Turning 34, How to Get Over a Break Up and My Birthday Giveaway

10 months ago 29

Brace yourselves! This is going to be a long-ass post since my birthday is coming up and I seriously need to celebrate the fact that I made it this far. If you're not into boring personal shiz then you...

Brace yourselves! This is going to be a long-ass post since my birthday is coming up and I seriously need to celebrate the fact that I made it this far. If you're not into boring personal shiz then you can scroll down and read the part about how you can score 20k worth of fancy beauty loot ;) 

I'd always thought I'd be married by the time I hit my 30's, but life has a funny way of working out. This year has been one of the most difficult and amazing year as far as I can remember. My 13 year relationship ended and I had to figure out who I was again and the kind of life I wanted to live. I took a break from blogging because I needed to work on myself, my faith, my relationships and also do the things I've always wanted to do.

Here are some of the highlights of my year so far (this can also double as a guide on how to get over a break-up to be honest):

Spiritual Growth and fellowship

I seriously wouldn't have made it if it weren't for my relationship with Jesus and my support group from church. I experienced my first prayer and fasting week at the start of the year and it was so difficult but necessary since I was fresh from the breakup. It was such a difficult but enlightening experience that I decided to do it again mid-year.

I also attended a retreat for holy week this year and got baptized. 

Met a lot of great people from that retreat :) 

Another awesome highlight was attending a Hillsong United Concert with my church d-groupmates. Hearing "Oceans" and the rest of their songs live was such an amazing experience.

It has been such a humbling experience so far. I am far from perfect and being Christ-like but I know I have the grace to always turn to him whenever I fall short. 

I got into fitness

Nothing compels you to move your ass more than heartache, that and coupled with the sad reality that you have nothing better to do than mope around at night while everyone is out and you don't have any plans. I started small and did no more than 15 minutes of cardio per day and progressed. I like to change it up a lot so it doesn't get boring. Now I am more focused towards building more muscle and gaining strength. The thing about exercising regularly is that you get so much out of it- better health, sleep, confidence, endorphins and rocking a pretty good body doesn't hurt one bit also ;)

Volunteer Work

Probably one of the best decisions I've ever made this year was to volunteer for Kythe. Doing something good for others especially for these kids is so rewarding. I feel guilty sometimes because I feel like I get more out of it than they do. Hanging with fellow volunteers and like-minded people also is such a positive and enriching experience. 

Trapeze Classes

I am deathly afraid of heights and I wanted to go big or go home so I decided to conquer it by signing up for Trapeze classes. It has taught me a lot about how to deal with fear. Yes I am still afraid of heights I think and I am still afraid of a lot of other things but that won't stop me from living my life to the fullest.

Went to Japan with my Family

When I started this blog, I was heavily into Japanese fashion and makeup- some of you might not know I went through a Gyaru and Neogal phase so it was pretty cool to finally go here and pay homage to Shibuya 109 :)))

Started Dating

It took me awhile to start seeing other people again because I wanted to make sure my heart was in the right place and that I had fully healed from heartbreak. Lucky for me I only had really one horrible date (ranted about him in my IG stories before) and the rest were pretty great guys. It helps a lot when you know what you want, you set a standard and stick to it. I met someone fairly recently and we really hit it off. It's been going pretty well so far. 

Went to the beach, rode on the back of a motorbike and tried diving for the very first time

I've always been deathly afraid of motorbikes and when my guy rented one so we can go around the island faster, I was pretty freaked out. Somewhere along the way I learned to let go and just enjoy the whole thing. I guess this year has been all about letting go of my fears, trying out new things and just enjoying the present. 

I also tried diving for the very first time and it was so much fun! So grateful I said yes and tried it!

Reconnected with old friends and formed solid new friendships

I am so happy I got to touch base with old friends and bonded with new ones. Being single afforded me the freedom and time to just enjoy being on my own and expand my circle of friends. Shout out to my SC quad squad- She, Chris and Christina! <3 Thank you so much for your love, support and friendship.

For anybody going through a break up or thinking about ending things with somebody. I am sending you my love <3 Always remember that it gets better, you are strong enough and you can get through this! Music has a way of helping you deal with some stuff you can't express. Here's my playlist

I really enjoy writing more personal stuff like this and I hope you do too. I am so grateful for my friends and readers who have stuck with me all these years. As my way of giving thanks. I am throwing a Birthday Giveaway where you get the chance to win up to Php 20,000 worth of beauty loot. Giveaway is open internationally :) Please follow my Instagram check out the mechanics on how you can win this loot there ;) 

 Thank you and take care! xx

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