand in a big circle. Stand in the middle to explain the rules…which are the following. “I (the teacher) will read a prompt out loud. Each prompt comes with a movement. If the prompt applies to you, you will complete that movement. If the prompt does not apply to you, you will stay still. If you run out of space, reset yourself.”

Feel free to use these same prompts or draft your own. The prompt possibilities are endless!

Get Motivated to Draw!


Sticky notesYouTubePencil

Instructions: Have your students watch the following TED Talk video. They should be instructed to draw along with the presenter – have them draw on sticky notes to save paper. At the end, ask them to choose their favorite sketch to display in the hallway. I cannot tell you how impactful this activity was! I still have kids drawing these little characters and they draw them on everything!!

Click the following link to access the video: https://youtu.be/7TXEZ4tP06c

Other Ideas

Sticky note mural, students design a sticky note and place it in hallway.Scavenger hunt, have students navigate your room to find essential supplies they might need on a daily basis. This will allow your students to get familiar with your room set-up.Get to know you “coloring” sheet, you can find similar sheets on teacher pay teachers.Why is art important?, have students respond/write their response to why they think art is important on a note card. Place best answers in the room for others to see/read.Four corners, display 4 similar images up on the board/screen (example, Disney characters, foods, memes, etc.). Have the students move to that designated corner in the room that reflects them. Have them discuss with the other people in their corner, why they chose/relate to that image.This or That, split the room into 2 sides and have students move to their answer (example, rainy days or sunny days?).

There are SO many things you can do on the first few days of school but if you are stuck, hopefully these ideas will help you out. Have a GREAT school year! ?

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