The Value of Repetition

10 months ago 45

SAME PLACE, DIFFERENT PAINTINGS It's so great to live in a city with so many parks and places to get out in nature! I do love to travel, but one of my favorite places to plein air paint is...


It's so great to live in a city with so many parks and places to get out in nature! I do love to travel, but one of my favorite places to plein air paint is still The Glades at Memorial Park. Here are just a few paintings I have done standing in the same location at different times of the year. The most famous artist to repeat similar compositions day after day is Monet and his Haystacks. Also, the Cathedral at Rouen, Water Lilies, Mornings on the Seine, Waterloo Bridge, and Etretat Cliffs, etc. Did you know he did more than 90 paintings of Etretat's white cliffs? And that is not his most famous series! He said, "I'm never finished with my paintings; the further I get, the more I seek the Impossible and the more powerless I feel." Amen, Brother!

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