Deep in the Woods

10 months ago 58

LIFE'S PROBLEMS When" Life" gets too much, an old saying is "I'm Deep in the Woods". Woods are usually dark, and can be lonely, even scary! To be lost in the woods is the stuff of fairytales. However, one...


When" Life" gets too much, an old saying is "I'm Deep in the Woods". Woods are usually dark, and can be lonely, even scary! To be lost in the woods is the stuff of fairytales. However, one can also be psychologically "Lost". When I feel like that, going outside, in Nature, can help a lot. Better still, getting outside in Nature with other people. I used to ski and that was wonderful but at a certain age, one might need to give that up. Lots of people play golf, but is a golf course really "Nature"? OK, How about Hiking or Biking? I don't know, but my sister broke her shoulder hiking and a friend broke his neck biking, so... I know! How about Plein air painting? OK, So you know where I am going with this. Another shameless plug for picking up Painting. However, You don't have to be great to have a good time and it's amazing how much seeing like an artist chases away the Blues.

In the painting above, I started with the darks and then looked for ways to lead the eye to the light. The "Light" is always there, but you have to look for it. Not unlike solving "Life's Problems".


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