Artistic Transformation Begins with Introspection

10 months ago 38

Most of the artists I know have big dreams for their art. Are you one of the many whose New Year's Resolution every year has something to do with transforming your art, or your art business? If so, make...

Most of the artists I know have big dreams for their art. Are you one of the many whose New Year's Resolution every year has something to do with transforming your art, or your art business? If so, make 2024 the year you make it happen by sitting down now for some quiet introspection, reflection, and conceptualization.

You may be thinking, I don’t have time to sit down quietly and simply think—I’m on an end-of-year, holiday-infused treadmill and I can’t stop moving until early January. I hear you, but trust me when I tell you that your dreams of transformation in the new year won’t happen unless you carve out some time for this step.

Try hopping into a bubble bath with a notepad, or take yourself on a coffee date. Get up an hour early one day, light a candle and brew a tea or coffee, and get your thoughts onto paper. Hide out in a corner of your local library or simply set a timer and go at it for a solid 30 minutes. Despite any resistance you may feel prior to starting, you’ll gain momentum in no time once you’re at it.

First, Do a Thorough Review of 2023

Before you go diving into your goals for 2024, make a long list of your 2023 accomplishments. Also list things that did not go well or that you planned to do but never got to. Gently ask yourself why these “failures” happened or why these goals were not accomplished. Write down what you can learn from them and what you plan to do differently going forward. Be as specific as possible! The goal is to take a long, honest, neutral (non-emotional and non-judgemental) look at what you did and didn’t do in 2023 and the results you got from that.

Next, Dream and Set Goals and Plans for 2024

You may want to do this step on a different day as your 2023 review, so that you don’t lose steam and so the results of your 2023 review have time to percolate in your mind. Think about what the top three major accomplishments you want to make in your art practice or art business in 2024. These can include things like:

Setting up or updating your artist website

Applying to a particular art fair or competition

Applying to a certain number of art open calls per month

Applying for an art residency

Taking an art class or workshop 

Signing up for one-on-one coaching from one of your favorite artists

Creating a new artist statement and/or bio

Applying to a publication opportunity

Releasing and selling a new series of work

Starting a new content channel, such as your own YouTub channel

Teaching an art class, in person or online

Once you have your top three goals, write down five to ten action steps under each one. For example, to apply to an art residency you’ll need to research the residencies that are the right fit for you, examine the application deadline schedules and requirements, take or gather photos of your artwork for the application, do the writing that is required (such as your project proposal, statement, and bio), seek out recommendations/references if they are required, etc. 

For each of these action steps, write a deadline for yourself on your 2024 calendar. Then add work time into your calendar for when you plan to do that work. Don’t just leave it on the calendar as a due date with no work sessions, or else it’s all too likely that the deadline will arrive and you’ll find yourself without enough time to do the work.

Get Excited for a Transformative and Creative 2024

This process will get you so excited for 2024 and set you up to transform your art, your art business, and your art career. Your goals are not only set, but you have a plan on the calendar to take you step by step towards these goals. Lastly, you may want to add some accountability with a friend or mentor. I love mentoring artists and helping them bring their artisting dreams to life!


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