STOP wasting time, find an expert to do your assignments NOW

10 months ago 40

Are you still doing your college assignments in 2023? If yes, you are making a big mistake. We will tell you why finding someone else to write your assignments could be the smartest decision you will ever make.  ...

Are you still doing your college assignments in 2023? If yes, you are making a big mistake. We will tell you why finding someone else to write your assignments could be the smartest decision you will ever make.


At, we help thousands of students every year with their essays, coursework, assignments, and online quizzes. Get in touch with us via WhatsApp (+65 8115 0113) or Zalo to know more about our professional assignment writing service.


We know essays and assignments are inseparable parts of a college student’s life. College professors love giving assignments, and students absolutely hate them. You are not alone if you are looking to find someone to write your assignments for you. In fact, you would be unwise if you do not consider it at all. More than 60% college students throughout Singapore and Australia find someone else to do their assignments. If they manage to find a professional assignment writing service, they can make their lives much easier and move ahead of their peers in this competitive world.


Read on: Why should you choose to do your college assignments?

Why assignments are a big waste of YOUR time?

First things first. Assignments are a BIG WASTE of time. They do not teach you any useful skill that will help your future career. Even your college professors know this but do not tell you so. Do not believe me? Look at these PhD theses of students from a renowned university in Canada that they spent years to research and write.




The moment your assignments are submitted and graded, they are sent to trash can or trash folder to make space for new assignments. If you ever thought that your assignments are going to drive innovation or even a minuscule change in the academic world, you should abandon these thoughts right now. No one cares about your assignments and you should not too. Find a reliable writer to do them for you and spend your time wisely to learn some useful skills.


The question is: Does assignment writing even teach you any useful skill? Absolutely none if you ask us. Once you enter the corporate world, you are not going to spend countless hours going through journal articles that no one else reads. Also, you are not going to draft meticulously formatted and properly referenced papers either. There are generative AI tools to do that instead. However, if you plan to use these tools to do your college assignments, you will be shooting yourself in the feet. Take help of a reliable assignment writing service like and get complete peace of mind. WhatsApp (+65 8115 0113) to know more about our assignment or quiz help services.

Read on: Why AI still cannot write your college assignments?


How to use utilise your time effective in college?


As a student in your 20s or 30s, you are still learning skills that will shape your future. At this time, your focus should be on building life long skills that will form the foundation of your career. You have limited time and will have numerous options on how to spend that time. You can choose to learn a new language (or any skill), work on your communication skills, or travel the world. Or you can choose to party, go on dates, or spend time on social media (Instagram or YouTube).


Irrespective of what you choose, doing your assignments should be the LAST thing in your priorities. As per surveys, students spend almost 20 hours a week doing college coursework. That is almost 3,000 hours wasted doing useless assignments in a three-year course and more than 4,000 hours wasted in a four-year course. Experts agree that one needs to practice 10,000 hours to perfect a skill. If you spend these hours on a new skill that is useful instead, you will be almost halfway there towards building a successful career ahead.


Learn a new skill

As a student, you should research for skills that will give you a lead in your chosen field. It could be learning a new language (perhaps it is time to work on your English communication skills), a new technology (the future lies in machine learning and artificial intelligence), or even pursuing a sport (maybe you want to get into your university football team). These are highly desirable skills that will make you highly ‘employable’ in the future. Employers greatly respect students who have a diversified resume than mere academic skills. So, if you are an international student on a student visa and you desperately want that dream job after you graduate, find a reliable assignment writing service right (WhatsApp +65 8115 0113) now. This move will unburden you from writing futile college assignments.


Do a part-time job or start a new venture

Most countries allow international students to work part-time when they are on their student visa pursuing a course. For example, Singapore allows international students to work up to 16 hours per week, while Australia allows students to work up to 45 hours a fortnight, when their courses are in session. When they have their vacations, they can work even full-time. Make effective use of this time to find a part-time job or internship that will teach you useful work-skills that will prepare you for your future corporate life in your chosen field.

Even if you choose to work as a wait staff at a local restaurant or an Uber/Grab driver, it will still give you opportunity to practice your English communication skills and build your network. Further, the part-time income will go a long way in reducing your student loan burden and supporting your stay in these countries. You will gain a lot of self-confidence when you start to financially support yourself in a foreign country.

If you have a vision and the drive, you can also choose to start a new venture. Remember that most modern entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs started their ventures when they were still in college. This is the best time for you to do something you absolutely love so that you end up creating jobs for others rather than seek one for yourself.  

Do not let college assignments constrain you from working part-time to the extent you are legally allowed. Some students are afraid that they might lag or worse, fail their courses if they do not complete their assignments on time.’s assignment assistance service (WhatsApp +65 8115 0113) can help students keep up with their coursework requirements while they gain useful real-life skills.


Travel the world

When you are on a student visa, it is one of the best times to explore the world. In your 20s or 30s, you are physically fit to do adventurous activities like hiking or rafting, which might not be the case once you are in your 40s. You can explore neighbouring countries on a tight budget using public transportation or couch surfing, which might not be possible when you are travelling with families.

Do not let useless assignments on coursework hog your valuable time and use it to explore the world, experience new cultures, and meet new people. You will thank yourself later as you will always take these experiences with you.

Leave your assignment worries to’s professional assignment writing service (WhatsApp +65 8115 0113) and choose to travel the world instead.


Go on dates

Yes, we are not kidding! Going on dates and meeting new people is still a better use of your time than writing assignments. When you go on dates, you practice your interpersonal communication skills that are invaluable in the corporate world. You learn how to talk or message someone without hurting their feelings, which is what you must do in your career as well. You explore your feelings and may find a stable partner who will act as a rock throughout your career. Many famous entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg found their life partners in college and they ended up finding the right balance between their work and personal lives. So, if you are ever in doubt whether you should do your assignment or go on a date with your crush, do not hesitate.

Contact us right away via WhatsApp (+65 8115 0113) and we will take care of your assignment worries.  


Spend time on social media

We are not asking you to waste time browsing useless stuff on social media. Instead, we are asking you to take inspiration so that you can become content creators instead. Many social media influencers have confessed that they took help of assignment writing services when they were starting out. This allowed them the time to learn the ropes of the trade and create quality content. The money that these Instagram/YouTube influencers make now can put any graduate to shame. It did not happen by chance though. They spent time and effort learning the trade, perfected it through trial and error, and ultimately found their audience. If you believe you can become an Instagram influencer too, the right time to start doing it is now. If assignments are creating hindrance, contact us (WhatsApp +65 8115 0113) to get professional assignments help from our writers.



Last, but not the least. It is still better to spend your time partying than to do college assignments. When you party in your 20s, you get to explore the fun side of you. Do not understand the importance of partying while young. You may not get this time again so why not live life to the fullest right now. Who knows, you might end up with a hot date or even find an investor for your business idea. If nothing else, you will still learn to let your hair loose, meet new people, and have a good time. Once you are in your 50s and reflect at your life, these are the moments you will cherish and not the time you spent on doing worthless assignments.


Avoid future regrets by choosing a dependable assignment writing service to support your dreams now (WhatsApp +65 8115 0113).


How to find a reliable assignment writing service?

Having made our point, there is still the challenge of finding a reliable assignment writing service. There are many scam websites and incompetent writers that might try to persuade you. However, if you are prudent and choose wisely, you may end up making the best investment decision ever. Here are some useful tips to help you choose the right assignment writing service:

Choose an assignment help service that does not charge very low: The first rule of thumb is that incompetent writers and websites charge very low prices, sometimes as low as $5-$10 a page. If you find a website that charges too low and still promises a lot, run away from them. charges a competitive price so that they can hire good quality writers. Choose an assignment service that does not overpromise: Many scam websites promise the moon such as guaranteed A+ grades, writers from Harvard/Oxford University, etc. At, we do not make such tall and unrealistic claims anywhere on our website. We only promise what we can deliver. Still, most of our assignments end up securing a high grade (70%+). Choose an essay writing website that understands your requirements: Many assignment writing services are so desperate to accept your assignments that they offer automated quotes on their websites and accept payment without even reviewing your requirements. This lures gullible students into believing that they can meet your requirements and they end up receiving worthless work. At, one of our editors reviews your assignment requirements thoroughly before we give you a quote and accept the work order. If we believe that your requirements lie outside our expertise, we politely decline the request. We want to be honest with our clients and that is a reason why almost 80% of our clients come back to place a repeat order. Choose an assignment help service that offers part-payment options: Unlike scam websites, we do not insist on full payment before starting the work. Once you have made the full payment, you are at the mercy of the whims of these scam websites. We always suggest our clients to make only 50% advance payment and the rest upon completion so that they have a chance to review the work before making full payment.

If you want to outsource your college assignments, presentations, or even quizzes, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via WhatsApp (+65 8115 0113) or Zalo. We will be more than happy to assist you.

The post STOP wasting time, find an expert to do your assignments NOW appeared first on My Assignment Expert.

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